Create a Context (Tomcat / WebApp / Webwork) in Tomcat / WebApp /; add all the .jar files in WebWork_2.1.5.jar and / lib / core to Tomcat / WebApp / WebWork / Web- Info / lib; (2) Modify Web.xml as follows:
XML Version = "1.0" eNCoding = "ISO-8859-1">
(3) Add XWork.xml configuration file in WebWork / Classes:
Import com.opensymphony.xwork.actionsupport;
public class HelloAction extends ActionSupport {String person; public String getPerson () {return person;} public void setPerson (String person) {this.person = person;} public String execute () throws Exception {if ((person == null) || (Person.Length () == 0)) Return Error; Else Return Success;}} (5) Create two JSP components: index.jsp and success.jspindex.jsp: