PHP5 + APACHE2 + MYSQL4 + Serv-U

xiaoxiao2021-03-06  93


1, Apache2 Modified% apache2% / conf / httf.conf

a) Add a PHP module, as follows loadingModule php5_module "% phpinidir% php5% addtype application / x-httpd-php .php b) Modify web directory DocumentRoot"% Webroot% / HTDOCS "2, PHP5

a) Modify% PHP5% / php.ini include_path = ".;% php5% / pear" extension_dir = "% php5% / ext /" extension = php_mysql.dll b) Copy php5apache2.dll libmysql.dll from% PHP5% By% windir% / system32 * test, Apache2 php5 installed by% apache2% / bin / apache.exe -k install net start apache2

3, mysql4

a) Copy my.ini to% windir% b) Modify My.ini DataDir =% DATA_LOC%

4, SERV-U5

a) Creating database% servu_db% under mysql Under% Servu_DB%, execute CreateServutables.SQL B) MYODBC-Standard-3.51.9-win.exe C) in Administrative Tools -> Data Source (ODBC) -> System DSN Add Myodb C3.51.9 Driver "Data Source Name" fills down% servu_drive% "Database Name" Fill in% Servu_DB% D) Modify% Servu_Dir% / Servudaemon.ini [Domains] Domain1 =% localhsot_ip% || 21 | NPPL | 2 | 0 | 1 [Domain1] CacheTTL = 60 ODBCSource =% SERVU_DRIVE% || ODBCTables = useraccounts | groupaccounts | userdiraccess | groupdiraccess | useripaccess | groupipaccess ODBCColumns = Name | Password | SKeyValues ​​| HomeDir | LogMesFile | Access | Disable | NeedSecure | RelPaths | HideHidden | AlwaysLogin | changePass | QuotaEnable | MaxIP | MaxSpeedUp | MaxSpeedDown | MaxUsers | IdleTimeOut | SessionTimeOut | RatioUp | RatioDown | RatioCredit | QuotaCurrent | QuotaMax | Expiration | Privilege | PassType | RatioType | Groups | Notes | Index EncryptPasswords = 0 CreateServUTables.sql file # phpMyAdmin SQL Dump # Version 2.5.3 #

# ------------------------------------------------- ------- ## Structure of the `groupaccounts` Table #

Drop Table if existscounts`; Create Table `Groupaccounts` (` Name` VARCHAR (50) Not Null Default '', `Notes` VARCHAR (255) Default Null, Primary Key (` Name`) type = myisam;

# ------------------------------------------------- -------

## Structure of the `Groupdiraccess` Table #

DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `groupdiraccess`; CREATE TABLE` groupdiraccess` ( `Index` smallint (5) unsigned NOT NULL default '0',` Name` varchar (50) NOT NULL default '', `Access` varchar (200) default NULL, PRIMARY Key (`INDEX`,` Name`) type = myisam;

# ------------------------------------------------- -------

## structure of the `Groupipaccess` Table #

Drop Table if exists`; Create Table `Groupipaccess` (` Index` Smallint (5) Not null default '0', `Name` VARCHAR (50) Not null default ',` Access` VARCHAR (80) Default NULL , Primary Key (`INDEX`,` Name`)) type = myisam;

# ------------------------------------------------- -------

## structure of the `useraccounts` Table #

Drop Table if exists `;; urshr (50) default null,` sKeyvalues` VARCHAR (50) Default Null, `.............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................. VARCHAR (200) Not Null Default ', `logmesfile` VARCHAR (80) Default Null,` disable` Tinyint (1) default null, `Needsecure` Tinyint (1) default null,` relpaths` Tinyint (1) default null, `HideHidden` tinyint (1) default NULL,` AlwaysLogin` tinyint (1) default NULL, `ChangePass` tinyint (1) default NULL,` QuotaEnable` tinyint (1) default NULL, `MaxIP` smallint (5) default NULL, `MaxSpeedUp` int (10) default NULL,` MaxSpeedDown` int (10) default NULL, `MaxUsers` smallint (5) default NULL,` IdleTimeOut` int (10) default NULL, `SessionTimeOut` int (10) default NULL, `Ratioup` Smallint (2) Default Null,` Ratiodown` Smallint (2) Default Null, `Ratiocredit` Float (16) Default Null,` Quotacurrent` Bigint (20) Default Null, `Quotamax` Bigint (20) Default Null, `expression` DateTime Default Null,` Pr Ivilege` Tinyint (3) Default Null, `Passtype` Tinyint (3) Default Null,` Ratiotype` Tinyint (3) Default Null, `Groups` VARCHAR (80) Default Null,` Notes` VARCHAR (255) Default Null, Primary Key (`Name`)) Type = Myisam; # ------------------------------------------------------ ------------------

## structure of the `Userdiraccess` Table #

Drop Table if exists `;; Create Table` Userdiraccess` (`Index` Smallint (5) unsigned not null default '0',` Name` VARCHAR (50) Not null default '', `Access` VARCHAR (200) Default Null, Primary Key (`Index`,` Name`) Type = Myisam; # ------------------------------- -------------------------

## structure of the `Useripaccess` Table #

Drop Table if exists `;; Create Table` Useripaccess` (`Index` Smallint (5) unsigned not null default '0',` Name` VARCHAR (50) Not null default ', `Access` VARCHAR (80) Default NULL, PRIMARY Key (`INDEX`,` Name`) type = myisam;


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