Place a MySQL JDBC driver in JBoss4 in the ClassPath. Similarly, copy it into the / server / default / lib directory to copy / serve-ds.xml to the / Server / Default / Deploy directory under the / server / default / lib directory. Modify the mysql-ds.xml file, set to set the set to JDBC: mysql: // / , where / > Is the database hostname is the database name. Three Doc / Examples / DOCS / EXAMPLES / JMS / MYSQL-JDBC2-Service Replace D: /javaone/jboss4.0/server/default/deploy/jms/HSQLDB-JDBC2-SERVICE Quadruples need to set default / conf / standardjaws .xml file and element: java: / mysqlds datasource> mysql type-maping> jaws> also need StandardJbossCMP -jdbc.xml file element set to the following: java: / mysqlds datasource> mysql datasource- Mapping> defaults> jbosscmp-jdbc> 5 revisions login-config.xml files to use mysql:
sa module -Ption> sa module-option> module-option> jboss.jca: Service = localtxcm, name = mysqlds module-option> login-module> authentication> application-policy> Six / Server/default/deploy/ejb-deployer.xml file in Create Table Timers
Timerid varchar (50) Not null,
Targetid varchar (50) Not null,
InitialDate TimeStamp Not Null,
Interval Bigint,
Other type is changed to BOLB type
After such formulation, the default data source of JBoss is changed into mysql.