[Original] RESIN + APACHE load balancing configuration

xiaoxiao2021-03-06  101

The first one: apache2 resin 3

First, install Apache2 and Resin 3

Apache installation and configuration

1, install apache to any directory

2, change the number behind [% apache-home% / conf / httpd.conf] to 80 or the port number you want.

3, set the addDefaultcharset in [% apache-home% / conf / httpd.conf] to GB2312 Remove indexes in "Options INDEXES FOLLINKS MULTIVIVIVIVIEWS" so that users will see the directory structure of the site. Set DirectoryIndex to INDEX.HTML INDEX.HTM

4. Publish the web file to [% apache -home% / htdocs]

5. Start the service if it is set to system service

Otherwise, run [% apache -home% / biin / apache.exe] Note: There is no content display after Apache.exe running.

If you are not successful, check if the service is open, or conflicts with the existing port number.

Second, configure Apache

Modify Apache's configuration file httpd.conf

In the final plus, the following statement:

ResinconfigServer 6802

ResinconfigServer 6802

Cauchostatus YES

The second lines and third lines are the RESIN server IP and port for load balancing, which can be adjusted as needed.

Third, configure RESIN

Modify each RESIN.CONF file for each load balanced server resin

Make the following modifications in the and modified:

The second lines and third rows here are a list of the RESIN server for load balancing, which can be adjusted as needed, but in combination with the configuration in Apache.

First, run

1, run apache

2. Run the following command on each RESIN server (NT) for each load balancing:

A: httpd -install-asse resin-a -server a


B: httpd -install-asse resin-b -server b


In this way, RESIN is run as a system service on each RESIN server that is load balancing.

If you want to stop the service, you can run this command:

Net Stop Resin-a


3, run jboss

Second: Apache 2 Resin 2

Third, install Apache2 and RESIN 2

Please refer to the installation instructions in front

Fourth, configure Apache to modify Apache configuration file httpd.conf

In the final plus, the following statement:

Cauchohost 6802

Cauchohost 6802

Cauchoconfigfile "d: /app/xx/resin/conf/resin.conf"

SetHandler Caucho-Status

The third line and fourth line are the RESIN server IP and ports that are loaded balanced, which can be adjusted as needed.

CauchoConfigfile This line is used to mark the location of the main RESIn configuration file at the end of the apcher, please modify it according to your specific situation.

Third, configure RESIN

Modify each RESIN.CONF file for each load balanced server resin

Modify this sentence:

Here is a list of RESIN servers for load balancing. Note that the configuration statement of RESIN 3 is a bit different, and can be adjusted as needed, but complies with the configuration in Apache.

Second, run

1, run apache

2. Run the following command on each RESIN server (NT) for each load balancing:

A: httpd -install-asse resin-a -server a


B: httpd -install-asse resin-b -server b


In this way, RESIN is run as a system service on each RESIN server that is load balancing.

If you want to stop the service, you can run this command:

Net Stop Resin-a


3, run jboss


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