QLogic fiber card installation configuration record and reference

xiaoxiao2021-03-06  97

QLogic fiber card installation configuration record and reference

Last Updated:

SATURDAY, 2004-11-06 19:59


QLogic Fiber Card installation configuration is relatively simple, but the same, in order to be a host to identify multiple LUN information, you need to modify the SD.conf configuration file.

The following is the configuration of my sd.conf for reference:


# Copyright (c) 1992, by Sun Microsystems, Inc.


#ident "@ (#) sd.conf 1.9 98/01/11 SMI"

Name = "sd" class = "SCSI" class_prop = "atapi"

Target = 0 LUN = 0;

Name = "sd" class = "SCSI" class_prop = "atapi"

Target = 1 lun = 0;

Name = "sd" class = "SCSI" class_prop = "atapi"

Target = 2 lun = 0;

Name = "sd" class = "SCSI" class_prop = "atapi"

Target = 3 lun = 0;

Name = "sd" class = "SCSI"

Target = 4 LUN = 0;

Name = "sd" class = "SCSI"

Target = 5 lun = 0;

Name = "sd" class = "SCSI"

Target = 6 lun = 0;

Name = "sd" class = "SCSI"

Target = 8 LUN = 0;

Name = "sd" class = "SCSI"

Target = 9 lun = 0;

Name = "sd" class = "SCSI"

Target = 10 lun = 0;

Name = "sd" class = "SCSI"

Target = 11 lun = 0;

Name = "sd" class = "SCSI"

Target = 12 lun = 0;

Name = "sd" class = "SCSI"

Target = 13 LUN = 0;

Name = "sd" class = "SCSI"

Target = 14 lun = 0;

Name = "sd" class = "SCSI"

Target = 15 lun = 0;

Name = "sd" parent = "QLA2300" target = 0 lun = 0;

Name = "sd" parent = "QLA2300" target = 0 lun = 1;

Name = "sd" parent = "QLA2300" target = 0 lun = 2;

Name = "sd" parent = "QLA2300" target = 0 lun = 3; name = "sd" parent = "qla2300" target = 0 lun = 4;

Name = "sd" parent = "QLA2300" Target = 0 lun = 5;

Name = "sd" parent = "QLA2300" Target = 0 lun = 6;

Name = "sd" parent = "QLA2300" Target = 0 lun = 7;

Name = "sd" parent = "QLA2300" target = 1 lun = 0;

Name = "sd" parent = "QLA2300" Target = 1 lun = 1;

Name = "sd" parent = "qla2300" target = 1 lun = 2;

Name = "sd" parent = "qla2300" target = 1 lun = 3;

Name = "sd" parent = "QLA2300" target = 1 lun = 4;

Name = "sd" parent = "QLA2300" Target = 1 lun = 5;

Name = "sd" parent = "qla2300" target = 1 lun = 6;

Name = "sd" parent = "qla2300" target = 1 lun = 7;

Name = "sd" parent = "qla2300" target = 2 lun = 0;

Name = "sd" parent = "QLA2300" target = 3 lun = 0;

Name = "sd" parent = "qla2300" target = 4 lun = 0;

Name = "sd" parent = "qla2300" target = 5 lun = 0;

Name = "sd" parent = "qla2300" target = 6 lun = 0;

Name = "sd" parent = "QLA2300" target = 7 lun = 0;

Name = "sd" parent = "QLA2300" target = 8 lun = 0;

Name = "sd" parent = "QLA2300" target = 9 lun = 0;

Name = "sd" parent = "qla2300" target = 10 lun = 0;

Name = "sd" parent = "qla2300" target = 11 lun = 0;

Name = "sd" parent = "qla2300" target = 12 lun = 0; name = "sd" parent = "qla2300" target = 13 lun = 0;

Name = "sd" parent = "qla2300" target = 14 lun = 0;

Name = "sd" parent = "QLA2300" Target = 15 lun = 0;

Name = "sd" parent = "QLA2300" target = 16 lun = 0;

Name = "sd" parent = "QLA2300" target = 17 lun = 0;

Name = "sd" parent = "qla2300" target = 17 lun = 1;

Name = "sd" parent = "QLA2300" target = 17 lun = 2;

Name = "SD" parent = "qla2300" target = 17 lun = 3;

After the configuration is complete, use the Reboot - -r option to restart the host system, which can then find multiple LUNs assigned to the host system.

# format

Searching for Disks ... DONE

C2t2d0: configured with capacity of 133.21GB

C2t2d1: configured with capacity of 266.41GB

C2t2d2: configured with capacity of 199.81GB

C2T2D3: Configured with capacity of 60.00GB

C2t2d4: configured with capacity of 1023.94MB

C2T2D5: Configured with capacity of 133.21GB

C2t2d6: configured with capacity of 60.00GB

C2T2D7: Configured with capacity of 1023.94MB

C2T3D0: Configured with capacity of 133.21GB

C2t3d1: configured with capacity of 266.41GB

C2t3d2: configured with capacity of 199.81GB

C2T3D3: Configured with capacity of 60.00GB

C2T3D4: configured with capacity of 1023.94MB

C2T3D5: Configured with capacity of 133.21GB

C2T3D6: Configured with capacity of 60.00GB

C2T3D7: configured with capacity of 1023.94MB

C3T2D0: Configured with capacity of 133.21GB

C3t2d1: configured with capacity of 266.41GB

C3T2D2: configured with capacity of 199.81GB

C3T2D3: Configured with capacity of 60.00GB

C3T2D4: configured with capacity of 1023.94MBC3T2D5: Configured with capacity of 133.21GB

C3T2D6: Configured with capacity of 60.00GB

C3T2D7: Configured with capacity of 1023.94MB

C3T3D0: Configured with capacity of 133.21GB

C3t3d1: configured with capacity of 266.41GB

C3T3D2: configured with capacity of 199.81GB

C3T3D3: Configured with capacity of 60.00GB

C3T3D4: Configured with capacity of 1023.94MB

C3T3D5: Configured with capacity of 133.21GB

C3T3D6: Configured with capacity of 60.00GB

C3T3D7: configured with capacity of 1023.94MB

EMCPOWER0A: Configured with capacity of 133.21GB

EMCPOWER1A: Configured with capacity of 1023.94MB

EMCPOWER2A: Configured with capacity of 60.00GB

EMCPOWER3A: Configured with capacity of 133.21GB

EMCPOWER4A: Configured with capacity of 1023.94MB

EMCPOWER5A: Configured with capacity of 60.00GB

EMCPOWER6A: Configured with capacity of 199.81GB

EMCPOWER7A: Configured with capacity of 266.41GB

Available Disk Selections:

0. C1T0D0

/ PCI @ 8,600000 / sunw, qlc @ 2 / fp @ 0,0 / ssd @ W500000E01077A8D1, 0


/ pci @ 8,600000 / sunw, qlc @ 2 / fp @ 0,0 / ssd @ W500000E01077CB01, 0

2. C1T2D0

/ PCI @ 8,600000 / sunw, QLC @ 2 / fp @ 0,0 / ssd @ W500000E0107823D1, 0

3. C1T3D0

/ PCI @ 8,600000 / sunw, qlc @ 2 / fp @ 0,0 / ssd @ W500000E010782471, 0

4. C1T4D0

/ PCI @ 8,600000 / sunw, qlc @ 2 / fp @ 0,0 / ssd @ W500000E0107A6B21, 0

5. C1T5D0

/ PCI @ 8,600000 / sunw, qlc @ 2 / fp @ 0,0 / ssd @ W500000E0107AACC1, 0 6. C2T2D0

/ PCI @ 9,700000 / fibre-channel @ 4 / sd @ 2,0 7. C2T2D1

/ PCI @ 9,700000 / fibre-channel @ 4 / sd @ 2,1 8. C2T2D2

/ PCI @ 9,700000 / fibre-channel @ 4 / sd @ 2,2 9. C2t2d3

/ PCI @ 9,700000 / fibre-channel @ 4 / sd @ 2,3 10. C2T2D4

/ pci @ 9,700000 / fibre-channel @ 4 / sd @ 2,4 11. C2T2D5 / PCI @ 9,700000 / fibre-channel @ 4 / sd @ 2,5 12. C2t2d6

/ pci @ 9,700000 / fibre-channel @ 4 / sd @ 2,6 13. C2t2D7

/ PCI @ 9,700000 / fibre-channel @ 4 / sd @ 2,7 14. C2T3D0

/ PCI @ 9,700000 / fibre-channel @ 4 / sd @ 3,0 15. C2T3D1

/ PCI @ 9,700000 / fibre-channel @ 4 / sd @ 3,1 16. C2T3D2

/ PCI @ 9,700000 / fibre-channel @ 4 / sd @ 3,2 17. C2T3D3

/ PCI @ 9,700000 / fibre-channel @ 4 / sd @ 3,3 18. C2T3D4

/ PCI @ 9,700000 / fibre-channel @ 4 / sd @ 3,4 19. C2T3D5

/ PCI @ 9,700000 / fibre-channel @ 4 / sd @ 3,5 20. C2T3D6

/ PCI @ 9,700000 / fibre-channel @ 4 / sd @ 3,6 21. C2T3D7

/ PCI @ 9,700000 / fibre-channel @ 4 / sd @ 3,7 22. c3t2d0

/ PCI @ 8,700000 / fibre-channel @ 4 / sd @ 2,0 23. C3T2D1

/ PCI @ 8,700000 / fibre-channel @ 4 / sd @ 2,1 24. C3T2D2

/ PCI @ 8,700000 / fibre-channel @ 4 / sd @ 2,25. C3T2D3

/ PCI @ 8,700000 / fibre-channel @ 4 / sd @ 2,3 26. C3T2D4

/ PCI @ 8,700000 / fibre-channel @ 4 / sd @ 2,4 27. C3T2D5

/ PCI @ 8,700000 / fibre-channel @ 4 / sd @ 2,5 28. C3T2D6

/ PCI @ 8,700000 / fibre-channel @ 4 / sd @ 2,6 29. C3T2D7

/ PCI @ 8,700000 / fibre-channel @ 4 / sd @ 2,7 30. C3T3D0

/ pci @ 8,700000 / fibre-channel @ 4 / sd @ 3,0 31. C3T3D1

/ pci @ 8,700000 / fibre-channel @ 4 / sd @ 3,1 32. C3T3D2

/ PCI @ 8,700000 / fibre-channel @ 4 / sd @ 3,2 33. C3T3D3

/ pci @ 8,700000 / fibre-channel @ 4 / sd @ 3,3 34. C3T3D4

/ PCI @ 8,700000 / fibre-channel @ 4 / sd @ 3,4 35. C3T3D5

/ PCI @ 8,700000 / fibre-channel @ 4 / SD @ 3,5 36. C3T3D6

/ PCI @ 8,700000 / fibre-channel @ 4 / sd @ 3,6 37. C3T3D7

/ PCI @ 8,700000 / fibre-channel @ 4 / sd @ 3,7 38. Emcpower0a

/ pseudo / emcp @ 0 39. EMCPOWER1A

/ pseudo / emcp @ 1 40. emcpower2a / pseudo / emcp @ 2 41. EMCPOWER3A

/ pseudo / emcp @ 3 42. EMCPOWER4A

/ pseudo / emcp @ 443. Emcpower5a

/ pseudo / emcp @ 5 44. EMCPOWER6A

/ pseudo / emcp @ 6 45. EMCPower7a

/ Pseudo / emcp @ 7 Specify disk (enter its number): 1 selecting c1t1d0 [disk formatted] FORMAT MENU: disk - select a disk type - select (define) a disk type partition - select (define) a partition table current - describe the current disk format - format and analyze the disk repair - repair a defective sector label - write label to the disk analyze - surface analysis defect - defect list management backup - search for backup labels verify - read and display labels save - save new disk / Partition Definitions Inquiry - Show vendor, Product and Revision Volname - SET 8-Character Volume Name!

- Execute

, the return quit format> Q #

Use PowerPath to view the path status:

# Powermt Display Dev = All

Pseudo name = emcpower6a

Clariion ID = CK200041200044 [DB880-1]

Logical device ID = 60060160d2a91000004b1e21c02fd911 [lun 5]

State = alive; policy = Claropt; priority = 0; queued-iOS = 0

Owner: default = SP A, CURRENT = SP A

============================================================================================================================================================================================================= ============================

---------------- Host --------------- - STOR - - I / O PATH - - Stats ---

### HW path I / o paths interface q-ios errors

============================================================================================================================================================================================================= ============================ 1281 PCI @ 9 / fibre-channel @ 4 C2T2D2S0 SP A1 Active Alive 0 0

1281 PCI @ 9 / Fibre-Channel @ 4 C2T3D2S0 SP B1 Active Alive 0 0

1280 PCI @ 8 / Fibre-Channel @ 4 C3T2D2S0 SP A0 Active Alive 0 0

1280 PCI @ 8 / Fibre-Channel @ 4 C3T3D2S0 SP B0 Active Alive 0 0

Pseudo name = emcpower3a

Clariion ID = CK200041200044 [DB880-1]

Logical device id = 60060160d2a910002070ebbebf2fd911 [lun 2]

State = alive; policy = Claropt; priority = 0; queued-iOS = 0

Owner: default = sp b, current = SP B

============================================================================================================================================================================================================= ============================

---------------- Host --------------- - STOR - - I / O PATH - - Stats ---

### HW path I / o paths interface q-ios errors

============================================================================================================================================================================================================= ============================ 1281 PCI @ 9 / fibre-channel @ 4 C2T2D5S0 SP A1 Active Alive 0 0

1281 PCI @ 9 / Fibre-Channel @ 4 C2T3D5S0 SP B1 Active Alive 0 0

1280 PCI @ 8 / fibre-channel @ 4 C3T2D5S0 SP A0 Active Alive 0 0

1280 PCI @ 8 / Fibre-Channel @ 4 C3T3D5S0 SP B0 Active Alive 0 0

Pseudo name = emcpower1a

Clariion ID = CK200041200044 [DB880-1]

Logical device id = 60060160d2a9100030349d70bf2fd911 [lun 0]

State = alive; policy = Claropt; priority = 0; queued-iOS = 0

Owner: default = sp b, current = SP B

============================================================================================================================================================================================================= ============================

---------------- Host --------------- - STOR - - I / O PATH - - Stats ---

### HW path I / o paths interface q-ios errors

============================================================================================================================================================================================================= ============================ 1281 PCI @ 9 / fibre-channel @ 4 C2T2D7S0 SP A1 Active Alive 0 0

1281 PCI @ 9 / Fibre-Channel @ 4 C2T3D7S0 SP B1 Active Alive 0 0

1280 PCI @ 8 / Fibre-Channel @ 4 C3T2D7S0 SP A0 Active Alive 0 0

1280 PCI @ 8 / Fibre-Channel @ 4 C3T3D7S0 SP B0 Active Alive 0 0

Pseudo name = emcpower5a

Clariion ID = CK200041200044 [DB880-1]

Logical device ID = 60060160d2a9100034f5b208c02fd911 [lun 4]

State = alive; policy = Claropt; priority = 0; queued-iOS = 0

Owner: default = SP A, CURRENT = SP A

============================================================================================================================================================================================================= ============================

---------------- Host --------------- - STOR - - I / O PATH - - Stats ---

### HW path I / o paths interface q-ios errors

============================================================================================================================================================================================================= ============================ 1281 pci @ 9 / fibre-channel @ 4 C2T2D3S0 SP A1 Active Alive 0 0

1281 PCI @ 9 / Fibre-Channel @ 4 C2T3D3S0 SP B1 Active Alive 0 0

1280 PCI @ 8 / Fibre-Channel @ 4 C3T2D3S0 SP A0 Active Alive 0 0 0

1280 PCI @ 8 / Fibre-Channel @ 4 C3T3D3S0 SP B0 Active Alive 0 0

Pseudo name = emcpower2a

Clariion ID = CK200041200044 [DB880-1]

Logical device ID = 60060160d2a9100050f80aa1bf2fd911 [lun 1]

State = alive; policy = Claropt; priority = 0; queued-iOS = 0

Owner: default = sp b, current = SP B

============================================================================================================================================================================================================= ============================

---------------- Host --------------- - STOR - - I / O PATH - - Stats ---

### HW path I / o paths interface q-ios errors

============================================================================================================================================================================================================= ============================ 1281 PCI @ 9 / fibre-channel @ 4 C2T2D6S0 SP A1 Active Alive 0 0

1281 PCI @ 9 / Fibre-Channel @ 4 C2T3D6S0 SP B1 Active Alive 0 0

1280 PCI @ 8 / Fibre-Channel @ 4 C3T2D6S0 SP A0 Active Alive 0 0

1280 PCI @ 8 / Fibre-Channel @ 4 C3T3D6S0 SP B0 Active Alive 0 0

Pseudo name = emcpower7a

Clariion ID = CK200041200044 [DB880-1]

Logical device id = 60060160d2a910005cd3952ec02fd911 [lun 6]

State = alive; policy = Claropt; priority = 0; queued-iOS = 0

Owner: default = SP A, CURRENT = SP A

============================================================================================================================================================================================================= ============================

---------------- Host --------------- - STOR - - I / O PATH - - Stats ---

### HW path I / o paths interface q-ios errors

============================================================================================================================================================================================================= ============================ 1281 PCI @ 9 / fibre-channel @ 4 C2T2D1S0 SP A1 Active Alive 0 0

1281 PCI @ 9 / Fibre-Channel @ 4 C2T3D1S0 SP B1 Active Alive 0 0

1280 PCI @ 8 / Fibre-Channel @ 4 C3T2D1S0 SP A0 Active Alive 0 0

1280 PCI @ 8 / Fibre-Channel @ 4 C3T3D1S0 SP B0 Active Alive 0 0

Pseudo name = emcpower4a

Clariion ID = CK200041200044 [DB880-1]

Logical device ID = 60060160d2a910007efc11f4bf2fd911 [lun 3]

State = alive; policy = Claropt; priority = 0; queued-iOS = 0

Owner: default = SP A, CURRENT = SP A

============================================================================================================================================================================================================= ============================

---------------- Host --------------- - STOR - - I / O PATH - - Stats ---

### HW path I / o paths interface q-ios errors

============================================================================================================================================================================================================= ============================ 1281 pci @ 9 / fibre-channel @ 4 C2T2D4S0 SP A1 Active Alive 0 0

1281 PCI @ 9 / Fibre-Channel @ 4 C2T3D4S0 SP B1 Active 0 0

1280 PCI @ 8 / Fibre-Channel @ 4 C3T2D4S0 SP A0 Active Alive 0 0

1280 PCI @ 8 / Fibre-Channel @ 4 C3T3D4S0 SP B0 Active Alive 0 0

Pseudo name = emcpower0a

Clariion ID = CK200041200044 [DB880-1]

Logical device ID = 60060160d2a9100096e1432dc62fd911 [lun 7]

State = alive; policy = Claropt; priority = 0; queued-iOS = 0

Owner: default = SP A, CURRENT = SP B

============================================================================================================================================================================================================= ============================

---------------- Host --------------- - STOR - - I / O PATH - - Stats ---

### HW path I / o paths interface q-ios errors

============================================================================================================================================================================================================= ============================ 1281 PCI @ 9 / fibre-channel @ 4 C2T2D0S0 SP A1 Active Alive 0 0

1281 PCI @ 9 / Fibre-Channel @ 4 C2T3D0S0 SP B1 Active Alive 0 0

1280 PCI @ 8 / FIBRE-CHANNEL @ 4 C3T2D0S0 SP A0 Active ALIVE 0 0 0

1280 PCI @ 8 / Fibre-Channel @ 4 C3T3D0S0 SP B0 Active Alive 0 0

As a comparison, you can refer to the configuration method of the Emulex fiber card:


Author: eygle, Oracle technology followers, Oracle technical forum itpub.www.eygle.com from China is the biggest author's personal site you may contact the author by Guoqiang.Gai@gmail.com welcome to explore technical exchanges and links. exchange.

Original source:



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