JavaScript [object. Properties] highlights

xiaoxiao2021-03-06  92


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Script tag? Used to include JavaScript code. • LANGUAGE Defining Script Language? SRC Defines a URL to specify files ending with .js? Windows object? The top object of each HTML document.? Property? Frames [] 子 桢Array. Each sub-array is stored in the order defined in the source document.? Feames.Length number.? Self Current window.? Parent parent window (The current window is a child window).? Top top window (all The parent window of the visible window). • The message on the STATUS Browser status window.? DefaultStatus appears on the default message on the browser status window when Status is invalid.? Name Internal name, open The name of the window defined.? Method? Alert ("Message") Displays the "JavaScript Alert" dialog containing a given message.? Confirm ("Message) Displays the" Confirm "dialog containing a given message (there is an OK Buttons and a Cancel button). If the user returns true, otherwise returns false.? PROMPT ("message") Displays a "Prompt" dialog, requiring the user to give the corresponding input according to the display message.? Open ("URL", "Name") Opens a new window to give a specified name.? Close () Close the current window. All attributes.? Location object? Information with the current URL.? Property? HREF The entire URL string.? Protocol contains a string of the first part of the URL, such as http :? Host contains the host name in the URL: port number String. Such like // Hostname contains a string of the hostname in the URL. Such as Port contains a port number string that may exist in the URL.? Pathname URL "/" Part of the "/". String after ~ List / Index.htm? Hash "#" (CGI parameter). • Since the Search "?" (CGI parameter) after the string.? Document object? The object of the current document information. • Property? Titl e Current document title, if not defined, include "Untitled".? Location document full url.? LastModified contains the document last modified date.? Referrer caller URL, ie, which URL is linked to the current page.? BGColor Background color (#xxxxxx)? FGColor foreground color.? LinkColor hyperlink color.? VLinkColor Access the super chain color.? AlinkColor activation chain color (Mouse holds out is not released).? Forms [] Document Form object Array, press the second order store.? Forms.Length document Number of FORM objects. • Links [] The array objects corresponding to all HREF chains in the document, define the store in order.? Links.Length document Number of HREF chains.? Anchors [] Anchor (...) array, defined in order. The number of anchors in the anchors.length document.? Method? Write ("string") highlights the string to the current window. (String can contain HTML tags) )? Writeln ("String") is similar to Write (), adding a carriage return at the end, only takes effect in the scheduled format text.? CLOAR () Close the current window.? Form object? Properties ? Name attribute string value of the Name attribute in Name.? Method attribute class value, "0" = "get", "1" =

"Post". • Action attribute string value of the action attribute. • Target table data submitted, consistent with the corresponding attributes in the tag.? Elements [index] Elements property contains the individual elements in the form.? Length's elements in the LENGTH table Number.? Method? Submit () Submit form. • Event Processor OnSubmit () User Click a defined button to submit the code running when you submit the code. Value domain content string value.? DefaultValue domain content initial string value.? Method? FOCUS () Sets the object input focus. • Blur () removes the input focus on the object.? select () Select the input of the object Area. • Event processor? ONFOCUS is executed when entering focus entry. • Once is executed when the domain lost focus. • Onsect is executed when some text is selected when the domain is selected.? Onchange Domain Domain Domain relative to ONFOCUS Execute the change when there is change. Check box (checkbox) object? The character string value of the name name attribute. • Value check box content string value. If set, it is "ON", otherwise "OFF ".? checked check box of Boolean value. If set, true, otherwise, false.? defaultChecked Reflect (default).? Click () selected check Box, and make the status "ON". • Event processor? Onclick is executed when the user clicks CheckBox. • Single selection button (RADIO) object? Properties? Name name attribute string value.? Length Radio object Select the number of buttons. The value of the value of the value attribute.? Checked Boolean value, press True, otherwise false.? DEFAULTCHECKED Reflect the Boolean value of the checkage attribute value.? Method? Click () selected radio button Event Processor? OnClick When the radio button is selected. SELECT object? Property? The number of objects in the LENGTH SELECT object.? Name The internal name of the SELECT object defined by the name = property.? SelectedIndex SELECT object Current OPTIO N of the subscript.? Options This property corresponds to the content in the tag when defining the Select object in HTML, which has the following properties: • Text tagged text string. • Value value attribute value, when the submit button is pressed This value is submitted.? DefaultSelected Reflects the Boolean value of the SELECTED property of the tag.? Selected reflects the Boolean value of the currently selected state of the Option. Perform the ONCHANGE to change the focus and if the value of the domain is changed to ONFOCUS, there are three types of type buttons in the table, definition from the TYPE attribute in the tag:? .Submit ( TYPE = "submit")? .reset (Type = "reset")? .custom (type = "button")? All button objects have the following ingredients: • String value of the property? Value Value property.? Name Name Properties String value.? Method? Click () selected button? Event processor? OnClick executions when the button is clicked.? Submit and reset object? Properties? Value value = content content.? Name name = Property content .? Method? Click () selected button? Event processor? Onclick is executed when the button is clicked.? Password object? Properties? DefaultValue value =


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