TypedEf union _ularge_integer {structure {dword; dword;}; ulonglong quadpart;} ularge_integer;
Use struct {dword; dword; dWord; you should pay attention to this is the value taken by bit, you must get the correct value.
Using namespace std;
Void format (ularge_integer a) // Using a large number of calculations to get the correct value {char b [1000] = {0}; int N = 1, J, I; for (i = 0; i <32; ) I, a.highpart << = 1) {for (j = 0; j J = n; --j; while (j> -1) {cout << (int) b [j--];}} INT Main (int Argc, char * argv []) {ularge_integer NO1, NO2, NO3; __INT64 NO4; // Supports 64-bit data types to use. Handle Hfile; IF (GetDiskFreespaceEx ("E:", & NO1 , & no2, (pularge_integer) & no4))) {Format (no1); cout << endl; cout << no4 << endl;} return 0;