Test - Lost Data File, all control files, all redo log file (original)

xiaoxiao2021-03-06  103

1. SQL> SELECT * FROM BACKUP before backup;

ID ---------- 1 2 3 4 5 6

6 Rows SELECTED.2, cold backup All files outside the online redo file, delete all files, simulation error

4. Start recovery SQL> StartUporacle Instance Started.

Total System Global Area 143727516 bytesFixed Size 453532 bytesVariable Size 109051904 bytesDatabase Buffers 33554432 bytesRedo Buffers 667648 bytesORA-00205: error in identifying controlfile, check alert log for more info failed to start

Restore all of the backed up all the files to the original position, find that you can start to Mount, but you can't open

SQL> Startup NomounToCle Instance Started.

Total System Global Area 143727516 Bytesfixed Size 453532 Bytesvariable Size 109051904 Bytesdatabase Buffers 33554432 BYTESREDO BUFFERS 667648 BYTESSQL> ALTABASE MOUNT 2;

Database altered.

SQL> ALTABASE OPEN; Alter Database Open * Error At line 1: ORA-00313: Open failed for members of log group 1 of thread 1ORA-00312: Online log 1 thread 1: 'f: / oracle / oraData / oracas / redo01 .Log '

Recreate control files SQL> ALTER DATABASE backup controlfile to trace;

Database altered.

CREATE CONTROLFILE REUSE DATABASE "ORACAS" RESETLOGS ARCHIVELOG MAXLOGFILES 50 MAXLOGMEMBERS 5 MAXDATAFILES 100 MAXINSTANCES 1 MAXLOGHISTORY 113LOGFILE GROUP 1 'F: /ORACLE/ORADATA/ORACAS/REDO01.LOG' SIZE 100M, GROUP 2 'F: / ORACLE / ORADATA / ORACAS / Redo02.log 'size 100m, group 3' f: /oracle/roadata/undata/redo03.log 'size 100mdatafile' f: /oracle/oradata/oracas/system01.dbf ',' f: / oracle / oraData / ORACAS / Undotbs01.dbf ',' f: /oracle/oradata/oracas/drsys01.dbf ',' f: /oracle/oradata/racas/example01.dbf ',' f: /oracle/oradata/oracas/indx01.dbf ', 'F: /oracle/oradata/oracas/odm01.dbf', 'f: /oracle/oradata/racas/tools01.dbf', 'f: /oracle/oradata/oracas/Users01.dbf', 'f: / oracle / OraData/oracas/xdb01.dbf ',' f: /oracle/oradata/oracas/oem_repository.dbf ',' f: /oracle/oradata/racas/backup.dbf'character set zhs16gbk; startup nomount; Execute the above script, Create a new control file with Recover Database Using Backup ControlFile Recovery SQL> Recover Database Using Backup ControlFileora-00279: Change 3161863 Generated AT 11/04/200 4 20:44:47 Needed for thread 1ORA-00289: Suggestion: f: /oracle/ora92/rdbms/arc00006.001ra-00280: Change 3161863 for thread 1 is in sequence # 6specify log: { = suggester | filename | Auto | Cancel} autoora-00308: Cannot Open archived log 'f: /oracle/ora92/rdbms/arc00006.001'ora-27041: Unable to open fileosd-04002: unable to open fileo / s-error: (OS 2 ) The system can not find the file specified.

ORA-00308: Cannot Open Archived log 'f: /oracle/ora92/rdbms/arc00006.001'ora-27041: Unable to open fileosd-04002: unable to open fileo / s-error: (OS 2) system can't find Specified file.

SQL> ALTER DATABASE OPEN RESETLOGS; ALTER DATABASE OPEN RESETLOGS * ERROR at line 1: ORA-01113: file 1 needs media recoveryORA-01110: data file 1: 'F: /ORACLE/ORADATA/ORACAS/SYSTEM01.DBF' recover database with until cancel using backup controlfile to restore SQL> recover database until cancel using backup controlfile; ORA-00279: change 3161863 generated at 11/04/2004 20:44:47 needed for thread 1ORA-00289: suggestion: F: / ORACLE / oRA92 /RDBMS/ARC00006.001RA-00280: Change 3161863 for thread 1 is in sequence # 6

Specify log: { = SuggeSted ​​| FileName | Auto | Cancel} Cancelmedia Recovery Cancelled.SQL> ALTER DATABASE OPEN RESETLOGS;

Database altered.

At this point, the data SQL> Select * from backup after the database verification recovery is successfully opened.

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. 6 rows selected This is an incomplete recovery, online redo information will be lost sections: 1, resotore all the controlfile, datafile2, recreate the controlfile3, alter database mount; 4, recover database using backup controlfile (auto) 5 Recover Database Until Cancel Using Backup ControlFile (Cancel); 6, ALTER DATABASE OPEN RESETLOGS (then rebuilt Online Redolog ...)


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