J2ME Development Environment Installation Guide - Select Blog from Luwei103

xiaoxiao2021-03-06  107

To develop J2ME development, we must first establish a development platform, and there are four programs on the development of platforms.

First, the full-featured Borland JBuilder platform (recommended) builds this platform, we must install: JBuilder 7, JBuilder 8 or JBuilder 9, Borland's MobileSet 3.1. Optional materials are: (Note that these are not necessarily, without these, you can also develop) the mobile phone SDK you want to develop, for example, to develop the Nokia Developer's Suite on Nokia, you can also add some simulations For example, 7210, etc. With the above materials, we have enough for us to build a very good development platform. Construction steps: (1): Install JBuilder and register. (If you have JBuilder 9.0 installed, it is fully installed, you don't have to install MobileSet 3.1, you can jump directly to step 3) Note: JBuilder's installation directory name cannot contain spaces (such as: cannot be installed in the program file, because there is Spaces), it is best to install in the default directory. JBUILDER does not have problems due to space, wait for the MobileSet 3.1, and will eventually problems due to spaces. (2): Install JBuilder correctly, after successfully register, install MobileSet 3.1, after the installation is complete, you need to register, mobileSet is free, you can register to Borland, you can also use the registration code in Appendix 2. Note: When installing MobileSet 3.1 is installed, the second option is installed, and the second option is installed. (3): After completing the above 2, you must install the developer's suite and simulator you can install (see Appendix 1 for the NOKIA SDK Installation Method). (4): Correctly completed the above steps, it can be said that this platform has been completed, it's as simple, what you have to do is in jbuilder a project, the JDK selection J2ME in the form of the appearance, others use the default Once, after completing the configuration, select New, then two options in the final MIDP page should be optional, then you can develop.

Second, use Sun's official tool, wireless development platform J2ME_wireless_toolkit to build this platform, we must install: JDK1.4, J2ME_wireless_toolkit1.04 or J2ME_Wireless_Toolkit 2.0 optional material is: (Note that these are not required, no these you can also Developed) The mobile phone SDK you want to develop, for example, to develop NOKIA Developer's Suite on NOKIA, and you can add some simulators such as 7210, etc. (NOKIA SDK installation method see Appendix 1). With the above materials, we are enough for us to build the current platform. (1): First install JDK1.4, (in the method one because JBuilder comes with JDK, it is not necessary to install separately.): After installing JDK correctly, you can install J2ME_Wireless_Toolkit, no matter 1.04 or 2.0, you can, 2 It can be installed. (3): After completing the above 2, you must install the developer's suite and simulator you can install (see Appendix 1 for the NOKIA SDK Installation Method). (4) Correctly completed the above steps, it can be said that this platform has been set up (J2ME_Wireless_Toolki's role and jBuilder is similar, used to compile yourself, but it does not provide editing, etc., so you have to use Notepad or Other text editing software write programs, see Appendix 3 in use, use Sun Company integrated development environment FORTE for Java J2ME_Wireless_Toolkit to build this platform, we must install: Java2 SDK (Java2 Standard Edition), Fore for Java Community Edition, J2ME_wireless_toolkit1.03 optional materials are: (Note that these are not required, no such you can develop) the mobile phone SDK you want to develop, for example, develop NOKIA Developer's Suite on Nokia, You can add some simulators such as 7210 or the like according to yourself (see Appendix 1). With the above materials, we will build the current platform. (1): First install Java2 SDK (Java2 Standard Edition). (2): After installing SDK, you can install Fore for Java Community Edition. (3): After completing the steps, you must install J2ME_wireless_toolkit1.03 (note when installing to selecting the installation mode, is "integrated" - integration, or "alone" ---- Independence, choose Integrated ---- Integration). (4): After completing the above 2, you must install the developer's suite and simulator you choose (see Appendix 1 for the NOKIA SDK Installation Method). (5) Correctly completed the above steps, this platform is completed (Fore for Java Community Edition "and JBuilder is almost almost)

Fourth, the smallest head, but it is more complex platform CLDC MIDP to build this platform, we must install: JDK1.4, J2ME_CLDC_ 1.04, MIDP 2.0 This platform is more complicated, only rough introduction: (1) First, you have to install JDK1.4 (2) With J2ME_CLDC_ 1.04, MIDP 2.0, and Umbrace to the same directory as C: / J2ME, in fact, these two are the same as the compiler in the command line and JBuilder, Toolkit's role, but use It is more troublesome. (3) See Appendix 4 Appendix 4 Appendix 4 Appendix 1: Nokia SDK is installed in JBuilder (in fact, there is no JDK, JBuilder comes with JDK) or JDK, NOKIA's developer's suite can be installed, install developer's suite back The simulator must be installed in the Device Directory of Nokia's Developer's Suite, below is the NOKIA's Developer's Suite and some simulators: NDS_JME_V1.1 (NOKIA Developer Suite "User Name: Allyfeng Serial Number: Pjzpqst0pjnMewatr2ga WiCeSk = ns40 username: allyfeng SEQ ID NO: HgaDbt1HpXFucqDp97ThNjvN468 = 7210 username: allyfeng SEQ ID NO: 89YPeBKM6tzssXLLi5OxuDdhcyk = Nokia 6650 simulator registration information: user name: allyfeng SEQ ID NO: PLkvtJRKbzplqIXRqyb0czF969w =

Appendix 2: Builder MobileSet 3.0.1. JBUILDER7 or JBUILDER8 is required first. Registration method: Create a text file, copy the following registration code to the file, save. When you register, select Active File, then load this file.

Registration code: ----- Begin Block -----% C5% 17% D% 9B% 00% 02i% DE% DAL% 2C% B2% F7% 9DE% 80C5% A6% E5% AF% 7C% A7% 06% 05% D1% B1% B5% 0A% 955L% 87% E 5% E6% 5B% 8C% 0D% 01% A9% EE% EB-% A9% 21% 7C% E7% 8A% E2% 1D% B6LZ% E2% F1% F B0% E3% 7B% 1F% F6% E3% 9A% 3E% E4% 1D% 2B% FD% FB% CD% 5C% D6% 2BO% FB% f6% 89 % 7F% D8J% 3E% 96% 8C% 98L% C0% 03% 15% 86% D3% FET% 81% 1BF% 8F% DD% B6% 02% D 76Z% Fe% E4% 8B% 5B% D8% 02% 1D% BD% F1% B0P% A9% 27% 13% F6% 8F% AE% 0D% 8A% 7 FR% 99% ED% 93% 22% 82V% 2B% E7% 9B% AF T% C3Q% 1F% 8E% CC% BFP% A52% 26% DC% 9 f% 8EC% D3% 1CU% D1% AA% ADB% DA% 1B% 2 b% A0% 8A% D2I% B3% 0C% 20% C2% DC% 81R% E3G% 0A% 90% E4% B2E% 9D% 11% 3A% F1% 90% D2_% A0% 7BO% C0% A4% A3% 17% 98% 1 E% 21% EE% 9D% B3 % 24% 9AK% 1A% A5% BE% be% 3E% EAG-% F1% B6% 9BL% BA-% 2F% F8% D5% E2% 23% C0J% 27% E8% B2% ADS% F6T% 03 % C0% D6% E7% 3E% E96% 28% 95% C3% E 7Z% F4% 3EH% B3% B3% D2Y% A9F% 16% 92% 93% 88% 1A% A4MW% 85% A1% 92i% B0% 5BQ% A7% EF% 87i% D2% 7F% 3D% 8A% A0% A3Y% BEQC% EA% 8A% 8E% 08% 95% 02% 7e% 9A% FF% DBE% 80% 40% 04% 8A% DB% BBD% A7G% 3 D% C7% A6% E0% 7C% 90% 29 *% E0% E0% ABX% D4% 29N% D0% DA% A6P% D6% 11% 1e% ED% 90% 9D% 1B% E7S% 10% FD% B6% BF% 14% A9% 07P% B9% B0% C1O% 9DS% 14% 8C% 87% 99 E% F7% 18% 1E% 9C% EB% FDC% B4% 13A% D9% 9D %% 2C% 97% 1A8% C1% AF% D3X% 87% 7FG% E6% 94% 98% 26% 90J% 10% C8% EC% 8 64% C2SN% E5% 9e% D8T% EFEZ% BB% 8A% D 1% 20% CD5% 0B% FC% E3% CC% 19% 89JV% C 4% D9% E1R% A2Z0% BE% DD% A4J% 91H% 0D% E3% F1% 9C% 2B% ED% 06% 60% E1% F2% FA x% CA% 18F% de% FB% ABW% 93Q% 29% D5% EE% BF% A4% 3E% 02% B0 % C6% ADH% 98P% 0 D% CE% Fe% FC% 7F% AE% 07% 04% 8E% C7% F 9D% AD% 29% 7C% DF% AF% B5V% 98% 20% 1C% A5 % 89% ED% 7F% B5RU% EC% AB% FCQ% AF Z% 5C% F4% 9B% A7% 5D% 8C_% 17% D8% CF% B1% 5B% D6G% 28% B2% EE% f8% 02% A0% 0F o% C3% B4% ECG% 9E% 3D% 26% C2% CC% F4E% FF_% 3C% A5% 91% BB% 1C% D3% 26V% DA% F7% 95U% BD% 3CF % D9% EE% E7% 27% C8% 1 5% 3D% E7% A3% 9E_% AAR% 7C% 92% F8% CD% 13% 9D% 1E4% 9F% 84% EFT% 8F% 5CO% DB% B0% D4L% 8CHN% 83% E4% CE% 3F% F32V% 95% aa% A2F% 97P% 2F% E5% E5% D8D% 91H C ----- End block ----- Appendix 3: Toolkit Usage Launch Kit: Find the KTOOLBAR program to start it.

Press the CREATE Project button to create a new project. The system prompts you to enter the name of the project and the name of the primary MIDlet class, and you can write anything, this class should run when the application is started. The toolkit will create a project directory with the item you entered. Check if the item properties displayed are correct, we will also look back and check it out. Write the Java program source code (or copy existing code) with Notepad and save the program code to the SRC subdirector of the directory named by the previous KTOOLBAR. Press the build button to compile, then press the RUN button to test the program in the test simulator. Appendix 4: First download the following software: JDK 1.2 or higher http://java.sun.com/J2SE/ limited connection device configuration (CLCDHTTP: //www.sun.com/software/communitysource/j2me/download.html Midhttp://java.sun.com/products/midp/ Note: You need JAVAC command in JDK to compile MIDlets. Download, unzip the software, put it below the recommended directory: c: /jdk1.2 c : / J2ME │ MIDP │ CLCD This article assumes that the directory is C: / J2ME

To test MIDP applications, you need to install MIDP and CLCD. Configuring Running Environments: Set the environment variable, modify the PATH to add MIDP and JDK's working path. Set the environment variable: Set the variables in the path, open autoexec.bat with the text editor, or type the sysedit command in the start run, and insert the following two lines, we assume that your * make the system and JDK all installed under C. . SET PATH =% PATH%;% javaHome% / bin; Path = C: / Windows; C: / WINDOWS / Command; C: / JDK / BIN; C: / J2ME / MIDP / BIN;% PATH% Check your environment Variable Settings Successfully Type the following command under the command line: C: / MIDP Enter. A window should be popped up. Set screen color c: / set screen defth = 8 c: / midp -des criper run.jad effect See Figure 2, you can now prepare to test the first MIDP.

Hellomidlet's description file About Hellomidlet example, http://wireless.java.sun.com/midp/Articles/intro/; MIDlet-name: hellomidlet midlet-version: 1.0.0 midlet-vendor: Sun Microsystems, Inc. MIDlet-des cription: a Simple Example MIDLET-INFO-URLHTTP: //java.sun.com/j2me/; MIDlet-Jar- URL: Hello.jar Midlet-Jar-Size: 1063 Microedition-Profile: MIDP-1.0 Microedition-Configuration: CLDC-1.0 MIDlet-1: Hellomidlet, Hellomidlet


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