The following example shows how to send data and reception responses to the HTTP server to the HTTP server using the Socket class.
[C #]
Public String DosocketGet (String Server)
// sets up variables and a string to write to the server
// If you need to transfer the Chinese string here, you need to set it to encoding.default
String get = "Get / http / 1.1 / r / nhost:" Server
"/ r / nConnection: Close / R / N / R / N";
Byte [] Byteget = ascii.getbytes (GET);
Byte [] recvbytes = new byte [256];
String strretpage = null;
// ipaddress and ipndpoint represent the endpoint tria Will
// receive the request.
// Get The first ipaddress in The List Using DNS.
Ipaddress hostd = dns.resolve (server) .addresslist [0];
IpendPoint Ephost = New IpendPoint (HostAdd, 80);
// Creates The socket for sending data over tcp.
Socket S = New Socket (AddressFamily.InterNetwork, Sockettype.Stream,
// Connects to the host using ipndpoint.
S.Connect (Ephost);
IF (! S.Connected)
StrretPage = "Unable to connect to host";
Return StrretPage;
// sends the get text to the host.
s.send (byteget, byteget.length); socketflags.none;
// Receives the page, looping unsil alltes are receivated
INT32 bytes = S.Receive (Recvbytes, Recvbytes.length, 0);
StrretPage = "Default HTML Page On" Server ": / r / n";
StrretPage = strretpage ascii.getstring (recvbytes, 0, bytes);
While (bytes> 0)
Bytes = S.Receive (Recvbytes, Recvbytes.length; SocketFlags.none);
StrretPage = strretpage ascii.getstring (recvbytes, 0, bytes);
// If you want to close the connection immediately, call s.close ();
Return StrretPage;