Windows Update gets the system update, just like this

xiaoxiao2021-03-06  91

Windows Update is an important component of Microsoft to protect system security, improve Windows performance, and has already entered its V5 version. Through it, we can not only improve the system features and performance component service packs (such as current popular Windows XP Service Pack 2), but also get the latest security vulnerabilities, of course, you can also get the latest hardware drivers. However, many friends will know how little skills for Windows Update in addition to simply use Windows Update online update. To this end, I summed up some experience and skills in the process of use, share with you. First, understand some of the related knowledge points of the patch first let us know some of the necessary patch knowledge points, these knowledge points you may not know, understand them help you understand Windows Update more thoroughly: 1. Don't forget In addition to the Windows system, Microsoft's other software will also publish HotFix, such as Office, etc., you can see when you visit the Windows Update home page. 2. Every Microsoft has released a safety announcement, it will give this security announcement to this safety announcement, the format is unified to ms ** - ***, such as MS04-071, where MS represents Microsoft, 04 represents 2004, 071 represents the 71th security announcement, and the corresponding release of HotFix is ​​naming with q ******* or kb ****** (where q ***** is a more early patch name Ways, KB ****** is a new naming mode). 3.hotfix naming rules are: q ****** _ xxx_yy_zzz_nnn. Among them, ****** is the KB number, through which you can go to Microsoft search for knowledge and fault resolution of this patch, address: Kbid = *****; XXX represents the operating system. If Windows XP is WXP; YY represents the SP version number, such as SP2; ZZZ represents model, such as x86; NnN represents language, if it is Chinese patch, CHS. 4.SP means service pack, for the service pack of the Windows system, there is "superimposed effect", the so-called "superimposed effect" is if you want to install SP2, whether you install SP1 in your system, install SP2 The following effect is the same, that is, you don't need to install SP1 first, but directly SP2. Other products, otherwise, you must install SP2 and SP1 at the same time to install the previous patch security installation, this is especially paying attention to. Second, see which updates have been installed in your system Let's take a look at your own system already installed those HotFix and Service Pack patches. For the service pack version of the view is very simple, just press the WIN PAUSE BREAK hotkey to open the system properties window. For HotFix, we can open the "Add / Remove Programs" component of the control panel. But here does not necessarily include all installed patches, in order to more accurately understand, we can run the "regedit" command to open the registry editor, locate the "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE / SOFTWARE / Microsoft / Windows NT / CurrentVersion / HotFix" branch Here you will see a lot of KB ***** named.

In addition, we have two ways to view: one is to access the Windows Update site, click "View Install History" in the navigation bar; its II for Windows XP and Windows Server 2003 users can run in the command line window "SystemInfo> Hotfix.txt" method generates a record file --hotfix.txt. Third, download the patch to the hard disk through Microsoft's Windows Update webpage, we can download, install patches online, but this at least two drawbacks: one, after each reinstall system, we have to update it again, to endure very long time Download the installation process, and these operations are repeated and troublesome; second, for some abnormal activated Windows systems, online upgrades to install the patch is likely to install interrupt or installation failure, let you no Return. To this end, I recommend you to download the patch to non-system disks, and you only need to implement installation very simple in the future. Method 1: Download the "Start → Windows Update" to the Microsoft's Windows Update site via the Windows directory, or enter http://v5.WindowsUpdate.microsof ... Fault.aspx? Ln = zh directly in the IE browser CN Access. For Windows 2000 users, click the "Windows Update Directory" link directly on the left navigation bar. For Windows XP users, first click on the Administrator Options link, and click the "Windows Update Directory" link in the open page. At this time, if you use the Windows Update directory for the first time, the system will require you to install a ActiveX plugin named "Windows Update", of course, click "Yes" installation. After installation, click on "Find the Microsoft Windows Operating System" link and select your operating system in the open page, pay attention to the SP version, such as your system is Windows 2000 SP4, then choose Windows 2000 Professional SP4, I use Windows XP SP1, and don't forget to select the language. Next, click "Advanced Search Options". Generally, we don't need to install "Multi-Language Function", "Other Windows Download". Cancel to check them. Finally click "Search". Everyone can see the search results, including "Important Update", "Recommended Update", "Advanced Security Update", "Internet and Multimedia Updates", let's first "Important Update" link, you can see all results , Point you think the "Add" button next to the patch you need to install. After all patchs are added, click "Go to Download Basket", then click "Browse" to select a save directory, click "Download Now" to start the patch download. At this time, a "protocol terms" will be popped up, and "accept" will start downloading. After the download is complete, you will see a lot of folders in the D: / HotFix directory, we need the patch files in the EXE format, put them one copy into D: / Hotfix, save it.

Method 2: Download the way to download above with Windows Update is more troublesome, but the customization is very strong, we can also download through the Windows Update update, but the method is a bit special: first install a regular method online download, wait for the installation 10 million Don't restart your computer, this time you come to your hard disk's largest disk partition, you will see a folder named "wutemp", which is just installed, copy them and then restart computer. Why can't you restart at this time? Because after restarting, the system will automatically delete the folder, you will find that it has disappeared without trace. IV. Teaching you the patch to install the download. We have already loaded the patch to the hard drive. If a click is too trouble, and it is installed to restart the computer is too low, and it will start mass installation. First, download a small software named QChain from, this stuff is Microsoft specially released tools to batch to install patch, put it D: / hotfix directory, let's write a relatively simple batch file: @echo off setlocal set athtofixes = d: / hotfix% ATHTOFIXES% / *****. EXE -Z -Q% ATHTOFIXES% / *****. EXE -Z -Q% ATHTOFIXES% / *****. EXE -Z -Q% ATHTOFIXES% / qchain.exe in which *****. EXE represents the file name of the patch, generally these files The name is longer, you can modify the name. We save this batch file in the D: / Hotfix directory, run it, OK, just restart a computer. For use of this QChain.exe tool, you can refer to a Microsoft's Knowledge Base document: Scid = KB; EN-US; 296861, here is described in detail. 5. I will update the patch to the door. You will feel strange. It will feel weird. It is very important for the security of users. Why do you want to introduce this "Do not install patch" method? Sometimes we have unexpected problems after installing a patch (last year, there is a bug that appears after the installation patch and the mouse driver is not compatible. Of course this is a few cases). How to resist it? First we get this patch's KB number from the automatic windows update window, such as KB123456, next to us open the registry editor, locate "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE / SOFTWARE / Microsoft / Windows NT / CurrentVersion / HotFix "Branch, build a subkey called" KB123456 ", and then create a new REG_DWORD value named" installed "in the right window, set its value to" 1 ". The purpose of this is to let Windows feel that you have installed this patch, you will not let you install it. Of course, but you have to install this patch, then remove this KB123456 key.

Now SP2 has been released in Windows Update, many friends have heard that SP2 may make your BT download slow or so, ok, if you don't want to update, then you will kill it! 1. For general users: Find "HKLM / Software / POLICIES / Microsoft / Windows / WindowsUpdate" in the Registry Editor, create a "donotallowxpsp2" REG_DWORD value in the right window, and set its value to "1". If you have regretted a day, then you will do this, or set it to "0". 2. For users of the LAN: Users in the local area network can also use this trick, but if the machine is too much, if I want to manage dozens of machines, if a one modified registry, the work is a bit Big. So I seized in Microsoft's homepage. It turned out that it has provided us with a very simple batch code. Everyone saved as a CMD format, the code is as follows: @echo offif "% 1" == "" goto usageif " % 1 "==" /? "goto Usageset REGBlockKey = HKLM / Software / Policies / Microsoft / Windows / WindowsUpdateset REGBlockValue = DoNotAllowXPSP2set RemoteMachine =% 1if / I" / B "=="% 2 "goto Blockif / I" / U "=="% 2 "goto UnBlockgoto Usage: BlockREG ADD //% RemoteMachine% /% REGBlockKey% / v% REGBlockValue% / t REG_DWORD / d 1goto End: UnBlockREG DELETE //% RemoteMachine% /% REGBlockKey% / v% REGBlockValue % / fgo end: usage ..: End (Extract from Microsoft Publishing software, there is a small amount) to enter the directory where the CMD file is located in the command line window, run "* .cmd computer name / b", The computer name is of course the name of your LAN machine. If one day regrets, run "* .cmd computer name / u" to undo. 6. The update plan for education network users says that if you download update Hotfix from Microsoft's server Wanshui Qianshan, and the speed is not general slow. Fortunately, many universities in China provide Microsoft Windows Update services to Microsoft Windows Update services, can be updated synchronously, and they are mostly open to users outside. If you are in education network, please continue to look down, we use the automatic update service of Xi'an Jiaotong University to introduce how to use, the use of other universities is similar, and you can see the help. First open, it does not support Windows 98 below the operating system, if your operating system is Windows 2000 / Windows 2000 SP1, then first from MSI download Install a client program, if it is Windows 2000 SP2, Windows XP SP1, Windows Server 2003, no installation.


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