Programming language

xiaoxiao2021-03-06  100

Source: Network

Programming language

Discussing the programming language is really a dangerous job, you may be dragged out of the sea K, you are a personal point of view, you don't agree, that is your business, don't hit me:

Machine language: not a human, forget it.

Compilation Language: It is the lowest language that is currently learning, the most powerful function, only you can't make it out, but no need to do it. But the development efficiency is very low, it is not recommended when writing the application, the less The better the better, the efficiency, the length of the program is high, write shellcode or use the hardware [MCU] to operate, and the famous development environment under Windows has MASM and TASM.

C: The highest efficiency in the advanced language [Examples are intermediate language] It is omnipotent, but for the development efficiency of the big project is not high. Suitable for any stage, especially suitable for beginners. [You don't learn me.]

Fortran: Suitable for mathematical computing, there is an environment in DOS, Windows, UNIX. It is still a little bit of people now, but it is a bit used. If you are a professional, you can learn, help.

Basic: The abbreviation of "beginners General instruction code" is a simple language, high function, high development efficiency, low operation efficiency, famous Basic platform under the DOS platform has Turbo Basic, Quick Basic, Visual Basic for DOS There is Visual Basic, Real Basic, Repaid-q, etc. under the Windows platform; there is kbasic under Linux; there is a REAL Basic for Mac under Mac. Pure Basic language In addition to the learning programming itself, Visual Basic The development tools provide some more powerful libraries to expand, but because it is too simple, VB is almost not programmed, and most of the time is "painting", which is harmful to beginners, do not learn VB.

Pascal: It is very popular, currently object-oriented [OO] version Object-Pascal application is quite extensive. Representative development tools have Turbo Pascal, Delphi, Kylix [Both Borland products]. Development efficiency is general, high operation efficiency Use in all aspects of teaching, applications and systems [personal feelings is not a language]

LOGO: Basically, it is a simple geometric drawing for primary school students. It is also called "small turtle" in DOS and Windows. [Chinese small turtle].

Cobol: Commercial development language, has been extremely popular, and now there are very few people. Personally feel that development efficiency is not very high, due to the excessive cultivation of Cobol programmers, resulting in a large number of business conditions, and now the same situation also happened in C procedures Body.

C : The most widely used language in the world, the most powerful function of the mainstream language [recently heard the language of another test period is said to be more fierce than C ]. The development platform can't finish, in Windows, main Borland C Builder and Visual C , I personally use DEV-C . Development efficiency is general, high running efficiency. Support three becoming modes: process, object-oriented, template. It is mainly used for object-oriented features. Difficulties, but Application is more troubles. If you want to pat the chest and say: "I am a programmer", learn C .

Java: Interpreted language, virtual machine, real-oriented [everything is class] Applet application in the Web, extensive in the system programming, but can cross platform: write, run everywhere [junction: At the time of debugging]. High development efficiency, low operation efficiency. In addition, applications in embedded systems are more common. Borland's JBuiler, IBM's Visual Age for Java, and Visual Cafe are common development environments.

Python: I like the language. Scripting language, support object-oriented, grammar, easy to use, powerful, cross-platform, have platforms on various UNIX, Mac, Windows. It is very suitable for beginners, in CGI and small applications Aspect is more appropriate. C #: Microsoft's chicken ribs produced, almost Copy Java, very similar in all aspects, and is not as good as Java, only with MS's large amount of money support, will slowly enter the market. No matter if there is money Try, I don't like it, I don't recommend anyone.

Shell: Sub-system, Windows Shell is relatively powerful in NT core, Unix has always been very good. When doing some small work, you can save it, you need to learn.

Perl: A scripting language has an environment on a variety of systems. It is not very simple to learn, the symbolization is too serious, generally used to do biological mathematics and CGI, strong function, very popular.

PHP: It is also a scripting language for writing CGI. Pop

ASP: Not a language, it is a specification, generally based on VBScript, used to write CGI, very popular.

The above is a comment of several mainstream languages. To tell the truth, a Programmer will not lisp is a very ridiculous thing, but it is a pity that I didn't dare to comment. There are some non-mainstream languages:

ProLog: Artificial intelligence common "language", in fact, finally translated into C language

SmallTalk: The first one of several languages ​​that achieve OO, C inspiration source

HTML: Not a programming language, is a label description script, used to write a web page

There are hundreds of thousands of programming languages, and the rest is some professional fields. It is an old or still in the test period, but it is also inevitable to hang a leakage of the programmer forgive me. Difficult transformation, evolving thousands of language and variants. All programming languages ​​seem to have more or less grammar characteristics from other languages, so that the boundaries between language and language are getting more and more blurred, you sometimes can't do it, which is what you are using. Language. This guide is designed to solve the programmer who is going to retreat in the language selection.

Your task: Shoot your own ankle.

C Language: You shoot your own ankles.

C language: You accidentally created your own example object and shot to these 24 feet. You can't get wound for you, because you can't determine which object is your own original copy, which object is your own pointer or reference, and those who use pointers and quote fake your guys still call: "Hey, this is me, I am here!"

Fortran Language: You shoot every toe on your own foot, until all the toes on a feet are light, then switch to the next layer of loop, start shooting the toes on the other feet. If you shoot a bullet, you will continue to shoot your own shot because you don't have an abnormal handling function.

Pascal language: The compiler will not let you shoot your own feet.

ADA Language: When you get your own foot booms, you try to complete the following tasks: Pack the bullet, pull the punch, buckle, scream, shoot your feet. However, when you do this, you will find that this is a task that cannot be done because your data type does not match.

COBOL Language: Use the Codel 45 pistol to aim at "leg. Foot", will "arm. Hand." Put it to "Pistol. Trigger", press. Then, collect the gun back to the leather case, check your lace is not needed.

Lisp Language: You shoot your own prosthesis, the prosthetic is holding a gun, you shoot your own prosthesis with this gun, the prosthetic is holding the gun, you shoot your own prosthesis, the prosthetic Holding guns, you shoot your own prosthes with this gun, the prosthetic is holding a gun, you shoot your own prosthesis with this gun, the prosthetic is holding a gun, you shoot your own prosthesis ... ... Forth Language: Fee yourself shot.

ProLog Language: You tell you the program you want to shoot your own feet. The program calculates your shooting method and step, but the syntax of the program does not allow these things to tell you.

Basic Language: You shoot your own ankle with a water gun. In large systems, shooting will continue to your lower body.

Visual Basic: Your work will only "display" you shot your own feet, whether you care, you will get much fun in this process.

Hypertalk Language: Put the first bullet in the gun into your own left foot, then give the results information.

MotiF language: You spent a few days, using the interface description language detailed in detail your feet, your bullet, ballistic curve of bullets, and complex ivory carved on the gun. When you finally take a time to load the bullets - the gun card.

APL Language: You shoot your own ankle, and then throw this task all day to use fewer characters to complete this task.

Snobol Language: If you succeed, shoot your own left foot; if you fail, shoot your right foot.

Concurrent Euclid Language: You shoot your own legs.

370 system JCL language: You put your own ankles in the system batch queue waiting for processing, you want to include at least 400 pages documents, detail how you want to deal with your own ankles. After 3 years, your feet returned to you, and the whole feet have been roast.

ParaDox Database: Not only you can shoot your own feet, your users can also.

Access database: You try to take a gun to your own ankle, but the gun keeps shooting the cave on your Borland product CD.

REVELATION Database: Once you point out the function of all of the different elements contained in the bullet, you will be sure that you have the ability to shoot your own feet.

DBASE Database: You bought a gun. Bullets are only sold in other companies. Companies for selling bullets to ensure that bullets are available, so you bought bullets. Then you find that the next version of the gun can be really used to make a shot.

PL / I Language: After exhaling all resources including bullets, the data processing department has doubled its business scale, and two large-scale computers have been purchased, and the prototype of your feet.

Assembly language: Want to shoot your own feet, you must first invent guns, bullets, triggers, and your own feet.

Another version of the assembly language: You have made the operating system, cover the root partition. So the system administrator runs over to shoot your feet. Next, after a contemplation, the system administrator shot his own feet, then jumping on the house, rushing around the room, shooting everyone he saw.

MODULA-2 language: When you understand, you can't actually use this language to complete anything, you have opened a shot to your own head.

C shell language: You keep retrieving documents, your feet have been asleep, then you shoot to your computer, then switch to C language.

SmallTalk Language: After playing the 3 weeks of graphic function, the program manager shot your head. Or, you repeatedly shot your own ankles. HTML language:

shoot here

Java language: The shoot is very beautiful, but your feet cannot determine what type of object is the type of bullet, I have to ignore them.

C # Language: Remote your feet into a Java program, then shoot them.

FTP:% ftp ftp> cd / foot ftp> PULLETS


% ls foot.c foot.h foot.o toe.c TOE.O% rm * .o rm: .o no sudh file or directory% ls%

Windows 95: D: / setup

Apple Company: We allow you to shoot yourself, but the price is very expensive.

IBM: You put the ball into the gun, wait for half an hour, then the bullet is transmitted to the four sides. If there is a bullet touch your feet, then you are so lucky.

Microsoft: "Feet" object will be available in the next version, you need to pay $ 500 upgrade fees.

HP: You can shoot your own feet with this machine gun, but the shot of the gun is broken.

Sun: As long as the Solaris system is in the system, you want to shoot where to shoot.


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