xiaoxiao2021-03-06  96

- Sentence function

- Data operation

SELECT - Retrieves data lines and columns from the database table

INSERT - Add new data to the database table

Delete - Remove Data Row from Database Table

Update - Update the data in the database table

- Data definition

CREATE TABLE - Create a database table

DROP TABLE - Remove the table from the database

Alter Table - Modify Database Table Structure

CREATE VIEW - Create a view

DROP View - Remove View from the Database

CREATE INDEX - Create an index for database tables

Drop Index - Remove Index from the Database

CREATE Procedure - Create a stored procedure

Drop Procedure - Remove stored procedures from the database

CREATE TRIGGER - Create a trigger

DROP TRIGGER - Remove the trigger from the database

Create Schema - Add a new mode to the database

DROP Schema - Remove a mode from the database

Create Domain - Create a data value domain

Alter Domain - Change the domain definition

DROP DOMAIN - Remove a domain from the database

- Data Control

Grant - Grant user access

Deny - Reject user access

Revoke - Release User Access Permissions

- transaction control

Commit - End current transaction

Rollback - abort current transaction

SET Transaction - Defines the current transaction data access feature

- Documentation SQL

Declare - Set the cursor for the query

Explan - Describe the data access plan for the query

Open - Retrieval Query Open a cursor

FETCH - Retrieve a line of query results

Close - Close Cursor

Prepare - Prepare SQL statements for dynamic

Execute - Dynamically perform SQL statements

Describe - Description ready for query

--- Local variable declare @id char (10) - set @ID = '10010001'select @ID =' 10010001 '

--- Global variable - must start with @@

- IF Elsedeclare @x int @y int @z @ @X = 1 @Y = 2 @ z = 3if @x> @YPRINT 'X> Y' - Print string 'x> Y'Else if @Y> @zprint 'y> Z'Else Print' Z> Y '

--Caseuset e_wage = Casewhen Job_LAGE = '1' TEN E_WAGE * 1.08When Job_WAGE * 1.08When Job_LEVEL = '2' TEN E_WAGE * 1.07When Job_LEVEL = '3' TEN E_WAGE * 1.06ELSE E_WAGE * 1.05nd

--While Continue BreakDeclare @x int @x = 1 @ y = 1WHILE @X <3beginprint @X - the value of print variable x While @Y <3begInselectr @c = 100 * @ x @Yprint @C - Value of print variable C SELECT @Y = @y 1ndselect @X = @X 1select @Y = 1END

--Waitfor - Example Waiting for 1 hour 2 points after 3 seconds to perform SELECT statement waitfor delay '01: 02: 03'select * from Employee - Case, etc. Behind 11:00, then execute SELECT statement waitfor Time ' 23: 08: 00'Select * from Employee *** SELECT ***

select * (column names) from table_name (table) where column_name operator valueex :( host) select * from stock_information where stockid = str (nid) stockname = 'str_name' stockname like '% find this%' stockname like '[a- ZA-Z]% '-------- ([] Specified value range) Stockname Like' [^ fm]% '--------- (^ exclude specified range) --- ------ You can only use wildcards in WHERE clauses using the LIKE key) or stockpath = 'stock_path'or stockNumber <1000and stockIndex = 24Not Stocksex =' Man'StockNumber Between 20 and 100stockNumber in (10, 20, 30) Order by stockid desc (ASC) --------- Sort, DESC - Descending, ASC-Ascending Order by 1, 2 --------- BY list stockName = (Select stockname from "STOCKNAME FROM Stock_information where stockid = 4) --------- Subqueries --------- Unless you can make sure that the inner SELECT returns only a row, ------- otherwise In the outer WHERE clause, use a IN Law Select Distinct Column_Name Form Table_Name --------- DistINCT specified to search the alone, do not repeat the Select stockNumber, "stocknumber 10" = stockNumber 10 from table_nameselector Stockname, "stocknumber" = count (*) from table_name group by stockname --------- Group by Packet table, specify the same value in the specified column HAVING Count (*) = 2 ---- ----- Having Selected Group Select * from Tab Le1, Table2 WHERE TABLE1.ID * = Table2.ID -------- Left external connection, there is no NULL in Table1 to represent = * Table2.ID ------- - Right external connection

Select stockname from table1Union [all] ----- UNION merge query result set, all-reserved repeat line Select stockname from table2

*** insert ***

INSERT INTO TABLE_NAME (STOCK_NAME, STOCK_NUMBER) Value ("XXX", "XXXXX") Value (SELECT stockname, stock_table2) --- value is a SELECT statement

*** UPDATE ***

Update table_name set stockName = "xxx" [Where stockid = 3] stockname = defaultStockName = nullstocknumber = stockname 4 *** delete ***

Delete from table_name where stockid = 3truncate table_name ----------- Delete all rows in the table, still keep the integrity of the table DROP TABLE_NAME ------------- complete Delete table

*** alter Table *** --- Modify the database table structure

Alter Table Database.OWNER.TABLE_NAME ADD Column_name Char (2) NULL ..... sp_help table_name ---- Display Table Existing Create Table Table_name (Name Char (20), Age Smallint, Lname Varchar (30)) INSERT INTO TABLE_NAME SELECT ......... - - Realize the method of deleting columns (Create a new table) ALTER TABLE TABLE_NAME DROP CONSTRAINT stockName_Default ---- Delete the stockname's default constraint *** function (/ * commonly used function*/)***

---- Statistical Function ---- AVG - Ask the average COUNT - Statistics Max - Search MIN - Summary SUM - Search



--Stdev () - stdev () function Returns the standard deviation of all data in the expression

--Stdevp () - stdevp () function returns the overall standard difference

--VAR () - VAR () function returns a statistical variation of all values ​​in the expression

--VARP () - VARP () function Returns the total variation

---- Arithmetic function ----

/ *** Triangle function *** / sin (float_expression) - Returns sinusoidal COS (FLOAT_EXPRESSION) in an arc - Returns the cosine TAN (FLOAT_EXPIXPRESSION) in the arc-represented angle - Returns the angle represented by radians Orthodium COT (FLOAT_EXPRESSION) - Returns the remainder of the angle represented / *** Anti-triangular function *** / asin (float_expression) - Returns the sinusoidal is the angle ACOS (float_expression) indicated by the FLOAT value. - Returning the cosine is the angle ATAN (float_expression) of the float value - Return to the angle ATAN2 (float_expression1, float_expression2) of the float value - Return to orthode chitting is FLOAT_EXPRESSION1 / FLOAT_EXPRES-SION2 in the arc. Corner DegRees - Transform the arc into angle returns the same data type as the expression can be the same as the integer / money / real / float type radians (numeric_expression) - convert the angle to the arc return to the same data as the expression Types can be -integer / money / real / float type exp (float_expression) - Return Expression LOG (FLOAT_EXPRESSION) - Returns the natural log of log10 (float_expression) - Returns 10 For the end of the logarian SQRT (FLOAT_EXPRESSION) - Returns the square root of the expression / *** Nearly close to the similar value *** / ceiling (numeric_expression) - Return> = The minimum integer returned by the expression is the same as the expression To - ITEGER / MONEY / REAL / FLOAT Type Floor (Numeric_Expression) - Returns the data type returned by <= the minimum integer returned by the expression is the same as the expression of the same --integer / money / real / float type Round - Returns the data returned by integer_expression as accuracy - Types and expressions can be integer / money / real / float type ABS (Nume) RIC_EXPRESSION) - The data type returned by the error of the expression can be the same as the expression of the expression of -integer / money / real / float type Sign (Numeric_Expression) - the positive number of the test parameters returns 0 zero value 1 positive or -1 negative data type - the same can be used for Integer / Money / REAL / FLOAT type PI () - return value is π 3.1415926535897936rand ([Integer_Expression]) - Do it with optional [integer_expression] Seeds worth 0-1 random floating point numbers

---- String Function ---- ASCII () - Function Returns the ASCII code value of the character express left-end character Char () - Function is used to convert the ASCII code to the character - if not entered 0 ~ 255 The ASCII code value char function returns a NULL value LOWER () - function transforms all the strings to lowercase UPPER () - Function Converts the string to the uppercase STR () -Function to convert numeric data conversion For the character data Ltrim () - function removes the space of the string head removes the RTRIM () - function removes the space of the string of the string to Left (), substring (), substring () - Function Return to some strings Charindex (), Patindex () - Function Returns the start position of a specified substring in the string Soundex () - function Returns a four-bit character code - Soundex function can be used to find sound similar strings, but Soundex functions Return to numbers and Chinese characters to return 0 Values ​​DIFFERENCE () - Functions Returns the difference between the two character expressions returned by the SoundEx function - 0 two SoundEx functions return value different - 1 two SoundEx function returns the first character of the value of the same - 2 Two SoundEx functions return values ​​The first two characters of the value of the same - 3 Two SoundEx functions return values ​​The first two three characters of the value - 4 two SoundEx functions The return value is completely the same quotename () - function returns a string from a specific pen / * select quotename ('abc', '{') quotename ('ABC') running results --------- ------------------------- {{abc} [ABC] * /

Replicate () - Function Returns a string of repeating character_expression specified / * SELECT Replicate ('ABC', 3) Replicate ('ABC', -2) Run the results below ----------- ---------- Abcabcabc null * /

Reverse () - Function Run the specified string Character arrangement reverse the Replace () - function returns the string of the specified substring / * SELECT Replace ('ABC123G', '123', 'DEF') The results are as follows ----------- ----------- Abcdefg * /

The space () - function returns a blank string stuff () - function with a specified length, replacing a string of the position length with another subster

---- Data Type Conversion Function ---- Cast () Function Syntax As next () ( AS [Length]) Convert () function syntax is as follows () ( [LENGTH ], [, style])

SELECT CAST (100 99 As Char) Convert (VARCHAR (12), getdate ()) running results --------------------------- --- ------------ 199 Jan 15 2000

---- Date Function ---- DAY () - Function Returns the Date_Expression Date () - Function Returns the Month Value Values ​​in Date_Expression Year () - Function Returns the Year Value Dateadd in Date_Expression (, , ) - Function Returns the specified date Date plus the specified additional date period Number generated new date Datediff (, , ) - function returns two specified Dates Datename Datename (, ) - Functions in DatePart Datename (, ) - Function Returns in the form of integer values ​​in the form of a string Specify some of the date of the date at the getDate () function returns the current date and time of the system in DateTime ---- System Function ---- App_Name () - Function Returns the name of the currently executed application Co., Ltd. - Function Returns the value of the first non-NULL expression in many expressions col_length (<'Table_name'>, <'Column_Name'>) - Function Return to the length value col_name of the specified field in the table (, ) - Function Return to the name of the specified field in the table is the actual length DB_ID ([Database_name '] - function returns the data of the data of the data expression ([' database_name ']) - function Returns the number DB_NAME (Database_ID) - - Function Returns the name of the database host_id () - Function Returns the name host_name () - Function Returns the name of the server computer Name Identity ( [, seed increment]) [as column_name]) - Identity The function is only used in the SELECT INTO statement to list a new Identity Column to a new table / * Select Id, 1, 1) as column_nameinto newTableFrom oldtable * / isdate () - function judgment The expression given Whether is reasonable date isnull (, ) - The function replaces the NULL value in the expression with the specified value to determine if the given expression is a reasonable value newId () - function returns a NULLIF of a UNIQUEIDentifier type NULLIF (< Expression1>, ) - Nullif Function Returns the value of Expression1 when Expression1 is equal to EXPRESSION2 equal to EXPRESSION1.


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