00003.make a Dom (To Be Continued)

xiaoxiao2021-03-06  112

-------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------- ********* STEP 1, on the large system Run MPLAYER *********** ------------------------------------ ----------------------------------------- First, install Live (Live.2004.04 .23.tar.gz) #. / Genmakefiles linux # make # cp -r / home / liujie / limited / usr / lib / ------------------- ---------------------------------- Two / usr / share / mplayer / font # tar jxvf /Home/liujie/gb2312-kai.tar.bz2#cp -rf / home / liujie / gb2312-kai / usr / share / mplayer / font / 2, skin Skin # mkdir -p / usr / share / mplayer / skin / default # tar jxvf /Home/liujie/blue-1.4.tar.bz2#cp -rf / home / liujie / blue / * / usr / share / mplayer / Skin / Default / 3, decoding CODECS # mkdir -p / usr / local / lib / codecs / rp # tar jxvf /Home/liujie/All-20040916.tar.bz2#cp / home / liujie / all-20040916 / * / usr / local / LIB / CODECS # tar jxvf /Home/liujie/rp9codecs-20040626.tar.bz2#cp / home / liujie / rp9codecs-20040626 / * / usr / local / lib / codecs / rp / # mkdir -p / usr / local / LIB / CODECS / WIN32 ----------------------------------------------------------------------- -----------three , Install MPlayer (mplayer-1.0pre5.tar.bz2) 1, configure #. / Configure --enable-gui --enable-live --with-limited IBDIR = / usr / lib / live --enable-real --enable -NETWORK --DATADIR = / usr / share / mplayer --libdir = / usr / local / lib / codecs --language = en --with-reallibdir = / usr / local / lib / codecs / rp --with-win32libdir = / usr / local / lib / codecs / win322, make3, make install4, copy Subfont.ttf # cp subfont.ttf /Root/.mplayer/---------------- -------------------------------------- Fourth, use MPlayer to open the terminal in xwindows, execute: GMPLAYER RTSP: //SERVER_IP/001.RM or GMPLAYER - FPS MMS: //server_ip/001.asf

Note: Uninstall MPLAYER [root @ okredhat mplayer-1.0pre5] # make uninstallRM -F / USR / local / bin / mplayer / usr / local / bin / gmplayer /usr/local/man/man1/MPlayer.1RM -F / USR / local / bin / mencoder /usr/local/man/man1/Mencoder.1Uninstall completed ------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------- ******** STEP 2, using busybox production small system command set *********** ------------------- -------------------------------------------------- ------------- # Make MenuConfig # make # make install / * busybox will generate 4 directory bin Linuxrc sbin usr * /

-------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------- ****** Step 3, create a small hard disk and deploy basic file system ****** -------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------- First, add a small hard disk and partition 1, plus After blocking the small hard disk, restart it. First partition # fdisk / dev / hdd / * Enter the FDISK interface * / 2, follow the FDISK control. 1P / * View partition table * / 2N / * Add new partition * / 31 then continue back Car 2 times / * View Optional Partition Type * / 4a then Enter / * Give new partitions * / 5P / * View partition table * / 6w / * write partition table * / 3, format small hard disk # mkfs. EXT2 / DEV / HDD1 # tune2fs -c 9999 / dev / hdd14, check small hard disk partition form # fsck / dev / hdd15, mount small hard disk partition # mkdir / mnt / 100 # mount / dev / hdd1 / mnt / 100 # CD / MNT / 100 --------------------------------------------- ----------- Two, establish a small hard disk file system 1, build boot directory # mkdir -p / mnt / 100 / boot / grub # cp /boot/vmlinuz-2.4.20-8 / mNT / 100 / boot / / * This file is equivalent to bzimage * / 2, copy busybox compile results to small hard drive, and create other directories # MKDIR / MNT / 100 / ETC / MNT / 100 / MNT / MNT / 100 / Proc / MNT / 100 / TMP / MNT / 100 / VAR / MNT / 100 / USR / MNT / 100 / ROOT # cp -arf /Home/Liujie/cmd/busybox-1.00/examples/bootfloppy/etc/* / mnt / 100 / etc # cp -r /Home/liujie/cmd/busybox-1.00/_install/* / mnt / 100 / # cp -avr / dev / / mnt / 100 / # cp -arf /Boot/grub/grub.conf / MNT / 100 / Boot / Grub / # cp -arf / Boot / Grub / Stage? / MNT / 100 / Boot / GRUB / ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------- Third, let the small hard drive can boot 1, install GRUB # GRUB2 for small hard disks, GRUB Control Operation 1Root (HD1, 0) / * can press the Tab key to view option * / 2up (hd1) 3Quit3, edit grub.conf, content is as follows DEFAULT = 3timeout = 5title Dom root (HD0, 0) kernel / Boot / vmlinuz-2.4.20-8 RO ROOT = / dev / hda1 VGA = 0x3114, test small system supported command # chroot / mnt / 100 / bin / sh / * can use small hard disks (ie hook c) The command set is tested, and EXIT can be * /

-------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------- ****** STEP 4, load network card sound card and read and write function * ******** ------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------- First, restore network function network card Drive in /Lib/Modules/2.4.20-8/kernel/Drivers/net/ directory // * Note: Different network cards are different * // 1, first establish small system network card driver directory # mkdir -p / mnt / 100/lib/modules/2.4.20-8/kernel/drivers/net2, copy network card driver (large system network card is PCNET32, can be seen with lsmod) # CD /LIB/Modules/2.4.20-8/kernel/drivers / net / # cp mii.o / mnt/100/lib/modules/2.4.20-8/kernel/drivers/net/ // * PCI network card needs it * // # CP PCNET32.O / MNT / 100 / LIB /Modules/2.4.20-8/kernel/drivers/net/3, built Module.conf file # Touch / mnt/100/etc/module.conf writes in this file: Alias ​​Eth0 PCNET324, restart System, instantly load the network card in the current console can be processed:

# cd lib / modules / 2.4.20-8 / kernel / drivers / net # insmod mii.o # insmod pcnet32.o // * When this network card is loaded * // # ifconfig eth0 Netmask # Route Add Default GW ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------- II. The role of the RCS file content below the recovery file system reads and writes is to make the file system to read and write mount -t ext2 -o remount -o rw / dev / HDA1 / / ----------------------------------------------- -------- Third, add the sound card (shared Soundmax sound card, detected as ES1371) 1. Several drive files from large system copy sound card #CD /LIB/Modules/2.4.20-8/8 KERNEL / Drivers / Sound # mkdir -p /mnt/100/lib/modules/2.4.20-8/kernel/drivers/sound/#cp ac97.o ac97_codec.o es1371.o Sound.o SoundCore.O / MNT / 100 / lib / modules / 2.4.20-8 / kernel / drivers / self / # cd /lib/modules/2.4.20-8/kernel/drivers/char/joystick#mkdir -P / mnt / 100 / lib / modules / 2.4.20-8/kernel/drivers/char/joystick/#cp Gameport.o /mnt/100/kernel/drivers/char/joystick/2, start from small system, Dragon Sound Cards #insmod SoundCore.O # Insmod Sound.o # insmod ac97.o # insmod ac97_codec.o # insmod gameport.o # insmod es1371.o -------------- ----------------- ------------------------- Four, edit / mnt/100/etc/init.d/rcs file, write the following #! / Bin / shumount -amount -amount -t ext2 -o remount -o rw / dev / hda1 / / insmod miiinsmod pcnet32insmod soundcore.oinsmod sound.oinsmod ac97.oinsmod ac97_codec.oinsmod gameport.oinsmod es1371.oifconfig eth0 netmask Route Add Default GW

-------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------- ********** STEP 5, build X -window ************ ----------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------- 1. Building a font directory # mkdir -p / usr / x11r6 / lib / x11 / fonts / MISC2, copying the Misc font After unwrapping the misc.tar, all copy to / mNT / 100 / usr / x11r6 / lib / x11 / FONTS / MISC. 3, copy xserver directory # cp -r / usr / x11r6 / lib / x11 / xServer / MNT / 100 / USR / X11R6 / LIB / X11 / 4, copy XfbDev to / mnt / 100 / usr After entering the small system / sbin / in the small system, perform XfbDev -FP / USR / X11R6 / LIB / X11 / FONTS / MISC to enter Tinyx

-------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------- ************ STEP 6, transplantation Player *********** -------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------One , Copy mPlayer skin, font library, decoding, etc. # MKDIR -P / MNT / 100 / usr / share / mplayer # mkdir -p / mnt / 100 / usr / local / lib / codecs # mkdir -P / mnt / 100 / usr / lib # cp -r / root/.mplayer / mnt / 100 / root / # cp -r / usr / share / mplayer / font / mnt / 100 / usr / share / mplayer / # cp -r / usr / share / MPLAYER / SKIN / MNT / 100 / USR / Share / MPLAYER / # CP -R / USR / LOCAL / LIB / CODECS / MNT / 100 / USR / local / lib / # cp / usr / local / bin / mplayer / mnt / 100 / usr / bin / -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------ Two, copy mPlayer LDD link library #LDD / usr / local / bin / mplayer libmad.so.0 => /usr/lib/libmad.SO.0 (0x40017000) .......... / * The following omitted * / # more cpmpcp /usr/lib/libvorbis.so.0 / mnt / 100 / usr / lib /; cp /usr/lib/libogg.so .0 / mNT / 100 / usr / lib /; cp /usr/lib/libpng12.SO.0 / mNT / 100 / usr / lib /; cp /usr/lib/libz.SO.1 / MNT / 100 / USR / lib /; cp /usr/lib/libjpeg.so. 62 / mnt / 100 / usr / lib /; CP / USR /LIB/LIBFREETYPE.SO.6 / MNT / 100 / USR / LIB /; CP /LIB/LIBTERMCAP.SO.2 / MNT / 100 / LIB /; CP /us R / MNT / 100 / usr / lib /; cp /lib/libnsl.SO.1 / mNT / 100 / lib /; cp /usr/lib/libungif.so.4 / mnt / 100 / usr / lib /; CP / USR / LIB / Libfontconfig.SO.1 / mNT / 100 / usr / lib /; cp /usr/lib/libgtk-1.2.so.0 / mnt / 100 / usr / lib /; cp /usr/lib/libgdk-1.2.so. 0 / mNT / 100 / USR / LiB /; CP /usR/LIB/LibgModule-1.2.SO.0 / MNT / 100 / USR / lib /; cp /usr/lib/libglib-1.2.so.0 / mnt / 100 / usr / lib /; cp /lib/libdl.so.2 / mnt / 100 / lib /; cp /usr/x11r6/lib/libxi.SO.6 / MNT / 100 / USR / X11R6 / lib /; cp /usr/x11r6/lib/libxext.SO.6 / mNT / 100 / usr / x11r6 / lib /; cp /usr/x11r6/lib/libx11.SO.6 / MNT / 100 / USR / X11R6 / lib /; CP /LIB/TLS/LIBM.SO.6 / mNT / 100 / LIB / TLS /; CP /us R / 100 / USR / LIB / D.

Cp /usr/x11r6/lib/libxv.so.1 / mnt / 100 / usr / x11r6 / lib /; cp /us r/lib/libsdl-1.2.so. 0 / mnt / 100 / usr / lib /; CP / LIB / TLS / LibPthread.SO.0 / MNT / 100 / LIB / TLS /; CP /usR/LIB/Libsd.SO.0 / MNT / 100 / USR / lib /; cp /usr/lib/libaudiofile.so. 0 / mNT / 100 / USR / LiB /; CP /Lib/TLS/Libc.SO.6 / MNT / 100 / LIB / TLS /; CP /LIB/LibGCC_S.SO.1 / MNT / 100 / LIB /; CP /us r/lib/libexpat.so.0 / mnt / 100 / usr / lib /; cp /lib/ld/100/lib/ ((. ./cpmp) ------- -------------------------------------------------three , Copy xfree86-libs / * Note: xfree86-libs contains the shared libraries required for running x cop /tc/ld.so.conf / mnt / 100 / etc / * DLL libraries * / # mkdir -p / MNT / 100 / USR / X11R6 / LIB / X11 / LOCALE / LIB # CP-RF / USR / X11R6 / LIB / X11 / LOCALE / LIB / COMMON / MNT / 100 / USR / X11R6 / LIB / X11 / LOCALE / LIB # cp /usr/x11r6/lib/lib*.so.? / mnt / 100 / usr / x11r6 / lib / # chroot / mnt / 100 / bin / sh / * Enter to small system command line * / # more lnxf86ln - sf /usr/x11r6/lib/libgl.so.1 /lib/libgl.so.1;ln -sf /usr/x11r6/lib/libglu.so.1 /lib/libglu.so.1;ln -sf / USR / X11R6 / lib / libice.so. 6 /lib/ludibice.s O. 6; ln -sf /usr/x11r6/lib/libmrm.so.1 /lib/libmrm.so.1;ln -sf /usr/x11r6/lib/libmrm.so.1 /lib/libmrm.so. 3; ln -sf /usr/x11r6/lib/libosmesa.so.4 /lib/libosmesa.so.4/lib/libsm.so.6/lib/libsm.so.6 /lib/libsm.so.6; Ln -sf /usr/x11r6/lib/libuil.so.1 /lib/libuil.so.1;ln -sf /usr/x11r6/lib/libuil.so.1 /lib/libuil.so.3;ln - sf /usr/x11r6/lib/libx11.so.6 /lib/libx11.so.6 :ln -sf /usr/x11r6/lib/libxtrap.SO.6 /LIB/LIBXTRAP.SO. 6: Ln -sf / USR / X11R6 / LIB / LIBXAW.SO.6 /LIB/LIBXAW.SO.6A :ln -sf /usr/x11r6/lib/libxaw.so.6 /lib/libxaw.so.7 :ln -sf / usr / X11R6 / lib / lib / libxaw3d.so.6 /lib/libxaw3d.so.6;ln -sf /usr/x11r6/lib/libxaw3d.so.6 /lib/libxaw3d.so.7;ln -sf / usr / x11r6 / LIB / libxcursor.so.1 /lib/libxcursor.so.1 ;ln -sf /usr/x11r6/lib/libxext.so.6 /lib/libxext.so.6;

Ln -sf /usr/x11r6/lib/libxfont.so.1 /lib/libxfont.so.1 ;ln -sf /usr/x11r6/lib/libxft.so.1 /lib/libxft.so.1;ln - sf /usr/x11r6/lib/libxft.so.1 /lib/libxft.so.2;ln -sf /usr/x11r6/lib/libxi.so.6 /lib/libxi.so.6 :ln -sf / USR / X11R6 / Lib / libxm.so.1 /lib/libxm.so.1 ;ln -sf /usr/x11r6/lib/libxm.so.1 /lib/libxm.so.3;ln -sf / usr / X11R6 / lib / libxmu.so.6 /lib/libxmu.so.6 ;ln -sf /usr/x11r6/lib/libxmuu.so.1 /lib/libxmuuu.so.1;ln -sf / usr / x11r6 / LiB / libXp.so.6 /lib/libxp.so.6 ;ln -sf /usr/x11r6/lib/libxp.so.6/lib/libxp.so.6 :ln -sf / usr / x11r6 / lib / LIBXPM.SO.4 /LIB/LIBXPM.SO.4 :ln -sf /usr/x11r6/lib/libxrandr.so.2 /lib/libxrandr.so.2 :ln -sf / usr / x11r6 / lib / libxrender. SO.1 /LIB/LIBXRENDER.SO.1 ;ln -sf /usr/x11r6/libxt.so. 6/lib/libxt.SO.6 :ln -sf /usr/x11r6/lib/libxtst.so. 6 /LIB/LIBXTST.SO. 6A :ln -sf /usr/x11r6/lib/libxv.so.1 /lib/libxv.so.1;ln -sf /usr/x11r6/lib/libdps.so.1 / LIB / libdps.so.1; ln -sf /usr/x11r6/lib/libdpstk.so.1 /lib/libdpstk.so.1;ln -sf /usr/x11r6/lib/libpsRes.so.1 / lib / LibpsRes.so.1 #. / lnxf86 ------- -------------------------------------------------four , Edit the MPlayer configuration file 1, edit /Root/.mplayer/config, the content is as follows # write your default config options here! Fs = YESZOOM = YESGUI = YESSKIN = DEFAULTONTONTOP = YESCACHE = 8192 5. MPlayer play script file example / # more / USR / SBIN / PLRMEXPORT Display = 0: 0xfbdev -FP / USR / FONT / MISC & MPLAYER -MENU RTSP: // &

-------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------- ************* STEP 8 , Cut small system ********** ----------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------- --- First, Font # ln -sf / usr / x11r6 / lib / x11 / fonts / misc /Root/.mplayer/font


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