Win32 thread pool code (WinAPIC ++)

xiaoxiao2021-03-06  63

Win32 thread pool code (WinAPI / C )

Strong, efficient, easy to use, easy to expand, can be used for any C compiler //, this code I used for a long time, I deleted the code that automatically adjusts the scale (because he is still immature) / ****** *********************************************************** *********** THREAD POL WIN32 * VC 6, BC 5.5 (Free), GCC (Free) * Update: 2004.6.9 llbird

Use: 1): void threadfunc (void * p) {// ...} threadpool tp; for (i = 0; i <100; i ) (threadfunc);

ThreadPool TP (20); // 20 is the initial thread pool scale (threadfunc, lppara); tp.adjustsize (50); // increase 50 tp.adjustSize (-30); // reduce 30

2): Class mythreadjob: public threadjob // Thread object from ThreadJob extension {public: virtual void dojob (virt * p) // Custom virtual function {// ....}}; mythreadjob mt [10]; threadpool Tp; for (i = 0; i <100 i ) (MT I); // (MT I, PARA);

*********************************************************** ***************** / # ifndef _threadpool_h_ # define _threadpool_h_

#pragma Warning (Disable: 4530) #pragma Warning (Disable: 4786)

#include #include #include #include

Class threadjob // Working base class {public: // Functional Virtual void dojob (void * ppara) = 0;};

Class threadpool {

Public: // dwnum thread pool size Threadpool (DWORD DWNUM = 4): _lthreadnum (0), _lrunningnum (0) {InitializeCriticalsection (& _ CSTHREADVector); InitializationCriticalSection; & _ csworkQueue

_EventComplete = CreateEvent (0, false, false, NULL); _EventEnd = CreateEvent (0, true, false, NULL); _SemaphoreCall = CreateSemaphore (0, 0, 0x7FFFFFFF, NULL); _SemaphoreDel = CreateSemaphore (0, 0, 0x7FFFFFFF, NULL );

assert (_SemaphoreCall = INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE!); assert (_EventComplete = INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE!); assert (_EventEnd = INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE!); assert (_SemaphoreDel = INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE!); AdjustSize (dwNum <= 0 4:? dwNum);}

~ Threadpool () {deletecriticalsection (& _ csworkQueue);

CloseHandle (_EventEnd); CloseHandle (_EventComplete); CloseHandle (_SemaphoreCall); CloseHandle (_SemaphoreDel); vector :: iterator iter; for (iter = _ThreadVector.begin (); iter = _ThreadVector.end ();! Iter ) {If (* ip) delete * it;}

DeleteCriticalSection (& _ csThreadVector);} // adjust the thread pool size int AdjustSize (int iNum) {if (iNum> 0) {ThreadItem * pNew; EnterCriticalSection (& _ csThreadVector); for (int _i = 0; _i _ Handle = CreateThread (NULL, 0, DefaultJobProc, pNew, 0, NULL); assert (pNew -> _ Handle);} LeaveCriticalSection (& _ csThreadVector) } Else {inum * = -1; ReleaseSemaphore (_SEMAPHOREDEL, INUM> _LTHREADNUM? _LTHREADNUM: INUM, NULL);} Return (int) _lthreadnum;} // call thread pool VOID CALL (Void (* pfunc) (void *) , void * ppara = null) {assert (pfunc);

EntercriticalSection (& _ csworkQueue); _Jobqueue.push (New JobItem (PFUNC, PPAR)); LeavecriticalSection (& _ CSWorkQueue);

ReleaseseSemaphore (_SemaphoreCall, 1, null);} // call thread pool inline void call (threadjob * p, void * ppara = null) {call (CallProc, new callprocpara (p, ppara);} // End thread pool, and synchronization wait bool EndAndWait (DWORD dwWaitTime = INFINITE) {SetEvent (_EventEnd); return WaitForSingleObject (_EventComplete, dwWaitTime) == WAIT_OBJECT_0;} // end of the thread pool inline void end () {SetEvent (_EventEnd);} inline DWORD Size ( ) {RETURN (DWORD) _Lthreadnum;} inline dword getRunningSize () {return (dword) _lrunningnun,} Bool isrunning () {return_lrunningnum> 0;} protected:

// Working Thread Static DWord WinAPI DefaultJobProc (LPVOID LPPARETER = NULL) {ThreadItem * pthread = static_cast (LPParameter); assert (pthread);

Threadpool * pthreadpoolobj = pthread -> _ pthis; assert (pthreadpoolobj);

InterlockedIncrement (& PthreadPoolobj -> _ LTHREADNUM);

Handle hwaithandle [3]; hwaithandle [0] = pthreadpoolobj -> _ semaphorecall; hwaithandle [1] = pthreadpoolobj -> _ semaphoredel; hwaithandle [2] = pthreadpoolobj - >_ eventend;

JobItem * PJOB; Bool FhasJob; for (;;) {DWORD WR = WaitFormultipleObjects (3, HwaitHandle, False, Infinite);

// delete the threaded response signal if (wr == WAIT_OBJECT_0 1) break; // get user EnterCriticalSection job from the queue (& pThreadPoolObj -> _ csWorkQueue); if (! FHasJob = pThreadPoolObj -> _ JobQueue.empty ()) {pJob = PthreadPoolobj -> _ jobqueue.front (); pthreadpoolobj -> _ jobqueue.pop (); assert (pjob);} Leavecriticalsection (& pthreadpoolobj -> _ csworkQueue);

/ / Is subject to ending the thread signal to determine if the thread (end thread signal && is still working) IF (WR == Wait_Object_0 2 &&! Fhaasjob) Break;

if (fHasJob && pJob) {InterlockedIncrement (& pThreadPoolObj -> _ lRunningNum); pThread -> _ dwLastBeginTime = GetTickCount (); pThread -> _ dwCount ; pThread -> _ fIsRunning = true; pJob -> _ pFunc (pJob -> _ pPara); // Run user job delete pJob; pThread -> _ fIsRunning = false; InterlockedDecrement (& pThreadPoolObj -> _ lRunningNum);}} // remove its structure EnterCriticalSection (& pThreadPoolObj -> _ csThreadVector); pThreadPoolObj -> _ ThreadVector.erase (find (pThreadPoolObj -> _ ThreadVector.begin (), pthreadpoolobj -> _ threadVector.end (), pthread); LeavecriticalSection (& PthreadPoolobj -> _ csthreadvector);

Delete pthread;

InterlockedDecrement (& pthreadpoolobj -> _ lthreadnum);

IF (! pthreadpoolobj -> _ lthreadnum) // All thread ends set set settevent (pthreadpoolobj -> _ evenetComplete);

Return 0;} // Call user object virtual function static void callproc (void * ppara) {callprocpara * cp = static_cast (ppara); assert (cp); if (cp) {cp -> _ pobj-> dojob (cp -> _ ppara); delete cp;}} // user object structure struct callprocpara {threadJob * _pobj; // user object void * _ppara; // user parameter calprocpara (threadjob * p, void * ppara): _pobj (p) ), _ppara (PPARA) {};}; // User Function Structure Struct JobItem {void (* _pfunc) (void *); // Function VOID * _PPARA; / / Parameter JobItem (Void (* PFUNC) (void *) = NULL, VOID * PPARA = NULL): _PFUNC (PFUNC), _PPARA (PPAR) {};}; // Thread structure in the thread pool Struct threadItem {handle _handle; // thread handle threadpool * _ptHis; // thread pool pointer DWORD _dwLastBeginTime; // run last start time DWORD _dwCount; // number of runs bool _fIsRunning; ThreadItem (ThreadPool * pthis): _pThis (pthis), _Handle (NULL), _dwLastBeginTime (0), _dwCount (0), _fIsRunning (false) {}; ~ threadItem () {if (_haandle) {closeHandle (_handle); _handle = null;}}}; std :: queue _jobqueue; // Work Queue std :: vector _ThreadVector; // Thread data critical_ Section _CSthreadVector, _csworkQueue; // Taste queue is incorrect, thread data critical

Handle _EVENTEND, _EVENTCOMPLETE, _SEMAPHORECALL, _SEMAPHOREDEL; / / End Notification, Complete event, work signal, delete thread signal long _lthreadnum, _lrunningnum; // thread number, running thread number




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