Oracle 8.1.7 Installation Document (for Solaris 89)

xiaoxiao2021-03-06  96

Oracle 8.1.7 Installation Document (for Solaris 8/9)

First, preparation before installation

1. Tasks performed by root (login with root users)

1.1 Set system variables

1) Open "/ etc / system" file with text editor


2) Insert the following lines at the end of the "/ etc / system" file

set shmsys: shminfo_shmmax = 4294967295 set shmsys: shminfo_shmmin = 1 set shmsys: shminfo_shmmni = 100 set shmsys: shminfo_shmseg = 10 set semsys: seminfo_semmni = 100 set semsys: seminfo_semmsl = 256 set semsys: seminfo_semmns = 1024 set semsys: seminfo_semopm = 100 set semsys : seminfo_semvmx = 32767

NOTE: SHMMAX maximum size of a shared memory segment (the maximum number of bytes of shared memory segment) SHMMIN minimum size of shared memory segment (the minimum size of the shared memory segment) SHMMNI maximum number of shared memory identifiers in the system (system shared memory Maximum number of identifiers) SHMSEG Maximum Number of Shared Memory Segments A User Process Can Attach (maximum shared memory segment of each user process) Semmni Maximum Number of Semaphore IdentifierS in the system (maximum number of signal light indicators in the system) ) Semmsl Maximum Number of Semaphores In A Set (Maximum number of signal lights in each (signal light) collection) SemMns Maximum Number of Semaphores in the system (maximum number of signal lights in the system) Semopm Maximum Number of Operations Per Semop Call (each The maximum number of signal lights called by SemoP) SEMVMX Semaphore Maximum Value (the maximum value of the signal light)

note! The above mentioned SEMMSL and SEMMNs is only available for the initial installation. After the installation is complete, the application should be adjusted according to the actual situation of the application.

★ Semmsl's value can be calculated in the following way: "Init [SID]. OA" file in all Oracle instances 10

★ The value of SEMMNS can be calculated in the following way: the sum of the processes value in the "Init [SID]. OA" file in the system, the maximum processes value) the largest processes value * 2 10 * The number of Oracle instances.

Note: [SID] is a specific database instance name

For example, a system with three Oracle instances, set to the following values ​​in the respective "initsid.ora" file: Oracle_SID = A, Processes = 100 Oracle_SID = B, Processes = 100 Oracle_sid = C, Processes = 200 The computational method of the SEMMSL value is as follows: SEMMSL = [(c = 200) 10] = 210 The calculation method of the SEMMNS value is as follows: SEMMNS = [(a = 100) (b = 100)] [(c = 200) * 2] [(# of instances = 3) * 10] = 630

For operating systems, the set parameter value will cause the machine to be unable to start, and for parameters, see the Sun SPARC Solaris System Management Document.

3) Restart the system to make the new kernel parameters to take effect # sync; sync; reboot

4) After the system is restarted, the value of "Maximum Shared Memory" and "MINIMUM Shared Memory" can be checked by the SYSDEF command ("Shared Memory Area" section at the bottom of the list) # sysdef

1.2 Establish group, users and related catalogs

1) Create "DBA" and "OInstall" group, add user name "oracle" users, and set passwords for it # groupadd dba # groupadd oinstall # uSradd -g dba -g oinstall -d / export / home / oracle - m -s / bin / sh oracle # Passwd Oracle

The above operations can also be implemented with the Admin Tool management tools. # Admin.

2) Creating a related catalog # mkdir -p /opt/oracle/Product/8.1.7 # mkdir -p / opt / oracle / orainventory # chown -r oracle: DBA / OPT / ORACLE

# mkdir / var / opt / oracle # chown -r oracle: DBA / VAR / OPT / ORACLE

2, task executed by "Oracle User"

1) Exit the root login, log in with the previously created Oracle user

2) Modify the "./profile" profile of Oracle users $ CD $ vi .profile

Change the original PATH string to:

PATH = / bin: / usr / bin: / usr / open: / usr / ccs / bin: / sbin: /opt/oracle/product/8.1.7/bin: path = $ PATH: / usr / local / bin: / OPT / ORACLE / Admin / BIN:

Add the following lines under the Export Path string:

Admin_Home = / OPT / ORACLE / Admin Display = localhost: 0.0 ld_library_path = / usr / lib: / usr / openwin / lib: /opt/oracle/product/8.1.7/lib: local_home = / usr / local msgverb = text: action NOMSGLABEL = 1 NOMSGSEVERITY = 1 ORACLE_BASE = / opt / oracle ORACLE_HOME = / opt / oracle / product / 8.1.7 NLS_LANG = AMERICAN_AMERICA.ZHS16CGB231280 # for Chinese # NLS_LANG = SIMPLIFIED CHINESE_CHINA.ZHS16GBK ORA_NLS33 = $ ORACLE_HOME / ocommon / nls / admin / data ORACLE_SID = orcl # you may replace "orcl" with your own SID Name you wish to useexport ORACLE_BASE ORACLE_HOME ORACLE_SID ADMIN_HOME LOCAL_HOME export MSGVERB NOMSGLABEL NOMSGSEVERITY NLS_LANG ORA_NLS33 DISPLAY LD_LIBRARY_PATH

Among them, "American_America.zHS16CGB231280" or "simplified chinese_china.zhs16GBK" is dependent on the situation

3) Oracle users log in to make the previously modified ".profile" configuration take effect

4) Check if the configured configuration takes effect through the set command.

5) Enter the directory where the Oracle installation file is located and start installation (assuming the Oracle817 installation file is existing in "/ export / home / oracle / ora817 / disk1")


Memo: ★ Download the Oracle CPIO file unopened method: cpio -idcmv

★ Seek that there is a case where there is a way to pop up with the Oracle disc installation, by installing the CD CP to the hard disk installation, such as: all content to CP to CP to "/ export / home / oracle / ora817 / Disk1 "All contents of the CD 2 to CP to" / Export / Home / Oracle / ORA817 / Disk2 "...

Currently, there have been no cases of using disc media to install

★ During installation, when prompted to run ($ ORACLE_HOME / ROOT.SH) script, you should manually open a new Console (console) to execute as root user.

★ If the database is initialized after the installation is initialized, an ORA-03114: NOT Connected To Oracle error should be appropriately increased.

6) Simple test after installation

The default is already the Oracle user login, and the LSNRCTL Start is executed to start Oracle Listener.


When the monitor is successful, you will see the following similar information:

LSNRCTL for Intel Svr4 UNIX: Version - Production On 23-Jun-2002 04:02:46 (c) Copyright 1998 Oracle Corporation. All Rights Reserved. Starting /opt/oracle/Product/8.1.7/bin / tnslsnr: please wait ... TNSLSNR for Intel SVR4 UNIX: Version - Production System Parameter File is /opt/oracle/product/8.1.7/neetwork/admin/listener.ora log message Written to / OPT / Oracle/Product/8.1.7/network/log/listener.log listening on: (deScription = (address = (protocol = ipc)) Listening ON: (description = (address = (protocol = tcp (Host = (port = 1521))) Listening ON: (deScription = (protocol = tcp) (host = (port = 2481))) (Protocol_stack = (session = raw))) Connecting to (deSCription = (protocol = ipc)) status of the listener ----------- ------------- Alias ​​Listener Version TNSLSNR for Intel Svr4 Unix: Version - Production Start Date 23-Jun-2002 04:02:47 Uptime 0 Days 0 HR. 0 min . 0 sec trace level off sec URITY OFF SNMP OFF LISTENER Parameter File /opt/oracle/Product/8.1.7/neetwork/admin/listener.ora listner log file /opt/oracle/product/8.1.7/network/log/listener.log services summary .. . PLSextProc HAS 1 Service Handler (s) Orcl HAS 1 Service Handler (s) The command completed success If you see like information, the monitor has started:

LSNRCTL for Intel SVR4 UNIX: Version - Production on 24-JUN-2002 05:02:46 (c) Copyright 1998 Oracle Corporation All rights reserved TNS-01106:.. Listener using listener name LISTENER has already been started

If the listener is successful, you can start the database with the dbstart command.

$ dbstart

You will see the following similar information after starting successfully:

Oracle Server Manager Release -. Production Copyright (c) 1997, 1999, Oracle Corporation All Rights Reserved Oracle8i Enterprise Edition Release -. Production With the Partitioning option JServer Release - Production SVRMGR> Connected. SVRMGR> ORACLE instance started. Total System Global Area 247464096 bytes Fixed Size 73888 bytes Variable Size 17596416 bytes Database Buffers 229621760 bytes Redo Buffers 172032 bytes Database mounted. Database opened. SVRMGR> Server Manager complete. Database "orcl" warm started .3, install Oracle patch

Log in with Oracle users, install by "RunInstaller" (assuming Oracle817 installation files exists in "/ export / home / oracle / ora817 / disk1")


(1) On the Welcome screen, click the Next button. This will display the File Locations screen. (2) Click the Browse button for the Source ... entry field and navigate to the stage directory where you unpacked the Patch Set tar file (3) Select the products.jar file. Click The next button. ......

4, add boot self-start script

Log in with root user

1) Open the "ORATAB" file (in this document, "ORATAB" file exists in the "/ var / OPT / Oracle" directory)

# vi / var / opt / oracle / ORATAB

Find orcl: /opt/oracle/Product/8.1.7: n To start the database using the "dbstart" command, you must change it to orcl: /opt/oracle/product/8.1.7: Y

When the above changes, "dbstart" and "dbshut" in the "$ Oracle_Home / Bin" directory are also required, in this order, $ Oracle_home points to "/opt/oracle/Product/8.1.7" Directory, open these two files, respectively

# cd /opt/oracle/product/8.1.7 # vi dbstart # VI DBSHUT

Find oracab = / etc / oracab to change it to oracab = / var / opt / oracle / ORATAB

Memo: According to the previous installation step, the corresponding line of "dbstart" and "dbshut" file is already "oracab = / var / opt / oracle / oracab" 2) Create "/etc/init.d/dbora" file

# vi /etc/init.d/dbora

3) Write as follows

#! / bin / sh

Orahome = / opt / oracle / product / 8.1.7 oraowner = Oracle

IF [! -f $ orahome / bin / dbstart]; the echo "error: cannot start oracle database server" Fi

Case "$ 1" in "start") Echo "Starting Oracle Database ... / C" Su - $ oraowner -c "$ orahome / bin / lsnrctl start"> / dev / null su - $ oraowner -c $ orahome / bin / dbstart> / dev / null echo "done" ;;

"stop") Echo "Stopping Oracle Database ... / C" Su - $ oraowner -c $ orahome / bin / dbshut> / dev / null su - $ oraowner -c "$ orahome / bin / lsnrctl stop"> / dev / NULL Echo "DONE." ;;

"") echo "You Must Tell What You want me to do." echo "usage: ./dbora [start | stop]" echo "start - start oracle database immediately" echo "stop - stop oracle database immediately" ;;



Save and exit editing

4) # chmod 744 /etc/init.d/dbora # ln -s /etc/init.d/dbora /etc/rc0.d/k10dbora # ln -s /etc/init.d/dbora / etc / rc1. D / K10dbora # ln -s /etc/init.d/dbora /etc/rc2.d/s90dbora # ln -s /etc/init.d/dbora /etc/rcs.d/k10dbora


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