How to control Eclipse feature (four)

xiaoxiao2021-03-06  106

Global attribute example

Previously, some related techniques are mentioned, and proposes suggestions for some values ​​you might want to include a Plugin_Customization.ini file you customized, here, the sample property rewrite is given, as an explanation of the previous two aspects .

We will introduce them to some parts of my customized purpose in logically. You can download a full plugin

Customization.ini file.

View the default is at the bottom, but I like to put them at the top:

# View Tabs At the Bottom

Org.eclipse.ui.Workbench / View_tab_position = 128

When the new work area is opened, the welcome page is not opened, and it will not be prompted when shutting down the workbench:

# No Welcome Dialog At Open and No Confirm on Close

Org.eclipse.ui.Workbench / Welcome_Dialog = FALSE

Org.eclipse.ui.Workbench /


Disable prompts or other actions when opening a new engineering guidelines:

# Never change to persftive requirements

By New Project Wizard (No Prompt)

Org.eclipse.ui.Workbench /

Switch_Perspective_on_Project_Creation = NEVER

Define additional default text fonts:

# Default text font (Leaks Into Java Editor)

# Note: you have to touch the f

ONT Page And Say OK / Apply (Probable Bug)

Org.eclipse.ui.Workbench / Org.

Eclipse.jface.textFont =

1 | Lucida Console | 9 | 1 | Windows | 1 |

15 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 700 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 3 | 2 | 1 | 49 | Lucida Console

Note: The font attribute entries are special, and the modifications to it will not take effect immediately. If you access the font properties page, the content defined in front will be displayed, but it will take effect after you choose OK or Apply. I can't let this key save it for Java text fonts.

Predefined Additional Java Editor Task Tab:

# | Add to the default jdt task tags

(Todo Should Probably Be Left)

Org.eclipse.jdt.core / org.eclipse.

Jdt.core.compiler.tasktags = Todo, Edu-Sol

Double-click the default to the Package Explorer to Go INTO Action:

# Package Explorer Gointo on Double Click


/PackageView.doucast =pageView.goinTo

There are some options that are not defined attributes to be customized. In the .epf file exported to the UI's standard setting, I found that some JDT option values ​​are saved as attributes.

This property key is used to inform the JDT UI it wants to read attributes and to change the default UI behavior:

# TELLS JDT IT Does Have Some Prefs

To Use (Forces a Read of these Values)

Org.eclipse.jdt.ui / CustomFiltersActionGroup

.org.eclipse.jdt.ui.PackageExplorer.tag_dummy_to_test_existence = storedViewPreference

Note: If this property key is not available, the next two sets of settings will be ignored.

Activity Package Explorer filter Saves in the form of attribute values:

# Package Explorer Filter - Standard


Org.eclipse.jdt.ui / org.eclipse.jdt

.ui.pageexplorer.libraryfilter = true

Org.eclipse.jdt.ui / org.eclipse.jdt.ui

.Packageexplorer_patternfilterid_patternfilterid_patternfilterid_patternfilterid_patternfilterid_patternfilterid_patternfilterid_patternfilterid_. * = True

Org.eclipse.jdt.ui / org.eclipse.jdt.ui

.Packageexplorer.packageDeclarativefilter = true

Org.eclipse.jdt.ui / org.eclipse.jdt.ui

.Packageexplorer_patternfilterid _ * $ *. Class = true

Org.eclipse.jdt.ui / org.eclipse.jdt.internal

.ui.pageexplorer.emptyinnerpackagefilter = true

Outline view has a display option that reduces the depth of the tree when the content is displayed in the active JDT Java editor. This icon has a suspended helping Go INTO TOP Level Type, which is controlled by the following attributes:

# Outline View Gointo Toggle

When Using JDT Editor



You may want to try to specify a new default value for more properties, and then check the results in the previously described. You may wish to do these things in a temporary work area, after reaching the purpose of modifying, you can call the PLUGIN_CUSTOMIZATION.INI file for the primary features of the event (do not tell anyone who is taught you this! ). And note that you may find that some other keys have been ignored, I have encountered this situation, because the font is used for JDT, so this entry is added to the Plugin_Customization.ini file, attribute page This change will not be reflected in the whole.


Functional components are the behind-the-scenes hero of Eclipse - they are important because they are part of Eclipse Configuration Management, support product identity, and they are part of the product of building custom solutions on the Eclipse platform. Use features you can:

· When you work with Eclipse-based products, you can identify who different available features that provide any of the functional parts identifies.

· The logo of the product can help further customize Eclipse

· Automatically complete the task in the plugin development environment

· Disable / enable root function components, or using the Install / Update perspective to disable / enable the optionally included functional components, you can dynamically change the configuration of the given workspace

So, use the features, it helps you automatically complete some steps for building plugins, using the custom install / link file organization method mentioned in the article, allowing your Eclipse environment to be more useful.

Reference's article

"PDE DOES PLUG-INS" also describes how to use PDE to build a plugin. Download the plugin mentioned in this article

_customization.ini file.

For more detail guidelines for developing Eclipse plugins, please refer to

"The Java Developer's Guide to Eclipse", the author of the book is Sherry Shavor, Jim d'Anjou, Dan Kehn, Scott Fairbrother, John Kellerman, and Pat McCarthy (Addison Wesley Professional, 2003). In particular, Chapter 22 is about the development of the functional components, and Chapter 34 Exercise 7 is the development and deployment of the functional components.

About author

Pat McCarthy is an IBM's senior software engineer, he is an expert in using and managing development technologies on a variety of platforms. Pat's work experience during IBM includes the development of business application systems in Poughkeepsie, New York, and project management works in San Jose, California's development of IBM RedBooks and teaching materials. In recent years, he became a member of the Eclipse Jumpstart team in Raleigh, North Carolina, committed to supporting the use of Eclipse technology in IBM application development products. You can pass

Patmc at Contact him.


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