Select @ proid = 1685581043select n 'parameter name, columnproperty (@ proid,,' precision ') AS N' Length ', A.Length N' Treasing bytes', isnull (Columnproperty (@proid) ,, 'isoutparam'), 0) N 'Output parameters', isnull (ColumnProperty (@ proid,, 'precision'), 0) n 'accuracy', ISNULL (ColumnProperty (@ proid, A .name, 'scale'), 0) AS N 'Digital number', Colid, B.Name N 'Data Type' from syscolumns a, systypes b where id = @ ProID and b.xUsertype = a.xUserType Of course this statement There is also a problem: how to determine if there is a return value without solving; but I see that every stored process seems to have a return value in the analyzer. I don't know if it is, if it is, the operation of (n "= 1) table can be encapsulated into a corresponding entity class (such as add, delete, modification, update, etc.) to a corresponding entity class. Of course, there is a certain help, it seems that there is no significant difference to a specific query: use system; use system.EnterpriseServices; use .sqlclient; namespace sevcompant {public interface idata, {///
/// summary> [EventTrackingEnabled (true)] [Transaction (TransactionOption.Supported)] [ObjectPooling (MinPoolSize = 2, MaxPoolSize = 10, CreationTimeout = 20000)] [System.EnterpriseServices.ConstructionEnabled (Enabled = true, Default = "Integrated Security = SSPI; Initial Catalog = Northwind; Data Source = (local)")] public class DataBaseEntity: System.EnterpriseServices.ServicedComponent, IDataConnection {public DataBaseEntity () {// // TODO: Add constructor logic here //} protected override void Construct (string s) {// TODO: Add DBUtility.Construct achieve this.mConnString = s;} private string mConnString = ""; protected override bool CanBePooled () {// TODO: Add DBUtility.CanBePooled achieve return true;} #region IDataConnection members of the public SqlConnection DataBaseConnection {get {// TODO: Add DataBaseEntity.DataBaseConnection getter achieve ContextUtil.DeactivateOnReturn = true; return new SqlConnection (this.mConnString);}} #endregion}}
If you will also pack the crud operation of a table, you should save a lot of things.