/ / Whether it is an integer
Function isinteger (Obj, title)
IF (Isnan (TMP))
Alert (Title ": You must enter an integer!");
Obj.focus ();
Return False
Else if (tmp.tostring () == Obj.value)
Return True
Alert (Title ": You must enter an integer!");
Obj.focus ();
Return False;
// Is it a null value?
Function isfill (Obj, title)
IF (Obj.Value.Length == 0)
Alert (Title ": Can't empty!");
Obj.focus ();
Return False;
Return True;
/ / Do you choose the content in the drop-down box
Function isddlselected (Obj, title)
IF (Obj.selectedIndex == 0)
Alert (Title ": Unselected!");
Return False;
Return True;
/ / Whether is Chinese
Function ischinese (Obj, title)
For (i = 0; i { IF (Obj.Value.Charcodeat (i) <10000) { Alert (Title ": You must enter Chinese!"); Obj.focus (); Return False; } } Return True; } / / Is it a string of English? Function Isenglishword (Obj, Title) { Var checken; Var i; Var J; For (i = 0; i { Checken = Obj.value.charcodeat (i); IF ((Checken> = 65 && checken <= 90) || (checken> = 97 && checken <= 122))) { } Else { Alert (Title ": Only 26 letters!"); Obj.focus (); Return False; } } Return True; } / / Is it a number of numbers? Function ISEWORDNUMBERANDOTHER (OBJ, TITLE) { Var checken; Var i; Var J; For (i = 0; i { Checken = Obj.value.charcodeat (i); IF ((Checken> = 48 && checken <= 57) || (checken> = 65 && checken <= 90) || (Checken> = 97 && checken <= 122) || (Checken == 95)) { } Else { Alert (Title ": can only contain numbers, letters and underscores!"); Obj.focus (); Return False; } } Return True; } Function isnumber (Obj, title) { Var letters = "1234567890"; VAR I, C; For (i = 0; i { C = obj.value.Charat (i); IF (letters.indexof (c) <0) { Alert (Title ": must be a number!"); Obj.focus (); Return False; } } Return True; } / / Whether it is a number Function isdecimal (Obj, title) { Var letters = "1234567890." Var i; Var C; For (i = 0; i { C = obj.value.Charat (i); IF (letters.indexof (c) <0) { Alert (Title ": must be a number!"); Obj.focus (); Return False; } } Return True; } / / Whether it is a string for email format Function ISEMAILFORMAT (OBJ, TITLE) { Var emailstr = obj.value; // var emailpat=/^(. )@( (. ) $/; Var emailpat = // w ([- .] / w ) * @ / w ([-.] / w ) * /. / w ([-.] / w ) * /; Var matcharray = emailstr.match (emailpat); IF (Obj.Value.Length! = 0 && matchay == NULL) { Alert (Title ": Email Format Error!"); Obj.focus (); Return False; } IF (Obj.Value.Length! == 0) { VAR ncount1 = 0; For (i = 1; i <= obj.value.Length; i ) { VAR D = Obj.Value.substring (i-1, i); IF (d == '@') { NCOUNT1 ; } } IF (ncount1! = 1) { Alert (Title "cannot enter two '@'"); Return False; } } Return True; } // Shield Right Button and Status Function NocontextMenu () { Event.cancelbubble = TRUE Event.ReturnValue = false; Return False; } Function NorightClick (e) { IF (window.event) { IF (E.WHICH == 2 || E.Which == 3) Return False; } Else if (event.button == 2 || Event.Button == 3) { Event.cancelbubble = truevent.ReturnValue = false; Return False; } } Function ClearrightClickAndStatus () { WINDOW.STATUS = "Welcome to the Information Management System"; IF (window.event) Document.captureEvents (Event.Mouseup); Document.onContextMenu = NocontextMenu; // for IE5 Document.onmousedown = norightclick; // for all others } Var strold = new string; Function ChangeStyle (O) { Var str = new string; Str = o.value; IF (str == "") { o.value = "0"; Return; } Var infindex = str.indexof (","); While (intIndex! = - 1) { Str = str.replace (",", "); INTINDEX = Str.indexof (","); } IF (isnan (STR) == false { IF (o.value.charat (0) == "-") { Alert ('annual fee input is incorrect!'); O.focus (); } Else { Str = math.Round (str * 100) / 100 o.value = convert (STR) } } Else { Alert ('annual fee can only enter digital!'); O.focus (); } } Function Convert (NUM) { Var strnum = "" NUM; Var arrnum = strnum.split ("."); Try { Var str = arrnum [0]; Var len = str.length; Var Cornum; IF (len% 3 == 0) Cornum = PARSEINT (LEN / 3) -1; Else Cornum = PARSEINT (LEN / 3); VAR TEMP = ""; For (var i = 0; i <= cornum; i ) { IF (i == 0) { Temp = Strnum.Substring (LEN-3, LEN); } Else IF (i { Temp = Strnum.Substring (LEN-3 * (i 1), LEN-3 * i) "," TEMP } Else { Temp = strnum.substring (LEN-3 * (i 1), LEN-3 * I) "," TEMP; } } IF (Arrnum.length> 1) TEMP = "." arrnum [arrnum.length-1]; Return Temp; } Catch (e) { Alert (E.MESSAGE); } } Function RemoveComma (O) { IF (O.Readonly == True) Return 0; Var str = new string; Str = o.value; Strold = o.value; Var infindex = str.indexof (","); While (intIndex! = - 1) { Str = str.replace (",", "); INTINDEX = Str.indexof (","); } O.value = STR; Var e = esent.srcelement; Var r = E.CREATETEXTRANGE (); R.MoveStart ('Character', E.Value.Length); R.Collapse (True); R.select (); }