Eclipse main plugin Lomboz introduction (2)

xiaoxiao2021-03-06  104


Ready to work

Before installing Lomboz, you need to work, first, confirm that you are already using Lomboz's previous version, if you have you update your Lomboz to your new version or uninstall the outstanding version.

After installing Eclipse (before being decompressed by Lomboz plug-in), make sure your Eclipse is installed correctly and can run Eclipse.

Install JDK

A universal problem is to lack the installation of the appropriate Java Software Development Kit (which is JDK). In order to develop and compile the Java program, you need a JDK1.4 or higher version. Before installing JDK, you may have installed Java Runtime Environment (JRE) for Eclipse, in fact, this may be the cause of you, because JRE is not able to replace JDK. You can download the latest JDK from the official website of Java. After you have installed JSK, you can find that you can use it normally.

The author added:

Since using Eclipse then JDK should be installed.

Generally, it is directly extracted in the root directory of the C drive, such as: c: /j2sdk1.4.2

Set the contents of JDK

Java_Home = C: /J2SDK1.4.2

Classpath =.;% Java_home% / lib;% java_home% / lib / dt.jar;% java_home% / lib / Tools.jar

Path increases;% java_home% / bin;% PATH%

And changing the "Preferences" -> "Java" -> "Java" -> "C: /J2SDK1.4.2/JRE/" is installed in JRE (Installed JRES) ". Restart after saving.

In addition, it is best to use an eclipse3.0.1 that has never been activated, which can be completely cultured. If Eclipse has been used when installing the Chinese package, some content may not be used by Chinese, such as "Search", "Run" menu. If the Chinese is not complete, remove the Configuration directory under the Eclipse directory and restart.

Lomboz software requirements

The software requirements for Lomboz are as follows:

Explain the last "Other Eclipse Projects EMF"

Models used by Lomboz3.0 is an Eclipse-based EMF project that requires EMF Runtime 2.0.0 or higher, and Lomboz3.0 can be used normally in Eclipse.

The author added:

Otherwise, the Runtime or All SDK of EMF2.0.0 or higher must be installed in Eclipse, otherwise there is no setting to Lomboz in the left tree of Eclipse "Preferencees" in Eclipse.

Install Lomboz

First you have to download the Lomboz software from, make sure the downloaded version is adapted to your Eclipse.

After the LOMBOZ plug-in is downloaded, it is a zip's compressed package form, unzip the file to the installation directory of the Eclipse, will create a set of plugin folders as shown below:

Now you can start Eclipse and complete the Lomboz installation and configuration, you have to complete the Lomboz configuration.

The author added:

It is best to extract the file to a directory first, then copy all the Plugins folders and its contents in the decompressed directory to the Eclipse directory. In addition to the same name of the PLUGINS folder, others should have no identical content. Plugin Activation

Once the Lomboz is installed, then Lomboz must be activated.

Select Menu "Window" -> "Custom Transmission Diagram", open the following window, select the submenu content as "New", then select Lomboz J2EE Wizards, and all the subtries in it are shown below:

Select Menu "Window" -> "Custom Transmission Diagram", change the submenu content as "display diagram", then check Lomboz J2EE and its content, as shown below:

Select Menu "Window" -> "Custom Transmission Diagram" to switch to the Command tab, select Lomboz Actions as shown below:

Select the menu "window" -> "preference", in the "Workbench" -> "Tag Modification" Select Lomboz J2EE Decorators as shown below:

If you complete the above settings, then add an icon as shown below in the toolbar:

Moreover, the related content will also be increased in operation using the wizard new project.

Configure JDT and Lomboz

Before you use Lomboz as your J2EE project development tool, you have to complete the following configuration work.

Step 1: Java

First of all, it must be clear, new Java project's output file and source of source code.

Open the Preferences dialog box from the menu "window" -> "Preference" and expand the "Java" entry in the left tree and select "Build Path". Change the contents of the Source and Output Folders Change to Folder, and the source folder name "SRC", the output folder name "bin". After the modification, select the "Apply" button to save the modification, as shown below:

Step 2: Lomboz settings

Most application servers compile JSP files using standard Java Compiler (Javac), and Javac is included in the standard JDK Tools.jar (instead of JRE Tools.jar).

So you must select the JDK Tools.jar file correctly, which is usually located under the "lib" folder in the standard JDK installation directory.

Enable JSP Syntax Checking If you have a lot of JSP files, you don't want to check their grammar at each time you save, this feature will be very useful. By default, this function is selected. If you don't need this function, you can save this feature and "Apply" saved.

Server Restart If after you re-departing the project, your application server has not been able to reload your web container or EJB container, it will be useful. Select this feature, Lomboz will help you start your application server after reloading the container. This setting may be very useful for you to use Tomcat.

Update Server ClassPath and Deployment Parameters This feature This feature enables Lomboz to check and lock engineering ClassPath and selected engineering departments. If you change the definition of a server, this feature is very useful. By default, this function is selected. If you don't choose this, you have to check and lock your project's classpath every time you change the definition of the server.

Select Code Generation Plugin

Lomboz 3.0 supports the scalable code plugin. You can choose a plugin that supports generating EJB code and comments. The default plugin provided by Lomboz is "xdoclet".

important content:

Use Application Server ClassPath

This feature allows you to use the ClassPath in the next server definition when starting the application server. It will not use ClassPath in the Java project you build. If you don't choose this, Lomboz will use ClassPath in your Java project to start the application server. Such a disadvantage is that the Web container or EJB container will appear twice. Once an Eclipse's Java project, the other is the WAR of EJB's JAR and Web. This will cause unexpected class equipment, if you have such experience, then you will make you sure to choose this feature.

Step 3: Server definition

Lomboz can adapt to almost all Java application servers. In order to create a script for the Lomboz to create a correct server address you need to set some parameters. These parameters you set are regarded as the default settings of the files that start the server and find the local deployment web app and the EJB app.

These server profiles are stored under a folder called "Servers" in the Lomboz plug-in directory, when the Lomboz will scan this folder when needed.

The next step is to check and set the definition of these servers.

Although some values ​​have been pre-defined in advance, these default values ​​do not meet the configuration you need.

It is important to remember the "Application" your changes after the change is made.

Properties Page

Open the Preferences dialog box, select Server Definition under Lomboz, follow the steps below:

Select the server you want to use in Servers Type, and then change the contents of the corresponding server where the ClassPath variable is changed:

Classpath Page

The next step is to view when the server is started, those libraries must be loaded. We have been applied here (author prompt: After the previous application, determine closing preferences, reopen the preference, ClassPath Variables is applied). You can add or delete in this list, you must load the library that must be loaded when the server starts, but you must "apply" after any modification.

Step 4: Verify ClassPath Variables

Verify that these variables are set, the method is to open the "Preference" dialog, expand the Java entry, select the "Build Path" -> "Class Path Settings" entry, you should see that the variable you set has been added to the list. , As shown:

Step 5: XDoclet configuration developed for EJB

XDoclet only supports Java2 JDK, does not support 1.1 old versions

Make sure that the Tools.jar file in the JDK's lib directory is in the classpath variable.

Make sure the JDK's bin directory is in the second chapter in the PATH variable. It took a week, and it was too efficient to intermittently.


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