I finally put Allegro DjGPP GCC and so on in my hard drive, huh, all compiled, start research. First start from Exbitmap, want to display a full screen of 1024x768x24 under DOS. Analysis found exbitmap screen resolution setting function set_gfx_mode, the following function declaration int set_gfx_mode (int card, int w, int h, int v_w, int v_h) card type card use, there GFX_AUTODETECT, GFX_AUTODETECT_FULLSCREEN, GFX_AUTODETECT_WINDOWED, GFX_SAFE the like can be selected . Generally, the width of GFX_SAFEW, H screen can be used to high V_W, the V_H virtual screen is high, and the scroll_screen function can be used to scroll. After the program is over, set_gfx_mode (gfx_text, 0, 0, 0, 0) can be replied to the character mode. The set_color_depth function can set the color depth of the screen. The default is 8-bit palette. Optional parameters: 8, 15, 16, 24, 32void set_color_depth (NT Depth)