RedHat 9.0 and 8.0 Beautify Terminal, only Simsun to beautify KDE and GNOME

xiaoxiao2021-03-06  115

This post is verified, it can be used in the beautification of RedHat 9.0 Redhat 8.0. The font is clear. Extremely perfect. Foreword: Although we have a number of beautification methods, some of the brothers of Linux is still indifferent. I have learned all the landscaping posts afterwards, and I found that there are many problems. Mainly manifested in the following aspects: one. Some brothers don't have fonts, such as Simsun.ttc, but I don't know if I use SIMSUN.TTTF to be used. Mainly use 98 brothers, no this or that font is normal. It is found that a lot of brothers can't find a font, and they will walk everywhere. I can't see it. Ah. . two. The process of beautifying methods is not suitable for novices. three. Beautify packs cannot be universal. It may cause different components selected during compiling the environment and installation. SIMSUN beautification is completely feasible, and the official website FontCofig has been recognized in this method. This is a reasonable name for SIMSUN.

Disclaimer: This article refers to a number of brothers' post acknowledgment: Thank you, DPMC. Flysail, Xiaobao and Xiang Yu, BlackWhite and other brothers also thank you!

Note: 1.Linux commands and file names have cases of size 2. Before beautifying, back up the original file you want to change, for example, I want to back up the / root directory .bashrc, there is a small point in front. Don't forget it. To do this #CD / root # cp .bashrc .bashrc.bak If we mistake, we can restore, the method is as follows: #cp .bashrc.bak .bashrc3. Modify the tool for related files, use vi or kate, please do not use Gedit. Remember! ! 4.SIMSUN.TTC; FONTS.DIR; FONTS.SCALE three files are in a directory, that is to say is in the same directory / home / fonts5. It is worth noting that we use simsun.ttc, not SIMSun.ttf is gaining. If you have a SimSun.ttf font, you can change SIMSUN.TTTF to SIMSun.ttc. Pay attention to the suffix of the file.

The system's font is a good, we must go deep into the past, please have a lot of practice, we can't make more time to beautify, otherwise we will not gain! The fonts of other programs are better. Ask brothers to add and supplements in practice, we have to have practical spirit! Beautify the process:


1. Create a directory FONTS in the / home directory Point on the menu - System Tools - Terminal, then enter the creation directory command [root @ Linuxsir01 root] # mkdir / home / fonts2. Then copy the SIMSUN.TTC font to / HOME / FONTS directory. If you don't have SIMSUN.TTC, only simsun.ttf, we can also rename SimSun.ttf as SIMSU.TTC. If your font is partitioned in Windows. We can solve it with mount. How to use mount, because more content is more, it is recommended to use you to look at the post. If you are simsun.ttf, we rename Simsun.ttc for SIMSUN.TTTF, if you have copied SIMSUN.TTF to / Home / Fonts, follow the following operations. If your font is already simsun.ttc, it is not necessary to do this. [root @ Linuxsir01 root] # CD / home / fonts [root @ Linuxsir01 fonts] # ​​mv simsun.ttf simsun.ttc3. To build a font file for Simsun.ttc, there are two, respects Fonts.dir and Fonts.Scale . We are still in the directory / home / fonts operation in the SIMSUN font to enter the / home / fonts directory [root @ linuxsir01 root] #CD / home / fonts with Touch first build a fonts.dir file [root @ Linuxsir01 fonts] # ​​Touch Fonts.dir Look, is we built for the Fonts.Dir file? [root @ linuxsir01 fonts] # ​​ls then, we use the Kate editor to open Fonts.dir, or to operate in / home / fonts directory [root @ Linuxsir01 fonts] #kate fonts.dir then put the following blue Turn into the Fonts.Dir file open, and save exit.

31SIMSUN.TTC-MISC-FIXED-Medium-R-NORMAL - 0-0-0-C-0-GB2312.1980-0SIMSUN.TTTTC-MISC-SIMSUN-Medium-R-Normal - 0-0- 0-0-C-0-GB2312.1980-0Ai = 0.2: SIMSUN.TTC-MISC-SIMSUN-Medium-O-NORMAL - 0-0-0-C-0-GB2312.1980-0Ai = 0.4 : SIMSUN.TTTC -MISC-SIMSUN-Medium-I-NORMAL - 0-0-0-0-C-0-GB2312.1980-0AB = Y: SIMSUN.TTC-MISC-SIMSUN-BOLD-R-NORMAL- -0-0-0-0-C-0-GB2312.1980-0Ai = 0.2: AB = Y: SIMSUN.TTTC -MISC-SIMSUN-BOLD-O-NORMAL - 0-0-0-0-C- 0-GB2312.1980-0AI = 0.4: AB = Y: SIMSUN.TTC -MISC-SIMSUN-BOLD-I-NORMAL - 0-0-0-C-0-GB2312.1980-0SW = 1: BW = 0.5: SIMSUN.TTTC-MISC-SIMSUN-Medium-R-NORMAL - 0-0-0-0-0-0- ISO8859-1AB = Y: SW = 1: BW = 0.5: SIMSun.ttc -Misc- SIMSUN-BOLD-R-NORMAL - 0-0-0-0-C-0-ISO8859-1AI = 0.2: SW = 1: BW = 0.5: SIMSUN.TTC-MISC-SIMSUN-Medium-O-Normal - 0-0-0-0-C-0-ISO8859-1AI = 0.4: SW = 1: BW = 0.5: SIMSUN.TTTC -MISC-SIMSUN-Medium-I-NORMAL - 0-0-0-C -0-ISO8859-1AI = 0.2: AB = Y: SW = 1: BW = 0.5: SIMSUN.TTC-MISC-SIMSUN-BOLD-O-NORMAL - 0-0-0-0-C-0-ISO8859- 1AI = 0.4: AB = Y: SW = 1: BW = 0.5: SIMSUN.TTTC -MISC-SIMSUN-BOLD-I-NORMAL - 0-0-0-0-0- 0 - ISO8859-1AI = -0.2: SW = 1: BW = 0.5 : SIMSUN.TTTC -MISC-SIMSUN-Medium-Ro-Normal - 0-0-0-C-0-ISO8859-1AI = -0.4: SW = 1: BW = 0.5: SIMSUN.TTC -MISC-SIMSUN -MEDIUM-RI-NORMAL - 0-0-0-0-C-0-ISO8859-1AI = -0.2: AB = Y: SW = 1: BW = 0.5: SIMSUN.TTTC -MISC-SIMSUN-BOLD-RO -NORMAL - 0-0-0-0- C-0-ISO8859-1AI = -0.4: AB = Y: SW = 1: BW = 0.5: SIMSUN.TTTC-MISC-SIMSUN-bold-ri-normal - 0-0-0-0-C-0-ISO8859-1AI = -0.4: SIMSUN.TTC -MISC-SIMSUN-medium-ri-Normal - 0-0-0-0-C-0-GB2312.1980- 0Ai = -0.4: AB = Y: SIMSUN.TTC-MISC-SIMSUN-BOLD-RI-NORMAL - 0-0-0-0-0AI = -0.2: SIMSUN.TTC -MISC -SIMSUN-Medium-Ro-Normal - 0-0-0-0-C-0-GB2312.1980-0Ai = -0.2: AB =

Y: SIMSUN.TTC-MISC-SIMSUN-BOLD-RO-NORMAL - 0-0-0-0-C-0-GB2312.1980-0SIMSUN.TTTTC-MISC-SIMSUN-Medium-R-Normal - 0- 0-0-0-C-0-GBK-0AI = 0.2: SIMSUN.TTTC-MISC-SIMSUN-Medium-O-NORMAL - 0-0-0-0-C-0-GBK-0Ai = 0.4: SIMSUN .TTC-MISC-SIMSUN-Medium-I-Normal - 0-0-0-0-C-0-GBK-0AB = Y: SIMSUN.TTC-MISC-SIMSUN-BOLD-R-NORMAL - 0-0 -0-0-C-0-GBK-0AI = 0.2: AB = Y: SIMSUN.TTTC -MISC-SIMSUN-BOLD-O-NORMAL - 0-0-0-0ETheTheTheTheTheTheTheTheTheTheTheTheTheTheTheTheTheThe 0.4: AB = Y: SIMSUN.TTTC -MISC-SIMSUN-BOLD-I-NORMAL - 0-0-0-0-C-0-GBK-0AI = -0.4: SIMSUN.TTC -MISC-SIMSUN-Medium- Ri-Normal - 0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-00.4: AB = Y: SIMSUN.TTC-MISC-SIMSUN-BOLD-RI-NORMAL - 0-0-0-0 -C-0-GBK-0AI = -0.2: SIMSUN.TTC-MISC-SIMSUN-Medium-Ro-Normal - 0-0-0-C-0-GBK-0AI = -0.2: AB = Y: SIMSUN.TTTC-MISC-SIMSUN-BOLD-RO-NORMAL - 0-0-0-0-C-0-GBK-0 Note: You also attachment to the ground, copy the downloaded attachment Font.txt to / home / Fonts directory and renamed Fonts.dir and Fonts.Scale

If you download the attachment to the / root directory, you should click on the following [root @ Linuxsir01 root] # cp font.txt /Home/fonts/fonts.dir[Root@linuxsir01 root] # CP font.txt / home / fonts / FONTS.SCALE is complete, it should be very simple. 4. Modify the / etc / x11 / xf86config file. You can also modify with the Kate editor. To back up / etc / x11 / xf86config first, then operate. The purpose of this is that we have changed the wrong file and can recover the original file. 1] Backup access / etc / x11 directory [root @ Linuxsir01 root] # CD / etc / x11 / backup [root @ Linuxsir01 x11] # CP XF86config XF86ConfigBak If we change the wrong, we have to recover. This is the case after the process of changing the document, no more. [root @ Linuxsir01 x11] # CP XF86Configbak Xf86Config2] Use the Kate Editor to change the file, in / etc / x11 directory [root @ Linuxsir01 x11] # Kate Xf86config in front of FontPath "UNIX /: 7100", add fontpath " / home / fonts "such a line

Join the Load "XTT" in section "Module", please see the second post in more detail, if you don't add the "XTT", the program garbled will appear! !

Load "freetype" and load "type1", plus ##, to log off. 5. Modify /etc/fonts/fonts.conf, or as previously said, to back up. This process is omitted [root @ Linuxsir01 x11] # cd / etc / fonts Open fonts.conf [root @ Linuxsir01 fonts] # ​​Kate Fonts.conf We want to add the following line

to open Fonts.conf / home / fonts

What is it? Added in front of the three lines of the following three lines

/ usr / x11r6 / lib / x11 / fonts / type1 / usr / month / fonts ~ / .fonts < / dir> [colioir = blue] You can also download the attachment of Fonts.conf. After downloading, you can rename Fonts.conf, and copy it to the / etc / fonts directory, for example, you can download it to the / tmp, we can do this #CD / TMP # cp fonts.conf.txt /etc/fonts/fonts.conf also said that the original file is overwritten. [/ Color]


6. Modify the /etc/gtk/gtkrc.zh_cn file to back up. I have said before and after, I will not say more. [root @ Linuxsir01 root] # CD / etc / gtk / [root @ Linuxsir01 gtk] # Kate gtkrc.zh_cn is changed to the following. # $ (Gtkconfigdir) /gtkrc.zh_CN## This file defines the fontsets for Chinese language (zh) using # the simplified chinese standard GuoBiao as in mainland China (CN) ## 1999, Pablo Saratxaga # STYLE "gtk-default-zh-cn" {fontset = "-Misc-simsun-medium-r-NORMAL - 14- * - * - * - * - * - - GB2312.1980-0, / - Misc-SIMSUN- Medium-r-NORMAL - 14- * - * - * - * - * - GB2312.1980-0 "} Class" gtkwidget "style" gtk-default-zh-cn "

For /etc/gtkrc.zh_cn, you can also download the attachments I have passed. After downloading, you want to name gtkrc.zh_cn, pay attention to case, then copy to / etc / gtk directory

So far, the preparation of the previous period is over, let's beautify the Gnome and KDE of each user. We use the root user as an example to explain:

1. Add in the current user directory: Export GDK_USE_XFT = 0 If the root user, you should do it, don't forget backup .bashrc, note: There is a small point in front. The process of backup is omitted, please refer to the forebellation. [root @ Linuxsir01 root] # kate ~ / .bashrc This line is placed in the middle of the two lines below. # .bashrcexport GDK_USE_XFT = 0 # User Specific Aliases and functions2. If you are logging in as a root, set the GNOME font to the SAN12 in the GNOME menu = "Preference =" font. 3. If KDE is also aesthetically beautiful, we have to run the following command [root @ Linuxsir01 root] # qtconfig is as shown in the figure, after the change, don't forget [save]

4. Log in to KDE as root, we have to control the center in KDE - "Viewing -" font, you can set the font to SIMSUN 12. In the view = "Desktop =" Appearance = "Set the font to the SIMSUN size 12 in the KDE Control Center =" File Manager = ", set the font to SIMSUN 12

5.Mozilla's font [Must upgrade Mozilla to solve the phenomenon of English literals]

Mozilla Menu Edit-> Preference- "APPEARENCE-" Fonts. If you want to allow Mozilla to upgrade into a Chinese version, you can refer to this post.

If you download Mozilla's free installation package, please see here

We must first change the /usr/lib/mozilla-1.2.1 directory to Mozilla-1.2.1bak, then we copy the downloaded package to the /usr/lib/mozilla-1.2.1 directory. TAR ZXVF * .TAR.GZ # cp -r mozilla /usr/lib/mozilla-1.2.111.xmms font settings, or view settings: On the XMMS menu = "Option =" function setting = "fonts . Put the PLAYLIST font of XMMS: -misc-simsun-medium-r-normal - * - * - 120 - * - * - c - * - GBK-0MAIN WINDOW YES: -MISC-SIMSUN-Medium-r-normal- * - * - 120 - * - * - C - * - GBK-012.Gnome The font of the terminal in the terminal is set on the menu of the terminal: Select [Edit] - "Formulated -" Edit - "Default =" Edit = "General In the hook in the small box in front of the user application, then set the font to SIMSUN. OK is OK. Extremely beautiful. 13. KDE's terminal font, we can also use the above way. However, it is a bit different. On the menu of the KDE desktop, click [System Tools] = "terminal, on its menu, click [Settings] -" Font = "We first select a font, then apply it. We have to repeat this process, just this time, we have to set the font to SIMSUN. Why do you do this, try it. Set it, then I don't forget to save you [set] = "save. The terminal font of KDE is also extremely beautiful.

After setting these, we can check out, actually to log out, then press the combination key [Ctrl] Alt [Backspace] If you still want to beautify other users, such as I want to beautify the Beinan user, For the KDE desktop, that is, to the control center, it is also said. But for gnome is a bit different, you have to add the current users. Thebashrc has to join the EXPORT GDK_USE_XFT = 0, and then set the font. . . Set it, don't forget to restart X, if you don't know how to restart X, you will restart your computer. .


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