CE 9 supports those platforms? - Crystal Enterprise

xiaoxiao2021-03-06  90

The knowledge in the article is for: Crystal Enterprise 9 Suitable for: Online Mounting / Configuration only for reported versions


Crystal Enterprise (CE) 9 supports those platforms?


This document lists the platforms used in CE 9 installation and software testing. The following environmental list includes only the environment that explicitly supports all CE 9 components.

This article is based on Platforms.txt of the Crystal Enterprise 9 Installation Disk (CD) root. However, this article updated on the initial version of Platforms.txt.

This article does not include knowledge about space requirements or hardware requirements. Space requirements are specific in every CE implementation and cannot be summarized in an article.

===================== Crystal enterprise 9 support platform =============================================================================================================================================================================================================================================

==== Directory ====

1. Operating System 2. Server Disk Space Requirements 3. Web Server / Web Connector, divided according to operating system 4. Java application server, divided according to operating system 5. Web browser 6. APS Database 7. LDAP server 8. Firewall 9. Database 10. Application Development 11. Wireless device 12. Unpredictable platform 13. Future platform

=========== 1. Operating system ============

Crystal Enterprise Server Components ----------------- Microsoft Windows 2003 * Microsoft Windows 2000 SP3, Server Edition Microsoft Windows NT4 Server SP6A Microsoft Windows 2000 SP3, Advanced Server Edition Microsoft Windows 2000 SP3 , Data center version

Note: In the non-production environments, Microsoft Windows XP is only supported by server components.

* The CE 9 containing MSDE 1.0 cannot be supported by Microsoft Windows 2003. To learn more about Microsoft Support Policy, visit http://support.microsoft.com and search for knowledge base articles 810391.

To learn more about the CE components on the Windows 2003 platform, visit http://support.crystaldecisions.com/search and search for C2013125 in the Knowledge Base.

Crystal Enterprise Client Components ------------------ Microsoft Windows 2003 Microsoft Windows XP Professional Microsoft Windows 98 Second Edition Microsoft Windows Me Microsoft Windows 2000 SP3, Professional Edition Microsoft Windows NT4, MICROFT Workstation SP6A Microsoft Windows NT4 Server SP6A Microsoft Windows 2000 SP3, Server Edition Microsoft Windows 2000 SP3, Advanced Server Edition Microsoft Windows 2000 SP3, Data Center version Mac OS 9 and 10.1.5 (web browser only)

======================= 2. Server disk space requirements ========================================================================================================================================= === Here is the probably disk space requirements of the crystal enterprise 9:

Automated Process Scheduler 227 MB Web Component Server 104 MB Page Server 106 MB Task Server (Job Server) 114 MB Report Application Server (REPORT Application Server) 139 MB Cache Server ( Cache Server 106 MB Enter File Warehouse Server (Input File Repository Server) 57 MB Output File Repository Server 57 MB Event Server (Event Server) 58 MB

====================================================3. Web server / web connection , Division according to the operating system ===========================================

Windows 2003 Server -------------------

IIS 6, included in Windows 2003 Server, cannot be supported by CE 9. Although Windows 2003 Server can be supported as an operating system by CE components, it cannot be used as a web server.

W2K server ---------- Microsoft IIS5 / ISAPI Microsoft IIS5 / CGI IPlanet 6.0 SP3 / NSAPI IPLANET 6.0 SP3 / CGI IPlanet 4.1 SP10 / NSAPI IPlanet 4.1 SP10 / CGI Domino 5.0.8 / DSAPI Domino 5.0.8 / CGI IBM HTTP / CGI

NT4 server ---------- Microsoft IIS4 / ISAPI Microsoft IIS4 / CGI IPlanet 6.0 SP3 / NSAPI IPLANET 6.0 SP3 / CGI IPlanet 4.1 SP10 / NSAPI IPlanet 4.1 SP10 / CGI Domino 5.0.8 / DSAPI Domino 5.0.8 / Cgi

Solaris 8 --------- iplanet 6.0 SP3 / NSAPI IPlanet 6.0 SP3 / CGI IPlanet 4.1 SP10 / NSAPI IPlanet 4.1 SP10 / CGI Domino 5.0.8 / CGI Apache 1.3.26 / asapi apache 1.3.26 / cgisolaris 7 --------- iplanet 6.0 SP3 / NSAPI IPlanet 6.0 SP3 / CGI IPlanet 4.1 SP10 / NSAPI IPLANET 4.1 SP10 / CGI Domino 5.0.8 / CGI Apache 1.3.26 / asapi apache 1.3.26 / cgi

AIX 4.3.3 --------- Domino 5.0.8 / cgi apache 1.3.26 / asapi apache 1.3.26 / cgi IBM http IBM http

AIX 5.1 ------- Domino 5.0.8 / cgi apache 1.3.26 / asapi apache 1.3.26 / cgi IBM http / asapi IBM http / cgi

================================================= 4. Java application server, according to the operating system Division ==========================================

W2K server --------- IBM Web Sphere 4.03 Bea Web Logic 7 SP1 BEA Web Logic 6.1 SP3 Tomcat 4.1.12 *

NT4 server IBM Web Sphere 4.03 Bea Web Logic 7 SP1 BEA Web Logic 6.1 SP3 Tomcat 4.1.12 *

Solaris 7/8 IBM Web Sphere 4.03 Bea Web Logic 7 SP1 BEA Web Logic 6.1 SP3 Tomcat 4.1.12 *

AIX 5.1 / 4.3.3 IBM Web Sphere 4.03 Bea Web Logic 7 SP1 BEA Web Logic 6.1 SP3 Tomcat 4.1.12 *

* To configure Tomcat 4.1.x, refer to Knowledge Base Article C2012965.

============= 5. web browser ==============

Microsoft Internet Explorer 6.0 (Windows) Microsoft Internet Explorer 5.5 SP2 (Windows) Netscape 6.2.3 (Windows) Microsoft IE 5.0 on OS9 or OS X'S Classic Mode (Macintosh) Report Viewer Support ----------- ---

IE 5.5 & 6 (Windows)

DHTML Viewer Active X Viewer Interactive DHTML Viewer ActiveX Viewer Java Plug-in Viewer

NS 6.2 (Windows)

DHTML Viewer Interactive DHTML Viewer Java Viewer Java Plug-In Viewer Navigator Plug-in Viewer

IE 5.0 (Macintosh)

DHTML viewer

============= 6. APS database ==============

Microsoft SQL Server 7 SP4 (ODBC) Microsoft SQL Server 2000 SP2 (ODBC) Microsoft SQL Server 2000 SP3 (ODBC) Microsoft MSDE (ODBC) Oracle 9i (Native) Oracle 8i (8.1.7) (Native) IBM DB2 UDB 8.1 (Native IBM DB2 UDB 7.2 (Native) Sybase Adaptive Server 12.5 (ODBC and Native) Informix Dynamic Server 2000 V 9.21 (ODBC)

=============== 7. LDAP server ==============

IPlanet Directory Server 4.13 Iplanet Directory Server 5.1 SP1 Novell NDS Edirectory 8.6.2 Lotus Domino Domino 5.0.8 IBM Secureway Directory 3.2.1

============ 8. Firewall =============

Checkpoint FireWall-1 4.1 Microsoft Isa Server NEC EBORDER 1.2

=================== 9. The database used for the report =====================================================================================================================================================================================================================

Database client ------------ Microsoft SQL Server 2000 SP2 Microsoft SQL Server 2000 SP3 Microsoft SQL Server 7 SP4 Oracle 9i Oracle 8i (8.1.7) IBM DB2 8.1 IBM DB2 7.2 IBM DB2 6.1 IBM DB2 On OS390 Sybase 12.5 Sybase 12.0 Informix 2000 V9.21 Lotus Domino 5.0.8 Lotus Notes 4.6 Note: ODBC connectivity is provided via Data Direct ODBC 4.1.

Database Server ------------ Microsoft SQL Server 7 SP4 Microsoft SQL Server 2000 SP2 Oracle 9i Oracle 8i (8.1.7) IBM DB2 UDB 7.2 IBM DB2 UDB 6.1 Sybase Adaptive Server 12.5 Sybase Adaptive Server 12.0 Informix Dynamic Server 2000 V 9.21 Lotus Domino 5.0.8 Lotus Notes 4.6

OLAP data source ----------- Microsoft SQL Server 7 SP4 OLAP Services Microsoft SQL Server 2000 SP2 Analysis Services EssBase 5.0.2 Patch 13A EssBase 6.1 Patch 2 DB2 OLAP 1.1 DB2 OLAP 7.1 (for EssBase customers only) End) HOLOS 8.0 Holos 8.5 HDC File SAP BW 2.0B / Oracle Server 8.0.5 Back end SAP BW 3.0 / Microsoft SQL Server 2000 backend

Other data sources ---------- Microsoft Access 2000 (only for odbc generation reports) Microsoft Exchange Server 5.5 Microsoft IIS 5.0 Microsoft IIS 4.0 Iplanet Enterprise Server 6.0 Iplanet Enterprise Server 4.1 SP7

================= 10. Application development =================

CSP and ECMAScript in VBScriptcsp and ASP in ASP run in JSPASP.NET in Java application servers

============ 11. Wireless devices =============

RIM BlackBerry 957, 850, and GO.WEB wireless browser Nokia 8390 WAP Phone, and OpenWave mobile browser 4.1 Motorola Timeport 280 WAP Phone, and OpenWave mobile browser 4.1 IPAQ H3850 Pocket PC 2002 and Pocket IE Imode Phone

Note: The above device only supports English. To understand the support for other languages ​​and devices, please refer to the technical support site.

========================= 12. The platform that does not participate is ================================================================================================================================================================ ====== In order to maintain consistent with Microsoft's currently announced support plan, the following platforms will not be supported in subsequent versions of crystal enterprises:

Microsoft Windows 98 Microsoft Windows ME Microsoft Windows NT4

==================== 13. Future platform ====================

Crystal Enterprise 9 has been tested on the candidate version of the .NET server; however, until the .NET server finally released, the operating system is still not supported in the production environment, while Crystal Decisions will provide support statements. This will apply to clients, servers, and web server support.

To learn more about how to prepare and install CE before installing, participate in Crystal 9.0 - Management Training Course. To learn more, please visit: http://www.crystaldecisions.com/services/training/course/default.asp


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