F: Why always appear "HTTP title has been written to the customer browser, any HTTP title must be written before writing page"?
Q: At the forefront of this page, the first plus <% response.buffer = true%> Because the previous default buffer = true, and your IIS default is false, so you have to add
When using cookies, you must write cookies before you write data to your browser, your response.cookies ("Booksho") = Trim (Request ("UserName") Response.Cookies ("Bookshop ") .Expires = DATE 1 This two sentences have been written to the browser before, so the above error is generated, the solution is to start adding <% response.buffer = true%> ======== ============================================================================================================================================================================================================= ===========================
Prohibited page caching:
Response.expires = 0
Response.expiresabsolute = now () - 1
Response.addheader "Pragma", "NO-CACHE"
Response.addheader "Cache-Control", "Private"
Response.cachecontrol = "no-cache"
Header ("Cache-Control: no-cache, must-revALIDATE");
Header ("prgma: no-cache";
============================================================================================================================================================================================================= =================================== Prevents the site from submission: <% DIM COMEURL, CURLCOMEURL = LCASE (Trim (Request.serverVariables)))))))))) i ComeURL = "" Ten Response.write "
p> "response.endelse curl = trim (" http: // "& required.serverVariables) IF MID (COMEURL, LEN (CURL) 1 , 1) = ":" THEN CURL = CURL & ":" "Server_Port") end if curl = lcase ("script_name") IF LCase (Left (comeurl, Instrrev ( ComeURL, "/"))) <> LCASE (CURL, INSTRREV (CURL, "/")))))))) The response.write " Sorry, For system security, the background management page of the system is not allowed to access the system from the external link address. font> p> "Response.end end ifnd IF%> ==================================== ============================================================================================================================================================================================================= == Submit button with the image and reset the button submit ============================================================================================================================================================================================================= ==================================== Search Date format sql = "select *, DailyReport.id as Tid from DailyReport, T_Login where DailyReport.pid = T_login.id and T_Login.CompanyName like '%" & CompanyName & "%' and convert (varchar (11), DailyReport.ReportDate, 121) like '% "& reportDate &"%' and convert (varchar (11), DailyReport.InputDate, 121) like '% "& inputDate &"%' and DailyReport.AuditFlag = 0 "convert (varchar (11), DailyReport.ReportDate, 121) like '% "& 2004-12-18 &"%'