(1) JBPM runs with a problem with MySQL 4.0 or less, mainly the issue of a SELECT statement. (2) The default character segment of the JBPM database is 255 characters, sometimes needs to be modified, such as when the file is stored. The definition of the default field type of the JBPM database is sometimes not necessarily suitable for manual modification. (3) The Chinese problem solution for the workflow definition file -ProcessDifInition.xml is as follows: (1) XML Encoding settings set to "GBK" (2) For mysql, Hibernate corresponding DRIVER settings: JDBC: mysql: / / localhost / test? useunicode = true & characterencoding = GBK (3) Text When you are displayed, use TOGBK conversion to display correctly. (4) For Oracle, the C3P0 connection pool used by Hibernate has a problem with the latest C3P0 instead. If the XML definition file is defined using UTF8, you don't have to do GBK conversions.