
xiaoxiao2021-03-06  97

Description: In parentheses (value) is a numeric function; indicate (character) as a character function; indicate the date function; indicate (conversion) as a conversion function; note The Ming is a polygroup function; not indicate other functions.

Function Name: Description ABS (x) (value) Returns the absolute value add_months (x, y) (date) Return value for the date x plus Y month ASCII (X) (character) Returns the ten reflection of character X AVG ([DISTINCT | All] X] (gauge) Returns the average CEIL (X) (character) of the X column Returns the minimum integer CHARTOROWID (X) (conversion) greater than or equal to X to convert the string X into a RowID type CHR (X) (character) Returns the character concat (x, y) (character) corresponding to the character set of numbers, returns the string x and string Y lines result, CONVERT (x, y [, z]) (date) with a character set Y To convert the string x, z is the original character set COS (X) (value) Returns the cosine Cosh (x) (value) Returns the x di cosine Count (* | DISTINCT | ALL] X) (gauge) Returns the number of rows DUMP (W, [x [x [, y [, z]] x) obtained, returns a string, the data type code containing W, the length of byte, and internal representation EXP (X) (Numerical) Returns the X Power Floor (X) (value) Returns the maximum integer GLB ([DistINCT | All] x) ([DistINCT | All] X) (Poly Group) of less than or equal to X. Returns the maximum lower limit of the label X. , [, ..]) Returns the maximum value of greatest_lb (x [, y], [, ...]) in the list Returns the maximum hextoraw (x) (character) in the tag list will convert a string containing 16 credit data. Binary Data INTCAP (X) (Character) Returns the String X First Character Updheng, the remaining character lowercase Results INSTR (W, x [, y [, z]]) (character) Returns the appearance of the string X in the string W position INSTRB (w, x [, y [, z]]) (character) is the same, only in the multi-byte character, use Last_Day (X) (Date) Returns the last day of the last day of the specified month (x [, y] [ , ...]) Return to the minimum LEAST_UB (X [, Y] [, ...]) Returns the minimum value of the minimum length (X) (character) returns the length of the string X (X) (character) Return string in the label list x byte length ln (x) (value) Returns the Natural log (x, y) (value) returns x-bottom Y's log loger (x) (character) Return string x lowercase letters result LPAD (X, y [, z]) (character) Returns the result of the Z to the left fill Z to the length Y LTRIM (x [, y]) (character) Returns the result of the string X left cut character set is Y after the result LUB (

[DISTINCT | ALL] X) (gauge) Returns the minimum upper limit max ([DistINCT | All] x) (grouse) of the label x Returns the maximum column value min ([Distinct | All] X) (gauge) Returns the minor column value mod (x, y) (value) of the X column returns x divided by the remainder MONTHS_BETWEEN (X, Y) (date) returns NEW_TIME (X, Y, Z) between X and Y (X, Y, Z) ( Date) The time x time x in the zone y NEXT_DAY (X, Y) (date) After returning the date X, the first NLS_INITCAT (character) of the first name y is basically initcap, just considering Language NLS_LOVER (X [Y]) (character) Basically with LOWER, just considering language NLS_UPPER (character) Basically with Upper, just considering whether language NVL (X, Y) X is NULL returns Y, otherwise returns xpower (x, Y) (numeric) Returning x Y Power RawToHex (X) (conversion) Convert binary data to a 16-way digital string Replace (x, y [x z]) (character) to appear Y in X Replacing Zround (x [, y]) (value) Returns the value of the X-four round into the Y-bit decimal number, rounded the date unit, which is the date unit specified by Y. On the first day, RowidTochar (X) (transformation) converts the ROWID type into a character string RPAD (x, y [, z]) (character) Returns the result of the string X Retained z to the length Y y RTRIM (x, y [ , z]) (character) Returns the result of the result SIGN (X) (value) x is a positive number, negative number, 0 (x) (value), 1, -1, 0Sin (x) (value) Returns the sinusoid value of x (value) Returns the sinusoidal 16 Enter Soundex (X) (Character) Returns the X Logan Pronunciation Description SQRT (X) (Numeric) Returns the square root STDDEV ([DistINCT | All] X) (poly group) Returns the standard error SUBSTR (x, y [, z]) (grougage) from X, Y [, Z]) ([DistINCT | All] ([DistINCT | All] X) (Gauge) Returns Total Sysdate (Date) Returns the current date and time TAN (X) (value) Returns the orthosis TANH (X) (value) Returns the orthosis of x TO_CHAR ( X [Y]) (conversion) Convert a date or number into a string to_date (x [, y]) (conversion) convert a string into date to_label (x [, y]) (conversion)


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