Website development specification and procedures v1.5

xiaoxiao2021-03-06  95

The dispersion and interaction of web development determines that Web development must comply with certain development specifications and technical conventions. Only every developer is designed, communicated, develops, tests, deployed in accordance with a common norm, and can guarantee the entire development team. Coordinating and consistent work, thereby increasing development efficiency and enhances the quality of the project project.

I. The role of the project If not included, the development team can generally be divided into project leaders, programmers, and art sales. The project leader is called "Project Manager" in our Chinese, which is responsible for the personnel coordination, time progress of the project, and handles other matters related to the project. The programmer is mainly responsible for the needs of the project, planning, design, code writing, website integration, testing, deployment, etc. Artists are responsible for the interface design, layout planning, and grasp the overall style of the website. If the item is relatively large, you can group people according to three characters. The role division is an objective requirement for the technical dispersion of Web projects and even geographic dispersion. The results of division of labor can also clarify the responsibility and ultimately guarantee the quality of the project. The negative effects brought by division of labor are to increase the team communication, coordination cost, bringing certain risks to the project. Therefore, the coordination capacity of the project manager is very important. The initial and late stage of program developers and the United States in the project development must have sufficient exchanges to complete the planning and testing of the project.

Second, the selection of development tools is not developed like a C / S structural program. You can go from head to tail in a language. You use delphi, you are Delphi programmers, you use VC , you are VC programmers. The B / S structure web development work, the choice of tools is a painful thing. From Windows to Linux, from IIS to Apache, from J2EE to .NET, from COM to .NET to EJB Components ... Also ASP, ASP.NET, JSP, PHP, Perl, JavaScript, VBScript ... The beauty is also easy , What "Web three sword passengers" "New page Swordac", FrontPage, Photoshop, Coreldraw ... no one said that he is the most powerful! Our experience is that it is best to unify it when choosing tools. For example, the artist is unified with Dreamwavermx, and the programmer writes the code with the text editor. The benefit of a unified tool is to maintain the consistency of the same project document, which is convenient for the development of the developer and the saving of the document. However, it is not necessary to deliberately strive for consistency, such as the US worker can use any of the familiar graphics processing software, as long as the picture can be generated by the browser support. It is the diversity of web development tools that has achieved colorful situations today. As long as the programmer's pure HTML code is too hard enough, it generally does not affect the final integration of the website.

Third, the project development process is led by the project manager, and the programmer is focused, discussed together, complete user demand analysis, generates the list of websites (represented by tree chart), which is a static page, which is a dynamic page. Dynamic pages must be implemented. Develop the interface framework of the website, including the first page composition, and the hook relationship between each page. Generate structural diagrams of each column folder (some public folders such as images, scripts, styles, etc. need to be fixed, co-calls). Then design a static web page and other dynamic page interface framework based on the description of the content, and the segmentation is cut according to the size cut. Give the page reserved page space for the page you need to dynamically implement. Forming fonts, font numbers, hyperlinks, etc. CSS style, etc. At the same time as the art design page, the programmer starts to develop the background program code and do some necessary tests. After the US worker interface is completed, the program code is added to the website. The test was jointly tested by the project group, discovered BUG, ​​and improved some specific details. Making help documents, user manual. Deliver the necessary product design documentation to users. Finally, the website is deployed. Each of the above will produce some phased outcomes, and the project manager needs timely review, supervision, and find problems in timely correction. In order to control the progress of the project, you can implement the "Project Schedule" system, that is, fill in the work log, record the details and workload of the day, and the problem that needs to be resolved.

Fourth, some technical rules 1, database naming conventions (refer to the "Hungarian Nomenade" database (Database): format [db] _ [desc]. Table: Format [Tab] _ [DESC]. The design of the table name cannot exceed 30 characters, the word premniction letter is uppercase, and there is no connection symbol between multiple words. Field or Column: Format f_ [type] _ [dec]. f: indicating this is a field name; Type: Optional, indicating the field type, the character type C, integer is I, logical type B, currency type M, floating point F, date D, time Type T, binary is BL. If the type is a character, it can be omitted. DESC: The meaningful description of the field properties, can be used in English words, words abbreviation, Chinese pinyin, field actual meaning, etc., can use words between the first letters to write soft segmentation (recommended), or use "_ "Separate. Example: f_name F_C_ UserInfo or F_C_ User_INFOF_XM (Name) F_GRP_ID (Group Identity) Index: Format [IDX] _ [DESC]. View: Format [View] _ [Table A] _ [Table B] _ [Table C] ..., where view means "view". This view is generated by several tables that connects several tables in the name of the character, if excessive table can be properly simplified. Store procedure: format [sp] _ [table] _ [Access process name (abbreviation)], such as sp_user_delete. Trigger: Format [TRG] _ [D] [i [[u] _ [desc]. TRG represents the trigger; D, I, U indicate the trigger type (delete, insert, update) definition, writing order is D, I, u; DESC is the name of the table, indicating the table where the trigger is located. Database Device: Format [dev] _ [DESC]. Constraint: format [CNS] _ [DESC]. 2, SQL statement writing specification SQL statement, SQL keywords are all capitalized, other compliance "database naming conventions". For example: Select * from tabnewsinfo where f_username = '' ORDER BY F_I_AUTOID3, folder naming agreement public folder: / images public picture / styles style sheet / scripts script / ftps Download / DOC website related material, document /read / radime.txt Web Site Description Document / Helps.htm Web Site Help Document / MYLOGS.TXT Website Maintenance Records Other columns Named, you can use the pinyin's first letter to refer to the English words. The meaning of all folders is described in the readme.txt file. 4. Objects and variable naming conventions Each variable name must be defined first, then use. The top addition of the ASP file <% OPTION Explicit%> can force the variable definition. Class blocks must be used in indentation format. You must indicate the function of the function, enter the parameters, and return values.

5, graphic object conventions format: finally generate JPG, GIF, PNG, SWF format graphics file image: Maximum size of more than 30K pictures: OK as needed, it is best to use small pictures, large pictures must Cut into small pictures. The picture of the picture: the border of the picture can't leave white, the picture only contains the effective color element 6, the media object is about the format of the media: ASF, WMV, WMA, RM, not recommended animation file 7, page layout Basic agreed Chinese paragraphs must have two Chinese character indent. Word spacing uses the default size. The line spacing is 16pt ~ 20pt. The text layout must stay with "Day" "" left "" left "" right ", can't spend the layout. The page layout must maintain color balance. Pay attention to the upper and lower echoes. Pay attention to the overall coordination of the page. Advocate the fusion of the screen and text, not the obvious separation of the picture and text. To design web pages in accordance with the requirements of design advertising - especially some product display. V. Some experiences and lessons 1, can use the contents of static web page, try to dynamically implement the program code. 2. Design phases, you must fully exchange, completely and accurately understand the needs of users with users. Never distort users, you can't give it to the non-aggregated needs of users, and you can't boast the technology that you don't have to grasp the technology or even impossible. Demand analysis is a process of communicating, communicating, guiding, education, struggle, compromise. Demand analysis results must have text data archive. 3, technical parameters must be accurate. For example, the user's software platform is the Linux series, then your system has developed with Java Apache, this time your ASP.NET technology is not used. 4. When necessary, let the user signed the contents of the already determined demand, stamp. 5, any communication. It is best to do records in the form of written documents. Important communication must have written records. For some kinds of "forgetfulness" - actually a lazy developer, ask him to write a work log 10 minutes a day.

The revised version V1.5 is launched, especially thanks to the following 9CBS friends: Luok (Luo Kai), XXRL (Kong Cheng Ren, Meng Shu take E), lqflsh (do not make difficulties becoming a reason) Lirefea, Pas (Ping Eques { : "Snow Mountain Flying Fox";})

Copyright (c) All rights reserved, please specify the following copyright information: Zhang Qingzhangking @, 2003.11.5


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