The following is that from the address bar of the browser normally gets request.servervariables ("http_referer"): 1. Directly use 2. Form (POST or GET) submitted by Submit or . Using JScript submitted form (post or get) Let's take a look at the case where Request.ServerVariables ("http_referer") cannot normally value: 1. Link from favorites 2. Click 'Home' or Custom Address 3. Using JScript's location.href or location.replace () 4. In the browser direct input address 5. <% Response.redirect%> 6. <% Response.addheader%> or steering 7. With the XML loading address, request.serverVariables ("http_referer") is not working properly in most cases, let's take a look at an example: ref.asp <% response.write "You Came from:" & Request.ServerVariables (" http_referer ")%> ref.htm <% response.addheader" refresh "," 10; url = ref.asp "%> < Form method = get action = ref.asp name = getform> form> Take a look at what the code will get.