Build Linux Ide Environment - ECLIPSE

xiaoxiao2021-03-06  108

Summary Eclipse is an open source development environment, which is funded by IBM, Borland; its function can be extended by plug-in mode; this article constructs Java, C, C IDE under Linux. The environment I use is Red Hat Linux 9 (self-compiled gnome2.4) 1: Download the software you need (all downloaded software is placed under / OPT) first download Eclipse, the URL is Currently The latest version of Eclipse is also in the test of 2.1.1, 3.0. I use Eclipse2.1; download its GTK version: Execute Eclipse is required to use JDK, but the Eclipse installer and Red Hat Linux 9 do not include JDK, Sun latest version JDK can be downloaded to, where we use Sun JDK (J2SE) 1.4.2_01 (also IBM JDK). To develop C / C programs on the Eclipse, you need to install plug-inside, where we use C / C Development Tools (CDT). CDT integrates GUN tools such as GCC, Make, GDB, (CDT compared to the JDT (Java development environment) in Eclipse, the function is far away. For example, quite useful Refactor, Refactoring, Organize Imports in JDT Wait in the CDT.) CDT can be downloaded from, the latest version is CDT 1.1 Ga2. 2: Installation 1. Because CDT needs GCC and other tools, so put the Red HAT9's software development packaging, 2. Install JDK (installed with root):

[root @ redarmy] CHMOD X J2SDK-1_4_2_01-Linux-i586-rpm.bin

[root @ redarmy] ./j2sdk-1_4_2_01-linux-i586-rpm.bin

[root @ redarmy] rpm -ivh j2sdk-1_4_2_01-linux-i586-rpm.bin

The installed JDK exists /usr/java/j2sdk1.4.2_01 directory. Set Java_Home, ClassPath, Path; finally add the following four lines in the / etc / profile file:

Export java_home = /usr/java/j2sdk1.4.2_01

Export path = $ java_home / bin: $ PATH

Classpath =.: / Usr / java / j2sdk1.4.2_01 / lib / Tools.jar: $ ClassPath

Export ClassPath

3. Installing Eclipse here I installed Eclipse under / opt, installing Eclipse is very simple, just decompress the downloaded compression package; decompress the eclipse directory; [root @ redarmy] unzip -d / opt Eclipse- To make each account can perform Eclipse, I wrote a small script (

#! / bin / bash


# Execute Eclipse 2.1.1 #

Export java_home = / usr / java / j2sdk1.4.2_01

Export ClassPath = / usr / java / j2sdk1.4.2_01 / lib

/ OPT / Eclipse / Eclipse -VM /usR/JAVA/J2SDK1.4.2_01/bin/java -data ~ / Workspace &

# -VM parameter To specify which JVM uses to execute Eclipse,

# -date parameter to specify the data directory of the Eclipse. Specify this in the Workspace directory in the user's root directory (~)

Copy to / usr / local / bin and add permission 755; now you can start

[root @ redarmy] cp / usr / local / bin

[root @ redarmy] chmod 755 /usr/local/bin/

Add Eclipse to your desktop. First, press the mouse button on the desktop and select "New Start" in the pop-up menu, and then enter the eclipse, "command" in "Name", and then fill the /usr/local/bin/, then It's just looking for a favorite icon (I use /opt/eclipse/icon.xpm); then press "OK", there is a shortcut to Eclipse on the desktop, and you can directly double-click this icon to start Eclipse. After Eclipse is installed, the Java Development Environment (JDT) has been built into the Java program. 4. Install CDT, CDT 1.1 GA is currently only supporting Eclipse version 2.1. Will download the downloaded package, you will get these two directories of Features and Plugins [root @ redarmy] unzip -d / opt The two directories All files are cut to the corresponding directory under / OPT / Eclipse, respectively. (Eclipse's plug-in installation method is almost so installed: After downloading the file, you can directly solve the corresponding Features and Plugins in the directory installed in Eclipse.) Three: It is not used to it, the Eclipse English environment can be in Eclipse. ORG's primary station, its language pack; after installing the language pack, not the light menu is Chinese, its help document is also Chinese, cool ^ _ ^


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