The following is a digital specification indicator of 23 Digital Normative Index, Professor Jiong Andton, the University of Purgu University, is proposed in addition to the presentation of various standards and measures should be taken. Some specific recommendations of specifications, I hope that these indicators can be proposed to help the customer service center manager.
Specifies a actual working rate. Is a method of testing whether the salesman is in their position as planned. The calculation result of the actual working rate is a percentage, which is equal to the actual time of the value of the value to answer the phone, divided by the value of the machine, according to the plan, according to the plan, the total time of the phone should answer, and then multiply 100. The percentage of actual working rates comes from ACD and should be reported daily and tracked on week and month. Practice has proven that the best actual working rate for sales of each value machine should reach 92% or higher.
Standard II afterwards. That is, after the call is received, the value of the value required to finish the finishing work related to this call. If the callback processing may have a value of the value, it may be done by a group or center, it is a useful information that can be obtained from the ACD. This specification should be made from the group or individual to the daytime, weekly and monthly tables, and should be made into a graphic to compare with the past records. The central average postpartum processing time is 60 seconds, and the recommended goal is 30 seconds to 60 seconds.
Specifies the three average abandonment time. Refers to the average waiting time for the call before the call, calculate in seconds. Unless otherwise needed, tracking this data is worse than tracking the abandonment rate is more valuable. This data is collected by ACD, which should be reported daily and weekly. The average daily time in the whole industry is 60 seconds, and the recommended standard is 20-60 seconds.
Specifies four average single calls. It is equivalent to the number of people spending in the center of a certain period in addition to all the phones received in this time, which includes no matter what reason, no matter what phone, whether it is listened by the salesman, or by the technical system Answer. The number of calls to the phone will have a record made by ACD, and the total cost of the center can be obtained from the financial order. The central management should be checked and calculated every week. The industry is different, and the number of this specification has changed great. As far as the average situation in all industries, it takes a cost of 4 yuan every time you have a call. The recommended standard range is between 2 or 5 yuan.
Specifies the five average talk time. The sum of the conversation time and post-post processing time. ACD will provide data of this specification. It should be calculated every day, weekly, monthly count. Design a average call time report that makes a format, a group, and a center yourself, and make a graph to represent changes. The type of call center is different, and the work of the average talk time is also different. A call center with strong technical support, with an average number of 10 to 15 minutes. From the whole industry, the average talk time is 8.5 minutes. It is recommended to set this specification between 3-10 minutes and can also add 15%. If the type of time can be determined based on the type of call and the class type is the most appropriate. It is specified a unacceptable time range to avoid only a fixed target, which gives a value of the salesman to choose, there is enough time to handle the first call.
Specifies the six average line time. The value of the salesman allows customers to wait on the average time. The ACD will provide each value of the worker's wire time data and give an average. Daily, weekly, monthly reports and illustrations, and a week, a monthly manner is conducted every month. The average line of the whole industry is 60 seconds, and the recommended target range should be controlled between 20-60 seconds. Specifies the number of seven average rings. Refers to the number of mobile phones before listening to the reply, no matter whether this phone is made by the salesman, or IVR back. The information is collected by ACD and should be reported every day so that the central administrator reference, or the caller satisfaction test plan needs. The number of industries is 2-3 times, it is recommended to 2-4 times.
Specifies the eight average queuing time. Refers to the time to wait for the salesman to answer after the call is listed in the list. ACD can record all the calls to the center in accordance with the applicable or call type, which can be published daily, weekly and monthly posts to the employees. This is a standard standard for industry specializens, and the average queuing time in the whole industry is 150 seconds, and the recommended target range between 30-90 seconds. The queue time is a key factor on the establishment of the overall goal of the entire service level. If the queue is zero means that you pay the fee to let the salesman arrive, this is very uneconomic and lack of efficiency.
Specifies the nine average response speed. Refers to the total number of calls that are queued by the total queue. This specification can be directly obtained from ACD, and should be reported in half an hour and show trend with chart. This specification is generally also known as ASA, and the standard length is often within 20 seconds.
Specifies ten average conversation time. Refers to the length of time that the call is talking to the value machine. This data is collected and reported by ACD, salesperson, business team, or customer service center, should be evaluated once a week and monthly. If the business activity of the salesman is specifically based on the call type group, this one is greater. The business performance of a personal cum group may be a very powerful feedback data, but it is important to balance it with the feedback data generated by the caller satisfaction test plan. If the relatively long talk can improve customer satisfaction, then increase the expense fee is also worth it. In this way, some salespersons need to be trained to explain the skills so that he / they can use a slightly long talk to get higher satisfaction. Industry average conversation time is 330 seconds. For technical support call centers, it is 6-10 minutes. The effort to recommend the Talking Time should be in 270-360 seconds.
Specifies the number of calls per hour. Refers to each salesman's average number of reception calls per hour. It is equal to a handover class, and the total number of phones that the salesperson answers is divided by his / her access to the telephone system. This data can be obtained from the ACD and should be reported once a day. The number of calls per hour is mainly based on the nature of the call center, in a call center with a high level of technology, this number may be only five times per hour, while in a simple call center of a technical facility, this number may be up to 100.
Specifies the twelve monitors. Refers to the level evaluation of the quality assurance expert to the replica quality of the value machine salesman. This specification does not have a universally applicable goals. The listening score does not have a universally applicable evaluation criteria, although people generally evaluate it. It is recommended that the salesman can be listened to four to five times per month in order to meet the policies and reflection indicators applicable to the central standard. Specification thirteen occupation rate. Equivalent to (talk time wire time) divided by (call time wire time idle time) by 100. This data can be from ACD and report computing should be averaged in group and salesman. This specification is preferably 90% or more in general standards.
Specifies the 14th Call Water Discard Rate. A waiver means that the call has been connected to the center, but is also automatically hanging by the caller sales operator, calling out the phone, and the information notification unit. The waiver is the ratio of the number of calls to all the number of calls. ACD can provide this data for the center, and the report should be daily, weekly and monthly. It is necessary to determine how much the length of the "short-time abandon" is to ensure that this data will be eliminated from the data book and the report. "Short-time Abandon" is 20 seconds or less according to usual standards. The industry is 3%, and it is recommended to be between 3% and 5%. The waiver is almost entirely on the caller and may vary by one or all of the factors: the motivation of the caller is related to the emergency; other call centers can provide the same service; the expected value of the caller based on the demographic basis The situation in this; the caller has no time; the reason for the telephone charge, such as 800 phones and 900 calls will vary.
Specification fifteen attendance rate. Refers to the number of people actually working in a team by 100. The most common method of obtaining this data is the staff of the staff automatic registration system. This standard is different, but the common standard is 95%.
Norms sixteen busy sounds. It refers to the percentage of a call phone that is received by a busy tone signal. This data can be obtained from the ACD or phone operator, and should check once per hour to see where the peak peak appears. The number of exclusive phones in the whole industry is 1%. We recommend that the effort target range is controlled between 1% and 3%. The most ideal situation is that there is no involvement phone, because this means that it has lost a business, but also adds an irritating customer complaint, and these both are not good for companies - no matter from recent revenue. Speaking, it is still satisfactory from a farther customer.
Specifies the call rate of the seventeenth disposable solution. It means that the caller does not need to call, nor does the salesman call the problem to solve the problem. The ACD can be generated in the form of a post-callback process, and the salesman and the center should be reported once a day. The average percentage of the industry is 85%, and the recommended target range between 85% -100%. This norm is obvious to the satisfaction of the caller, ie, the caller is very valued to solve their problems for the first time.
Specifies the 18 queue placement rate. That is, the number of phones that are included in the queued list is divided by 100 by the number of all phones received by the center. This data is collected by ACD, and the central manager should calculate and check once a week. In the whole industry, 15% of the phone is placed in the queue, the proposal is 10% -20%. Specification nine-nine transfer call rates. That is, the percentage of the phone that is transferred to other personnel to other personnel. This data can be reported by the ACD salesman. It should be reported every day, weekly and monthly reports, and with the salesman's feedback information, these feedback information is at least in January, and it is necessary to determine what is caused by it. Transfer. The average percentage of this specification is 3%. It is recommended that each hundred phones have only been transferred, and the transfer is an expert or authority.
Specification twenty has a percentage of calls. Announced the number of calls that except all access to all accessories. Data data used to calculate this specification can be provided by ACD, suggesting a daily report once. The most common percentage of this norm is 98%.
Specifies the 21st service level. The calculation formula for the service level is: The number of answers less than X seconds is divided by 100 by 100. This data can be easily obtained from the ACD. Service levels should be based on constant listening, because this specification indicates the main problems existing. Most of the criteria in the whole industry are: 80% of the calls have been answered before 20 seconds.
Specifications Twenty-two total call number. Refers to all calls to the center, including blocking, moving trips, and answers that have been replied. This normative data source can be ACD, or it can be a telephone line provider, it should be checked per hour, every day, weekly, monthly inspection. To better organize the staff, you need to track your own calls and divide them in detail. Preview changes on the type of call early, which can make it easy for managers to make timely and effective adjustments and arrangements. This specification is mainly used to determine other specifications and make plans for future telephones, predicting to reasonably arrange staff.
Specifies the flow rate of twenty-three value machines (TSR Turnover). Refers to the proportion of the salesperson of January, a seasons or in the middle of the center in the whole time in the total number of people working. The data of this norm is usually provided by the Ministry of Human Resources, which should be checked and statistics per month. The average resignation rate of the industry is 25%, and it is recommended to target the effort between 15% to 30%.