1 How to convert a string string into an integer int?
A. There are two ways:
1). INT i = integer.parseint ([string]); or i = integer.parseint ([String], [INT RADIX]);
2). INT i = integer.valueof (my_str) .intValue ();
Note: The string is transformed into Double, Float, and long.
2 How to convert integer int converted into a string string?
A. Have a variety of methods:
String s = String.Valueof (i);
2.) String s = integer.tostring (i);
3.) String s = "" i;
Note: Double, Float, long-converted to string is similar.
Java Data Type Conversion Ynniebo [Favorites] Keyword Type Conversion Source This is an example, saying that the data of data in Java is converted. For everyone to learn
package cn.com.lwkj.erts.register; import java.sql.Date; public class TypeChange {public TypeChange () {} // change the string type to the int type public static int stringToInt (String intstr) {Integer integer; integer = Integer.valueOf (intstr); return integer.intValue ();} // change int type to the string type public static String intToString (int value) {Integer integer = new Integer (value); return integer.toString () ;} // change the string type to the float type public static float stringToFloat (String floatstr) {Float floatee; floatee = Float.valueOf (floatstr); return floatee.floatValue ();} // change the float type to the string type public static String floatToString (float value) {Float floatee = new Float (value); return floatee.toString ();} // change the string type to the sqlDate type public static java.sql.Date stringToDate (String dateStr) { Return java.sql.date.valueof (datestr);} // change the sqldate type to the String TYPE PUBLIC STATIC STRING DATSTRING (Java.sql.date Datee) {Return Datee.toString ();
Public static void main (string [] args) {java.sql.date day; day = typechange.stringtodate ("2003-11-3"); string strDay = typechange.datetostring (day); system.out.println (strDay }}
Although the Data Type Conversion Function in Java can be found in the Java API, make a backup.
String-> Bytebyte Static Byte ParsebyTe (String S)
Byte-> String Byte Static String Tostring (byte B)
Char-> string character static string to string (char c)
String-> Short Short Static Short Parseshort (String S)
Short-> String Short Static String TSTRING (Short S)
String-> Integer Integer Static Int Parseint (String S)
Integer-> string integer static string toString (INT i)
String-> Long Long Static Long Parselong (String S)
Long-> String Long Static String Tostring (long i)
String-> float float static float parsefloat (string s)
FLOAT-> String float static string toString (float f)
String-> Double Double Static Double Parsedouble (String S)
Double-> StringDouble Static String Tostring (double