Bugzilla installation
Sudaobo [email: Sudaobo@163.com] Please install with root.
Download and extract Bugzilla
To http://www.bugzilla.org/, download the latest version of Bugzilla.
2. Run ./checksetup.pl in bugzilla directory. ./checksetup.pl will prompt you to install the appropriate CPAN module. You can also go to the URL http://www.cpan.org/, find the required modules, manually installed.
Manual installation steps: Perl makefile.pl make make Test Make Demo Make Installmake Test and make Demo optional.
There is a localconf file in the bugzilla directory that can modify the database.
3. Modify the owners and permissions of the files in the bugzilla directory and directory
4. Modify the apache profile httpd.confdocumentroot "/ home / www" Apache's DocumentRoot is "/ home / www".
4.1 [You'll want to make sure that your web server will run any file with the .cgi extension as a CGI and not just display it If you're using Apache that means uncommenting the following line in the httpd.conf file.: ]
AddHandler CGI-script .cgi increases the above instructions to allow Apache to run the CGI script.