(DELPHI) Program running custom component source code (including two tips, progress bars, avi) during operation

xiaoxiao2021-03-06  112

Note: (Please click on the following before the component is installed, "DES32.PAS is useless to open the DSDLGPACK.DPK component package with Delphi, then" remove "des32.pas file, otherwise compiling the source code download address: http: //www.9cbs.net/cnshare/soft/openfile.asp?kind=1&id=21608 If you can't download: http://blog.9cbs.net/luckyjan/archive/2003/06/25/13071.aspx A source code for the Wait dialog for the Delphi program design is mainly used to display a wait dialog in the program run, which contains an avi (tanimate), two prompt information (ie TLabel), a progress bar; deiphi5 .0 or more test Through the main method: FormShow: Display Waiting dialog FORMHIDE: Close Wait Dialog ProGressStepit: Wait for the scheduler in the schedule: Name: Wait for dialog name CAPTION: Waiting for dialog box CAPTION MESSAGE1 : Waiting for the dialog box 1 message2: Waiting for the dialog box 2 WordWrap: Message1, Message2 One-line display cannot be finished, do you automatically go to Message1Font, Message2Font: Message1, Message2 Font Aviacitive: Wait for the AVI action in the dialog box: Wait for ProGressMax: Progress Bar Max PROGRESSMIN: Screen Minimum PROGRESSPOS: Progression Current Position ProgressStep: ProgressStepit Method DialogStyle (= DLGNORMAL, DLGSTAYONTOP): Waiting for the dialog box when it is always at the forefront aviPosition (= Avibottom, Avitop, Avileft: AVI location [OPT IONS]: ShowMessage1: Whether to display a message 1 ShowMessage2: Whether to display the prompt information 2 showavi: Whether to display avi showcaption: Waiting for the Waiting dialog Caption showProgress: Whether to display the progress bar showProgressText: Whether the progress bar is displayed on the progress bar?


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