Question: The Panel control is not using the XPtheme. The background color is not ... Solution has four: 1. Use the Tshape with color override on the surface of Panel 2, modify EXTCTRLS.PAS to get 1778 lines, ignore the judgment of themes 3, first Set the PANEL's PARENTBACKGROUND to True, then set it back 4, modify the 262 behavior of extctrls.pas: proty parentback, {stored fparentbackground}; general, method 3 changes the least, but every time you have to get this ... discussion: Design period, running period, no Windows XP theme style (reference XPMAN unit): Use XP style design period, running period: After using XP theme, Panel has become transparent! View Source: Procedure TCUSTompabpanel.paint; It is achieved: kettrs.pas 1778 row Decide Background Did drawing: if not themeservices.Themesenabled or not parentback bound1 Begin brush.color: = color; fillRect (RECT); END; solution 1: Directly cut the not themeservices.Themesenabled, catenish True, but it seems that violent solutions 2: Set the parentbackground attribute to false, = ^ 0 ^ = SO EASY, view attribute, dumbfounded: Parentbackground property is already FALSE: Single steps TCUSTompanel.paint is running, at this time, Parentbackground is True! Find getParentBackground to implement code: function twinControl.getParentback Management: boolean; begin result: = csparentbackground in controlstyle;