Introduction to Database (DB) in PHP PEAR

xiaoxiao2021-03-06  87

DSN connection method

DB currently supports the connection method as follows

The most complete format:

PHPTYPE (dbsyntax): // username: Password @ protocol hostspec / database? Option = Value

There are also some abbreviated formats.

PHPTYPE: // Username: Password @ protocol hostspec: 110 // USR / dB_FILE.DB

PHPTYPE: // UserName: Password @ hostspec / database

phpoType: // username: Password @ hostspec

phpoType: // username @ hostspec

PHPTYPE: // Hostspec / Database

PHPTYPE: // HostSpec

PHPTYPE: /// Database

PHPTYPE: / / / DATABASE? OPTION = Value & AnotherOption = AnotherValue


phpoType, phctype indicates the database type, and the options available are:


FBSQL -> FrontBase

Ibase -> Interbase

IFX -> Informix

MSQL -> Mini SQL

MSSQL -> Microsoft SQL Server

MySQL -> mysql (for mysql <= 4.0)

MySQLI -> MySQL (for mysql> = 4.1) (Since DB 1.6.3)

OCI8-> Oracle 7/8/9

ODBC -> ODBC (Open Database Connectivity)

Pgsql -> PostgreSQL

SQLITE -> SQLITESYBASE -> Sybase The following is some common connection examples:

l Connect to a database of non-standard ports

PGSQL: // User: Pass @ TCP (Localhost: 5555) / PEAR

l Connect to the database via Socket

MySQL: // user @ UNIX (/ Path / TO / Socket) / PEAR

l On the Unix machine, connect the SQLite database

SQLITE: FULL / UNIX / PATH / TO / FILE.DB? Mode = 0666

l On the Windows machine, connect the SQLite database

SQLite: /// c: /full/windows/path/to/file.db? mode = 0666

l Use SSL to connect to mysqli

MySQLI: // User: Pass @ localhost / pear? key = client-key.pem & cert = client-cert.pem

l Connect to an Access database via ODBC

ODBC (Access): // username: Password @ / DataSourceName DB Connection Instance 'pgsql', 'username' => 'someuser', 'password' => 'apasswd', 'HostSpec' => 'localhost', 'Database' => 'THEDB ', * / / / $ OPTIONS is an optional $ options = array (' debug '=> 2,' Portability '=> db_portability_all,); $ db = & db :: Connect ($ DSN, $ OPTIONS) ; if (DB :: ISERROR ($ dB)) {DIE ($ db-> getMessage ());} // Setting the default query method of the database $ dB-> setfetchmode (db_fetchmode_assoc); // Perform a normal query statement $ RES = & $ db-> query ('select * from products'); // get the result of a SQL query, column number printf ("a total of% D line,% D column data", $ r-> nuMrows (), $ res-> Numcols ()); // The structure information of the current table ECHO ("

"); Print_R ($ db-> TableInfo ($ R)); ECHO ("") ; // Execute a query with parameters $ sql = 'SELECT *WHOM PRODS WHERE PRODUCTS_ID  Query ($ SQL, $ DATA); // Perform more Parameters $ sql = 'SELECT * FROM PRODUCTS WHERE PRODUCTS_VOLT ?'; $ Data = array (1 0, 4000); $ RES = & $ db-> query ($ SQL, $ DATA); // Remember to have an error if you want to check the execution of the error if (DB :: ISERROR ($ RES)) {Die ($ RES) -> getMessage ());} // Press the default mode DB_FETCHMODE_ORDERED, loop display, output, and output, in this way, can only access data fields in a serial number ($ ROW = & $ RES-> FetChrow ()) {Echo $ ROW [0]. "

Fetchrow (DB_FETCHMODE_ASSOC) {Echo $ ROW ['ID']. "/ n";} // Get the specified range of row data $ from = 50; $ RESPAGE = 10; $ to = $ from $ RESPAGE; FOREACH ( Range ($ from, $ to) AS $ ROWNUM) {if (! $ row = & $ r) {botchrow ($ fetchmode, $ rownum) {breaf;} echo $ row [0]. "/ n"; / / Release Resource $ RES-> Free (); // You can get the result set of the entire query $ Result = $ db-> getAll ("Select * from tablename"); // Get update / insert / DELETE and other statements, the number of rows affected $ dB-> query ('delete * from clients'); Echo 'i Have deleted'. $ Db-> affectedRows (). 'Clients'; // Close Database Connection $ DB- > disconnect ();?> Prepare / Execute Use detailed explanation to execute a set of queries, only some parameters are different in INSERT INTO TLE_NAME (Col1, Col2) VALUES ('VAL1', VAL2); Insert Into TLE_NAME (col1, col2 VALUES ('VAL3', VAL4); ... or your statement to match multiple different grammar databases DB1: INTO TBL_NAME (COL1, COL2) VALUES (Expr1, Expr2) DB2: INSERT INTO TBL_NAME SET COL1 = EXPR1 COL2 = EXPR2 can use the Prepare / Execute statement to provide better compatibility and scalable performance using the preted / execute statement, points 2 steps 1. Prepare SQL statements with prepare (): Suppose you have a similar Such SQL statements Select Surname, Name, Agefrom Personwhere Name = 'Name_to_Find' And Ag E


The standard is used instead of parameters of numbers (or characters) variables, it can automatically eACAPE or based on the current DBMS system needs to quoted data.


Stands for a scalar value and will insert Into The Statement "As IS"


Request an existing file, the content of this file will be used to replace &, often used to save binary or image content into the database

2.Execute () passes the variable to the prepare's SQL statement, then executes it, and execute () requires 2 parameters, one is the variable specified when PREPARE () is called, and the other is to pass to the variable (can be used) ) A simple example prepare ('INSERT INTO NUMBERS (NUMBER) VALUES (?)'); $ DB-> Execute ($ STH, 1); $ db-> execute ($ STH, 8);> An example of saving an image to the database hypothesized that there is a TEST table in the database, its structure is as follows: Create Table `Test` (` ID` int (11) Not Null Auto_Increment,

`Name` Varchar (100) Default Null,

`image` blob,

`description` text,

`Note` Text,


) Type = myisaminsert.php 2, 'Portability' => DB_PORTABILITY_ALL, $ dB = & db :: Connect ($ DSN, $ OPTION); if (DB :: ISERROR ($ dB)) {Die ($ db-> getMessage ());} $ db-> setFetchmode DB_FETCHMODE_ASSOC); $ st = $ db-> prepare ("INSERT TEST (Name, Image) VALUES (?, &)"); $ Db-> execute ($ st, array ('jxyuhua,' D: // Websamples //Pear//database//welcome.jpg ')); if (db :: isrror ($ dB)) {Die ($ db-> getMessage ());} // $ r-> free (); $ DB-> DISCONNECT ();?> After depositing the database (pay attention to the content size limit), you can then take the content to display the displayed example image.php 2, 'Portability' => db_portability_all,); $ db = & db :: Connect ($ DSN, $ OPTIONS) ; if (DB :: ISERROR ($ dB)) {DIE ($ db-> getMessage ()); $ db-> setFetchmode (db_fetchmode_assoc); $ res = $ db-> query ("SELECT Image from test where name =? Order by name ", $ _REQUEST ['Name']); if (DB :: ISERROR ($ RES)) {Die ($ RES-> getMessage ());} while ($ row = $ res-> fetchrow ()) {$ data = $ row ['image'];} Header (" Content-type: image / jpeg "); // If you are other image formats, such as GIF, you have to change image / gifecho ($ data); $ r> free (); $ dB-> disconnect );?> DB allows you to perform a set of database operations at once, for example, you have to insert / update a batch of data at once,

), Array (4, 'four', 'fire'); $ st = $ db-> prepare ('INSERT INTO NUMBERS VALUES (?,?,?) "; Foreach ($ alldata as $ row {$ DB-> Execute ($ STH, $ ROW);}?> The above statement will perform equivalent to the following SQL statement features: INSERT INTO NUMBERS VALUES ('1', 'One', 'En') Insert Into Numbers VALUES '2', 'two', 'to') INSERT INTO NUMBERS VALUES ('3', 'Three', 'Tre') Insert Into Numbers Values ​​('4', 'Four', 'Fire') If you want more The province, can use ExecuteMultiple () prepare ('INSERT INTO NUMBERS VALUES (?,?,?,?); $ DB-> EXECUTEMULTIPLE ($ STH, $ alldata);?> Is there such a experience, when you add (or delete) some fields in a table, your original SQL statement must be rereaded, this is Not very annoying? For example, you have a USER table, which has 3 fields (id, name, country), your previous INSERT / UPDATE statement: Insert Into User (ID, Name, Country) VALUES (?,?,? ) Update user set id = ?, name = ?, country =? Where ...

When you add a field (assuming is birthday), you must re-have your previous INSERT / UPDATE statement, and this is likely to be gueding the emergence of bugs (assuming you have changed some places). Let us now To see how to use autoprepare () / autoexecute () to solve this problem 1. AutoPrePare () with autoprepare (), you don't have to list the detailed statement of INSERT / UPDATE, and as long as it specifies its basic information Resource AutoPrepare (String $ TABLE , array $ table_fields, integer $ mode = DB_AUTOQUERY_INSERT [, string $ where = FALSE]) a list of field names (array type) table $ $ table_fields table to be manipulated $ mode (DB_AUTOQUERY_INSERT || DB_AUTOQUERY_UPDATE) $ where WHERE statement, with Filter data AutoPrepare ($ TABLE_NAME, $ TABLE_FIELDS, DB_AUTOQUERY_INSERT); if (DB :: ISERROR ($ Sth)) {Die ($ st-> getMessage ());} $ table_values ​​= array (1, 'Fabien', ' France '); $ RES = & $ dB-> Execute ($ str, $ table_values); if (db :: iesrror ($ rES)) {Die ($ RES-> getMessage ());}?> In this example AUTOPREPARE () will automatically translate it into INSERT INTO USER (ID, Name, Country) value (?,?,?) And then automatically call prepare () Note: If you use db_autoquery_upda TE, remember to specify $ where conditions, otherwise all data will be updated .2.autoexecute () Autoexecute () is a mixture of autoprepare () and execute (), which can easily perform INSERT / UPDATEDB_RESULT AUTOEXECUTE (String $ TABLE, ARRAY $ fields_values ​​[, integer $ mode = DB_AUTOQUERY_INSERT [, string $ where = FALSE]]) a list of field names (array type) table $ $ table_fields table to be manipulated $ mode (DB_AUTOQUERY_INSERT || DB_AUTOQUERY_UPDATE) $ where WHERE statement, with Data from filtering data 1, 'name' => 'Fabien', ' Country '=>' France '); $ RES =

$ db-> autoexecute ($ TABLE_NAME, $ FIELDS_VALUES, DB_AUTOQUERY_INSERT); if (DB :: ISERROR ($ RES)) {Die ($ RES-> getMessage ());}?> It performs equivalent to the following statement INSERT Is it very convenient for INTO User (ID, Name, Country) Values ​​(1, 'Fabien', 'France')? Just homage! Note: If you use db_autoquery_update, remember to specify $ Where conditions, otherwise update all data .


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