QMAIL problem guide
2004-11-09 good man
QMAIL problem guide http://www.qingcha.org/Article.php/162
Part 1: MTA
Part III: SQWwebmail
Part 4: vpopmail qmailadmin
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Part 1: MTA
1: How to speed up the email speed?
A: / VAR / QMAIL / Control Below is the QMAIL control file, these two files: ConcurrentcyLocal Default: 10 largest local simultaneous transfer number ConcurrencyRemote Default: 20 Maximum remote simultaneous transmission
2: What are the main profiles of qmail? A: http://chinaUnix.net/forum/viewtopic.php?t=1126
3: QMAIL LDAP installation configuration method? (NetLoAfer) A: http://chinaUnix.net/forum/viewtopic.php?t=1119
4: How does qmail limit the size of the attachment? ? A: Set the size of the attachment in the / var / qmail / control / data file, you can implement the limit of the QMAIL attachment size. After the installation is complete, this file is not available, you can create it yourself. SMTP mode is restricted by QMAIL DataBytes
5: How to seal Mail from? (Peng) A: Using QMAIL Control Fold Over Domain or Email Address Vi / Var / Qmail / Control / BadmailFrom This control file implementation refusal to send mail function, Each address should be alone. Moreover, it can take effect without restarting qmail. For example: peng@96633.net ----- Limit a specific user @ sina.com --- Limit the mail in the entire domain
B: Enclose the IP address (gadfly) using the TCPRules rule file.
# 网 segment 10.10.10.: i i i #ip iDeny
It's just a regenerative CDB file.
6. How to make the mail in the queue immediately pass? (peng)
A: # kill -hup qmail-send
To delete mail in the queue
1) Stop qmail 2) mv / var / qmail / queue / lock / var / qmail /; find / var / qmail / queue / -type f -exec rm {}; mv / var / qmail / lock / var / qmail / queue / 3) Restart the QMAIL. The mail in the queue is included in the following directory / var / qmail / queue / {info, mess, remote, local} / hash / # number
7. Quickly remove mail from a place but does not exist in the mail queue? (Peng) A: Set Bad.jite.com is this domain. You can type the following command
# echo #> ~ alias / .qmail-baddomain-default # echo bad.jite.com :Alias-baddomain >> / var / qmail / control / virtualdomains # echo bad.jite.com: >> / var / Qmail / Control / SMTProutes and run / var / qmail / bin / qmail-tcpok, give qmail-send a HUP signal
8, how to delete a lot of advertising information in the queue? (Peng) A: Stop QMail. 1) Stop qmail, qmail-smtpd 2) In the following default directory / var / qmail / queue / mess find. -Type f -exec Grep "^ Subject:" {}; -print -exec rm {}; 3) Run Queue-Fix clear related files, 4) Restart QMail.9, RH9 compile QMAIL error: ./load auto-str substdio.a error .a str.a substdio.a (. Text 0x43): in function `allwrite ':: undefined reference to` errno' collect: ld returned 1 exit status make: *** [auto-str] Error 1 What is the problem? (microcao & linuxsky)
A: Errno This error is because the RH9 system uses new Glibc libraries 2.3.1 need to modify QMAIL code to compile almost all programs of DJBs.
Qmail official has provided recommended patches
Take this patch, http://qmail.mirrors.space.net/Moni.csi.hu/pub/glibc-2.3.1/qmail-1.03.Rrno.pature to TCPSERVER may also have the same problem, Patch can Find this catalog to http://qmoni.csi.su/pub/glibc-2.3.1/
10: APR 7 17:52:15 WWW qmail: 1049709135.048259 Delivery 38: Deferral: UH-OH: _HOME_DIRECTORY_IS_WRITABLE ._ (# 4.7.0) How to solve? A: You need to modify the user's mail directory to 700 Since VPopmail uses the Wildcard mode, Homedir must start from Domain's directory. Suppose the gadfly@test.com directory is /Home/vpopmail/domains/test.com/gadfly/ This modified property: cd / home / vpopmail / domains /; chmod 700 Test.com Test.com/gadfly test.com/gadfly/ MAILDIR /
11: .qmail file is Writable error How to solve? (xmy) A: The QMAIL file group and other user attributes in the user directory cannot be written. As for the vpopmail method, the domain directory must go to the write attribute chmod go-w .qmail- * or chmod 600.Qmail- * Also pay attention to file properties have libmysqlclient.so.10.0.0 chmod 755 / usr /LIB/LIBMYSQLCLIENT.SO.10.0.0
12: Every time you have finished a message, you will automatically reply to a content. It is probably that you can't make it. The letter content of the automatic reply is like this .....
A: Your qmail is installed with the new Iceblood version.
This version of qmail, default, each enceding letter will be sent to the log user.
If you want to ban this action, you need to replace qmail-queue. Put the #define queue_extra in extra.h TLOG
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