ASP conversion function example

xiaoxiao2021-03-06  90

ASP conversion function example

Variant variables generally convert their representative data subtypes into suitable data types, but sometimes, auto-conversion will also cause errors that do not match in data types. At this time, the conversion function can be used to force the subtype of conversion data. .



ASC function

Returns the ANSI character code corresponding to the first letter of the string.

CHR function

Returns the character corresponding to the specified ANSI character code

HEX function

Returns a string representing a hexadecimal numeric value.

OCT function

Returns a string representing a digital eight-entered value.

CSTR function

Returns the expression that has been converted to a string subtype.

CDATE function

Returns the expression that this expression has been converted to a date subtype.

CINT function

Returns the expression that this expression has been converted to an integer subtype.

CLNG function

Returns the expression, this expression has been converted to long integer subtype

CSNG function

Returns the expression that has been converted to a Single subtype

CDBL function

Return expression, this expression has been converted to a Double subtype

CBOOL function

Return expression, this expression has been converted to Boolean type

1, ASC function example

In the following example, the ASC returns an ANSI character code of each character letter:

DIM MyNumber

MyNumber = ASC ("a") 'Returns 65.

MyNumber = ASC ("a") 'Returns 97.

MyNumber = ASC ("Apple") 'Returns 65.

2, CHR function example

The following example returns a character corresponding to the specified character code using the CHR function:

DIM MyChar

Mychar = chr (65) 'Returns A.

MyChar = chr (97) 'returns a.

Mychar = chr (62) 'Returns>.

Mychar = chr (37) 'returns%.

3, HEX function example

The following example uses the HEX function to return the number of hexadecimal numbers:


MYHEX = HEX (5) 'Returns 5.

MyHex = HEX (10) 'Returns A.

MYHEX = HEX (459) 'Returns 1CB.

4, OCT function example

The following example uses the OCT function to return the number of eight-input number:


MyOct = OCT (4) 'Returns 4.

MyOct = OCT (8) 'returns 10.

MyOct = OCT (459) 'Returns 713.

5, CSTR function example

<% Num1 = 666strwelcome = "Welcome" & CSTR (NUM1) & "Visiter"%>

CSTR converts the variable NUM1 by intestinal sub-type into a character string type

6, CDATE function example

Mydate = "October 19, 1962" 'Defines the date. Myshortdate = cdate (mydate) 'Converts to date data type. MyTime = "4:35:47 PM" 'Defines the time. MyShortTime = CDATE (MyTime) 'Converts to date data types.

7, CINT function example

DIM mydouble, myintmydouble = 2345.5678 'myduble is Double. Myint = CINT (MYDOUBLE) 'Myint contains 2346.8, CLNG function example

Dim myval1, myval2, mylong1, mylong2myval1 = 25427.45: myval2 = 25427.55 'myval1, myval2 is a double precision value. MYLONG1 = Clng (myval1) 'mylong1 25427. Mylong2 = clng (myval2) 'mylong2 contains 25428.

9, CBOOL function example

DIM A, B, CHECKA = 5: b = 5 'initialization variable. Check = CBOOL (a = b) 'check box is True. A = 0 'defines variables. Check = CBOOL (a) 'check box is false.


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