Many of the current software use the system tray area to place the icon, and hide the window. It is usually displayed when clicked on the icon of the tray area, and the method described herein can add animation effect to the purpose of the display of the display of the display.
Preparation 1 Be familiar with an API function DrawanImatedRects, this function can draw a moving window between the two rectangles you specify, an example is the animation effect of the window when maximizing / minimizing, the function prototype is as follows:
Bool WinApi DrawanImatedRects
HWND HWND, // window handle
Int idani, // animation effect mark, reserve and can only be 0
Const Rect * Lprcfrom, // Start window rectangle
Const Rect * Lprcto // End window rectangle
Preparation 2 Look at the location where the tray area icon is located. We use FindWindow to find the tops of the task strip window, then find the tray area window by listed the sub-window, the class name of the task strip window is "shell_traywnd", the class name of the tray area window is TRAYNOTIFYWND.
Bool Callback FindtrayWnd (HWND HWND, LPARAM LPARAM)
Tchar szclassname [256];
GetclassName (HWND, SZClassName, 255);
// Compare the window class name
IF (_TCSCMP (SzclassName, _T ("TRAYNOTIFYWND")) == 0)
CRECT * prect = (create *) lparam;
:: getWindowRect (hwnd, prect);
Return True;
// When you find a clock window, you can end.
IF (_TCSCMP (SzclassName, _T ("TRAYCLOCKWCLASS") == 0)
CRECT * prect = (create *) lparam;
CRECT RectClock;
:: getWindowRect (HWND, RectClock);
Prect-> Right = RectClock.Left;
Return False;
Return True;
CRECT RECT (0, 0, 0);
/ / Find Tray Window
CWND * PWND = FINDWINDOW (_T ("shell_trayWnd"), NULL);
/ / Find by listed subsequent window
EnumChildWindows (PWND-> M_HWND, FindtrayWnd, (LPARAM) & Rect);
PWND-> getWindowRect (RECT);
// RECT is a rectangle of the tray area
The following pseudo code shows how to dynamically display and hide the window.
Rect_tray = find_tray_rect (...)
Rect_from = window.getcurrentRect (...)
RECT_TO = Rect_tray
Call DrawanImatedRects (...)