Switch to AIX's 64-bit and 32-bit system kernel

xiaoxiao2021-03-06  115

Bootinfo -y processor bit number bootinfo -k core number 1, how to switch aix5.1 from 32-bit to 64-bit: ln -sf / usr / lib / boot / unix_64 / unix ln -sf / usr / lib / boot / unix_64 / usr / lib / boot / unix lslv -m hd5 bosboot -ad / dev / ipldevice shutdown -fr 2, how to switch Aix5.1 from 64-bit to 32-bit: ln -sf / usr / lib / Boot / UNIX_MP / UNIX LN -SF / USR / LIB / BOOT / UNIX_MP / USR / LIB / BOOT / UNIX LSLV -M HD5 bosboot -ad / dev / ipldevice shutdown -fr determines whether the system loads 64-bit kernel extensions, Use the command: # Genkex | GREP 64 If the system loads 64-bit kernel extensions, the information similar to the next line is returned: 149BF58 a3ec /usr/lib/drivers/syscalls64.ext

AIX Version 5 (c) Copyrights by ibm and by Others 1982, 2002. Login: root root's password: ***************************************** *********************************************************** * * * * * Welcome to AIX Version 5.2! * * * * * Please see the readme file in / usr / lpp / bos for information pert to * * this release of the aix operation system. * * * * * * *********************************************************** *********************************** Last unsuccessful lo GIN: AD March 14, 2004, 11:36 43 seconds on / dev / pts / 1 from Last Login: AD 2004 Mattte 05:18 57 seconds ON / DEV / PTS / 2 from # prtconf system Model: IBM, 7025-6F1 Machine serial number: 101A00F processor type: PowerPC_RS64-III processor number: 2 processor clock speed: 451 MHz CPU type: 64-bit Nuclear type: 32 -1 NULL memory size: 1024 MB Good memory size: 1024 MB firmware version: IBM, M2P01113 console Login: enable Auto Restart: True Complete Core: False Network Information Host Name: SNEC IP Address: 192.168. 18.102 Subnet Mask: Gateway: Name Server: Domain Name: SNEC.com Distribution Space Information Total Page Space: 512MB Used Percentage: 1% Volume Group Information ==

============================================================================================================================================================================================================= ================================================================================================================================================================= 34..54 ============================================== ========================================= rootvg: pv_name PV State Total PPS Free PPS Free Distribution Hdisk0 Active 542 445 108 .. 100..20..108..109 ========================================== =============================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================== installed? /- = added or deleded from resource list. * =

Diagnostic support not available Model Architecture:. Chrp Model Implementation: Multiple Processor, PCI bus sys0 system object plane sysplanar0 * pci1 P1 PCI system bus * pci6 P1 PCI bus ent0 P1 / E1 IBM 10/100 Mbps Ethernet PCI Adapter ( 23100020) * PCI7 P1 PCI Bus * PCI8 P1 PCI Bus * PCI9 P1 PCI Bus MG20 P1-I6 / G1 GXT130P Graphic Adapter * PCI10 P1 PCI Bus * PCI11 P1 PCI Bus * PCI12 P1 PCI Bus * PCI13 P1 PCI Bus ENT1 P1 -I9 / e1 IBM 10/100 MBPS Ethernet PCI Adapter (23100020) * PCI0 P1 PCI Bus * ISA0 P1 ISA Bus FDA0 P1 / D1 Standard I / O FA Pread Adapter FD0 P1-D1 Floppy Drive # Bootinfo -k 32 # Bootinfo -y 64 # DF file system 512 block available% Used iUsed% iUSED installed in / dev / hd4 131072 104352 21% 1419 5% / / DEV / HD2 10747904 8846808 18% 23908 2% / usr / dev / hd9var 131072 116200 12% 416 3% / VAR / DEV / HD3 131072 126840 4% 27 1% / TMP / DEV / HD1 131072 126808 4% 18 1% / home / proc - - - - - - / Proc / DEV / HD10OPT 131072 111976 15% 356 3% / OPT # ln -sf / usr / lib / boot / unix_64 / unix # ln -sf / usr / lib / boot / unix_64 / usr / lib / boot / unix # lslv -m HD5 HD5: N / A LP PP1 PV1 PP2 PV2 PP3 PV3 0001 0001 HDISK0 # bosboot -ad / dev / ipldevice bosboot: Boot Image is 18212 512-byte blocks. # Shutdown -fr shutdown Program AD March 15, 2004, Monday 05:49 39 seconds waiting for 'reboot ...' before stopping.


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