1) Select the tool to assign a value to the corresponding input domain, then submit it through the image input box
Width = "350" border = 0 onMouseDown = "setPointCoordsforie ()> td> tr> table>
NAME = "beginpointxcoorddistcalc" VALUE = "0"> 2) bResult container.asp submitted by the server process vbs Code = LayerControlHandler () bResult = ZoomControlHandler (dZoom) bResult = ToolbarHandler (dDistance, dZoom) bResult = FindNearestHandler (dZoom)
Server-side script: CreateMapImage, CreateLayerControl, DisplaySearchResults client script: CreateZoomControl, CreateToolbar, CreateFindNearestControl called CreateToolbar in StToUpdateDisplay (top <% = cPointInfoFrameName%>.) To refresh the display infotool.asp page