How to control Eclipse feature (1)

xiaoxiao2021-03-06  105

Directory: (1) Functional component packaging plug-in (2) Main feature identification products (but you have control) (3) Functional component build plugins (if you allow them) (4) Platform configuration management (5) Functional components are running Periodic assembly (6) Strategy using PDE Build Features (7) Organizational Function (8) Let Eclipse (or any Eclipse-based product) work (Nine) Concluded in your way (10) Reference materials (11) About authors If you want to share a plugin to others, learn how to effectively use the functional components. This article has proposed some suggestions on how to organize functional components and optimize the use of plug-in development environments, and introduce advanced technologies for custom Eclipse behavior. Even if you just want to learn how to set Eclipse so that you can customize any workspace initialization attribute values, or learn how to use link files to manage you to add components that you add to Eclipse, this article will help you. Build a plugin is very interesting: You start writing code and create tools you want. Copy the plugin to Eclipse or a / PLUPGINS directory in an Eclipse-based product, which can be used in the Eclipse runtime environment. When using Eclipse once again, the plugin will be found, and the platform startup processing will be available in the runtime configuration. But who knows or cares about your plugin? Users can understand what tools you provide? Can they disable, patches or manage your components via Eclipse? The answer is obviously negative. The plugin itself is just a plugin instead of integrated components with the Eclipse platform. Function Component Package Plugin If there is no functional component, the plugin is difficult to control, it is popular, and the plugin that is not a functional component is an unrequited plugin. The startup process of the Eclipse platform includes a configuration step. If a new plugin is copied to the / plugins directory, or otherwise makes Eclipse can be found when starting, the configuration process will find it, but just flicker twice by flashing the Splash icon of the new plugin twice. The reason why Eclipse will find a new plugin because the configuration checksum of the current workspace stored in /.Metadate/.config/platform; because you did not provide a configuration to the platform to make configuration modifications The functional components, Eclipse can only be prompted by splash-flash. Pack your plugin as a (or two) feature, you will get the following: • List the prerequisition required for your component (in the feature.xml file) during the configuration of Eclipse · Make you Components can be managed as an activity section of the Eclipse configuration to create tag information, allowing users who use running period environments to identify your components, and use a welcome page to tell the features provided by your feature (in In the Welcome.xml file associated with your feature) · Use the Eclipse Update Manager to modify your components Don't wait until your plugin is developed, package it as a functional component. The design results reflected in the definition of the functional component will affect how you build your plugin. For example, most Eclipse components have a UI feature and core (not UI) feature. If your plugin is divided into this method, you may think about redesigning them. Functional components can also be used to automatically compile the process referenced plugins. The main features identify a product (but you have control) although there are many features, only one feature is controlled when you start Eclipse.

This primary feature determines the identity of the product and other runtime behavior, including identifying the name and the diagram associated with the runtime platform, and redefine options for all plug-in default attribute values. You can see in your own global properties, this powerful option allows you to customize your own Eclipse settings. Function Components Build Plugins (if you allow them) Plug-in Development Environment (PDE) can automatically complete most of your functionality and plug-ins. These basic steps have also been practiced as an exercise in the Java Developer's Guide to Eclipse, follow that exercise you can build and identify your plugins. It can be said that if you have a feature and understand how PDE helps you build plugins and feature, you can build a feature, then let it build all related plugins. Building control strategy (bin.excludes and bin.includes) will discuss in the strategy of using PDE build features later. These strategies are complementary to the article and the Java Developer's Guide to Eclipse book. Platform configuration management understanding The conditions need to help understand how they manage the content available in the active configuration. If it is a just decompressed Eclipse platform, it will happen when you start Eclipse.exe: • Find the Java runtime environment (JRE). By default, Eclipse first looks for the EXLIPSE / JRE subdirectory. If not found, Eclipse will find the Java runtime environment registered in the system. Note: -VM DIR-Location parameters can be used to specify other JREs. • Configuration is created as part of the new work area. The new workspace usually does not have any configuration, so you will see an icon before the real Splash icon, inform you to the installation settings. • Handle those feature and plugins that are registered to Eclipse and create checksums that will be used later to detect changes. These features and plugins are located in the current Eclipse / Features directory, or in the Eclipse / ... directory structure specified by the link file. Once the Eclipse starts, the active configuration definition will contain the /platform.cfg file. Link file How to extend an Eclipse installation setting If you have already used Eclipse or add even a new plugin in your configuration, you must know that Eclipse / Features directory and Eclipse / Plugins directory look for functions Parts and plugins. But do you know that Eclipse will also go to the file system to find features and plugins? If there is a format correct link file in the Eclipse / Links directory, these files will be processed, associated features and plugins (including plugins with no related feature) are available in runtime configurations. A link file is just an arbitrary file named ID.LINK, where ID is usually the ID of the root function component being referenced. You can define not only one feature in the link file target, and the name is named foo.LINK is also acceptable. Give a link file containing the following:

Path = E: /Eclipse-2.1.1/installedfeatures/examples

Eclipse will find the Eclipse / Features directory and the Eclipse / PLUGINS directory to see if there is a legal feature and / or plugin. That is, the target directory must contain a / eclipse directory. If found, the additional feature and plugin will be available in the runtime configuration, if the link file is added after the workspace is created, the additional functional part and the plugin will be processed as a new configuration change. Use link files to customize your own Eclipse installation settings to discuss in this document later using link file management Eclipse installation settings. Configuration Update - Add a feature If a new feature and the plugin used to use to the existing / features directory and / plugins directory, or register with Eclipse through a link file, the changes in the checksum will trigger Configure the processing process. This process is performed after a simple Splash-Flash. The new functional component is handled as a configuration change and displays a dialog box for configuring changes. For example, if you open a standard Eclipse unzipped environment workspace, then find Eclipse Examples, you decompress it into the same directory tree in Eclipse, or add a link file to indicate where this example is decompressed. There will be a dialog shown in Figure 1. Figure 1. Configuration Change Dialog

So, if you see a dialog that is similar to such a dialog, you or others have modified the configuration of the Eclipse when you run a configuration program, and the platform discovers new or updated available features. part. If an entry can be selected, you can add this change to your current configuration. If an entry is disabled, there is a problem with configuration, which cannot be added. Press the ERROR DETAILS button to view information about configuration issues. Configuration management annotation: • There is no change in change that you have to accept them right away, you can't pay attention to it at a quite time, you only need to cancel the choice of the entry and click Finish. To add them later, you can choose Help> Software Updates> Pending Changes ... to open the dialog again. · The change that has been accepted is also disabled later. Open the Install / Update perspective, select the feature in the Install Configuration view, and then select Disable in the Preview view. Disabled features can also be enabled by similar steps. Click the Show Disabled Features icon in the Install Configuration view to display the disabled features.


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