Problem: The character set of the original database is UTF8 but the application uses American_america.We8iso8859p1 character set when the database is operated, so when the database is doing report statistics, the result is garbled (because the report statistics, the client character set UTF8) In order to solve this problem, do the following operational database client character set: American_america.we8iso8859p1 Original database server-side character set: NLS_CharacTerSet UTF8 NLS_NCHAR_CHARACTERSET UTF8 target database client character set: American_america.utf8 target database server side character set: American_america.utf8 Steps: 1. Set the client character set to American_america.we8iso8859p1 2. Use PLSQL Devloper to convert the database data into * .pde format file - PDE format file is a PLSQL Devloper custom format 3. Modify The client character set is american_america.utf8 4. Re-login PLSQL Devloper uses the export table function in the Tool menu to import the exported * .pde format file into the target database 5. This has completed the conversion of garbled data, but this conversion only The statistical analysis is now re-analyzed, and there is no problem with the statistical results show that this function is a feature provided by PLSQL Devloper.