Many times ASP.NET will not display Chinese, how to solve this depressed small problem? You can try the following solutions: The first approach:
Add the <% @ codepage = "936"%> "statement to each page. E.g:
<% @ Codepage = "936"%>
<% @ Import namespace = ""%>
<% @ Import namespace = ""%>
<% @ Import namespace = "system.globalization"%>
Second approach:
Add a config.Web file to the web directory.
First create a file config.web, the content is as follows:
RequestentEncoding = "UTF-8"
ResponseEncoding = "UTF-8"
Then put it in the web directory.
Third approach:
Find this file in Winnt / Complus / [Version] /config.web, Note [Version] refers to the version number of NGWS, such as: WinNT / Complus / 1812.9 / config.web, then we open this file with Notepad, find As follows: Can you help you solve these small problems.