Explore the Ocean of IE Browser Window
I don't know if you have seen the browser window (呦, don't hit me!), In fact, don't be a small popular WINDOWS, in addition to the commonly used window.Open () to open the window, Carefully dig, you can also find many mystery in front, let me explore the exploration together with me ~~ Let's go! First, continue to dissect the window.open () description: If there is no specification, the following red label code is the key code 1, play a full screen window window.Open ('http://www.fwcn.com' ,'example01' , 'fullscreen')
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>www.fwcn.com b>
Hoho ~~~ My computer screen is all a web page, how is it, is it a bit of touch screen? (The finger is not from the autonomous location). 2, playing a window after F11 WINDOW.OPEN ('http://www.fwcn.com','example02' ,'channelmode')
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>www.fwcn.com b>
Such a window seems to have seen it, it seems that your memory is good, right! This is similar to that the browser mode after the F11 is pressed, and the eyes look, and there is a feeling that has a hole. 3, play a window with the collection link toolbar ('http://www.fwcn.com' ,'Example03' ,'Width=400, Height=300, Directories')
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>www.fwcn.com b>
Oh, the link toolbar on the usual IE is not used, so it is not a cold, but maybe some friends are used, and the right is given them.
Second, the dialog window IE help with the Internet Explorer option to open the window, have you noticed (which guy will bore this level?), We can also use the dialog window to implement, this is to use ShowModalDialog ) Or showmodelessdialog ()
ShowModalDialog ('http://www.fwcn.com'dialogwidth: 400px; DialogHeight: 300px; Dialogleft: 200px; Dialogtop: 150px; center: yes; help: yes; resizable: yes; status: Yes ')
// ->
www.fwcn.com b>
ShowmodelessDialog ('http://www.fwcn.com'dialogwidth: 400px; DialogHeight: 300px; Dialogleft: 200px; Dialogtop: 150px; center: yes; help: yes; resizable: yes; status: YES ')
// ->
www.fwcn.com b>
I just try to do a type, which is more surprised to wait for you to discover, as for the difference between ShowModalDialog () and ShowModelessDialog (), the window (referred to as a mode window), set On the parent window, you must turn it off to access the parent window (recommended as little as possible, so as not to recruit the resentment); ShowModelessDialog () (referred to as a modeless window), do not have to close the window opened after opening.
Now I will explain some of the parameters here, you listen to not suspected of dialogheight: IHEIGHT Settings the height of the dialog window. DialogWidth: iWidth Set the width of the dialog window. Dialogleft: The IXPOS Settings dialog window is relative to the LEFT location in the upper left corner of the desktop. Dialogtop: The iYPOS Settings dialog window is relative to the top position in the upper left corner of the desktop. Center: {YES | NO | 1 | 0} Specifies whether to place the dialog on the desktop, the default value is "Yes". Help: {YES | NO | 1 | 0} Specify whether the context-sensitive help icon is displayed in the specified dialog window. The default is "yes". Resizable: {yes | no | 1 | 0} Specifies whether the dialog window can change. The default is "no". Status: {yes | no | 1 | 0} The specified dialog window displays the status bar. For non-mode dialog windows, the default value is "YES"; for the mode dialog window, the default value is "no". I believe you have finished reading the above parameters, you will definitely make a window with the help of IE, haha ~~~ Interest
Third, the HTA window is the main character to appear. Maybe someone is still not familiar with this man brother, I briefly introduced that HTA's full name is HTML Application, translated is an HTML application, you are just simple. Use .hta to save the HTML page for the extension Even if you create an HTA file, let's use HTA to edit the window, save the following code as .hta file, then open it with the browser, what will you find? Buy a Cat, go to yourself.
ApplicationName Attribute (ApplicationName) This property is the name of the HTA. Border Properties This property is a window border type set to HTA, the default value is Thick. It can be set to the Thick specified window for the thickness box Dialog Window Specify window for dialog NONE Specify window Borderless Thin Specify the window for narrow border BorderStyle Attributes (BordersTyle) This property is a border format setting the HTA window, the default value is Normal. It can be set to the Normal Ordinary Border Format Complex Confolform Format Computing Border RAISED A 3D Border Static 3D Border Format Sunken Recess 3D Border CAPTION Attribute (CAPTION) This property is setting the HTA window to display the title bar or title, the default value is YES. Icon Properties (icon) This property is an icon for setting an application. MaximizeButton This property is setting up to the Maximum button in the HTA window, the default value is YES. MINIMIZEBUTTON This property is setting the minimization button in the HTA window, the default value is YES. Showintaskbar Attribute (Showintaskbar) This property is set to display this application in the taskbar, the default value is YES. SINGLEINSTANCE This property is only available at the same time. The secondary attribute as an applicationName property as an identifier, the default value is NO. Sysmenu Attribute (Sysmenu) This property is setting whether the system menu is displayed in the HTA window, the default value is YES. Version property (Version) This property is a version of the application, the default value is empty. WindowState Properties This property is the initial size of the HTA window, the default value is Normal. It can be set to Normal Default Size MinMize MinimizE Maximize Maximize the properties of the script references in the script. All the above properties in the script are read-only properties. In addition, you can also use the CommandLine property in the script to retrieve the parameters when the application starts. Most tags, scripts, etc. in HTML can be continued in HTA. Ok, our exploration brigadier is over, is you interested in it? In fact, write this article, just think of a role of a throwing brick, more content, you need to go to the experiment to study, if "Amoy" is there, don't forget to publish it.
Note: Part of this article comes from MSDN