Basic knowledge - release of linked list

xiaoxiao2021-03-06  118



Struct List


Int Datenum;

List * next;

}; // silly boy !! cogot;

Typedef List Node;

TypeDef node * link;

// Release of the list

Void Freelist (Link Head)


Link Pointer;

While (Head! = null)


Pointer = HEAD;

HEAD = head-> next;




// output of the list

Void OutputList (Link Head)


Link Pointer;

Pointer = HEAD;

While (Pointer! = NULL)


Printf ("Datanumber:% D / N", Pointer-> Datenum);

Pointer = POINTER-> NEXT;



// Establishment of the list

Link Createlist (Link Head) / / Returns Head Node



Link Pointer;

Link newNode;

HEAD = (link) Malloc (sizeof (node));

IF (head == null)

Printf ("Failed to Allocate Memory! / N");

Else {

Printf ("Please Input Number of List (0 means quit):");

Scanf ("D%", Head-> Datenum);

HEAD-> next = NULL;

Pointer = HEAD;

While (1)


Printf ("Please Input Number of List (0 means quit):");

Scanf ("% D", DATANUM);

IF (datanum == 0)

Break; // exit

// If you don't quit?

NewNode = (link) Malloc (sizeof (node);

NewNode-> Datenum = Datanum

NewNode-> next = null;

Pointer-> Next = newNode;

Pointer = newNode;



Return head;


void main ()


Link head;


IF (Head! = null)


OutputList (HEAD);

Freelist (Head);




New Post(0)