XVID Practice (1)

xiaoxiao2021-03-06  107

XVid practice learning of (a) (original) Author: winne I start XVID download site to version 1.0.2 of the code. After decompression, you can see the following directory BuilddebiandOCDShowExampleSrcvfw corresponding to the corresponding development. Where the file in the src directory is Core. If you use the VC compile item, enter the build / win32 directory, open XVIDCORE.DSP. In the DSHOW directory is a decoder filter, you can compile a Filter based on CVIDETRANSFORMFILTER. In the VFW directory, you can use the VFW programming method. In the doc directory, install is a DOS file format, you can read this article, know how to get the latest XVID code, if you compile XVIDCORE, etc.

In addition, if you want to compile success, you may need to download the Nasm.exe program. Compilation is divided into two parts: IA32 and IA64. The directory structure is as follows: decoder.c / encoder.c / xvid.c / bitstream / bitstream.c / - Byte stream operation code BitStream / mbcoding.c / --- For VLC and VOP byte operation bitdustream / cbp.c / dct / fdct.c / --- DCT transform DCT / IDCT.C / --- DCT reverse Transform DCT / Simple_IDCT.C / Image / Colorspace.c / - Color Space Change Image / Image.c / Image / Interpolate8x8.c / --- 8 * 8/16 * 16 Low-pass Conversion Image / Font.c / --- Character processing section / postProcessing.c / --- Image processing section / qPEL.C / image / reduced.c / motion / estimation_bvop.c / - b frame VOP prediction section Motion / Estimation_Common.c / --- Template search motion / estimation_gmc.c / motion / estimation_pvop.c / --- p frame VOP prediction section Motion / Estimation_rd_based.c / motion / gmc.c / motion / motion_comp.c / --- Motion compensation Motion /VOP_TYPE_DECISION.C / --- VOP Type Description Motion / Sad.c / prediction / MBPrediction.c / --- MPEG Macro Block Prediction Plugins / Plugin_Single.c / - plugins / plugin_2pass1.c / plugins / plugin_2pass2.c / plugins / plugin_lumimasking.c / plugins / plugin_dump.c / plugins / plugin_psnr.c / quant / quant_h263.c / --- h263 quantitative quant / quant_matrix.c / - - Quantitative parameter quant / quant_mpeg.c / utils / emms.c / utils / mbtransquant.c / utils / mem_align.c / --- memory alignment Utils / MEM_TRANSFER.C / --- Memory Conversion Utils / Timer.c

SRC_IA32 = / BITSTREAM / X86_ASM / CBP_3DNE.ASM / --- Optimized byte stream operation BitStream / x86_asm / cbp_mmx.asm / bitstream / x86_asm / cbp_sse2.asm / dct / x86_asm / fdct_mmx_ffmpeg.asm / --- with MMX Optimization FFMPEG dct / x86_asm / fdct_mmx_skal.asm / dct / x86_asm / fdct_sse2_skal.asm / dct / x86_asm / idct_3dne.asm / dct / x86_asm / idct_mmx.asm / dct / x86_asm / idct_sse2_dmitry.asm / dct / x86_asm / simple_idct_mmx.asm / image / x86_asm / colorspace_rgb_mmx.asm / --- rgb / yuv conversion image / x86_asm / colorspace_yuv_mmx.asm / image / x86_asm / colorspace_yuyv_mmx.asm / image / x86_asm / interpolate8x8_3dn.asm / image / x86_asm / interpolate8x8_3dne.asm / image / x86_asm / interpolate8x8_mmx.asm / image / x86_asm / interpolate8x8_xmm.asm / image / x86_asm / reduced_mmx.asm / image / x86_asm / qpel_mmx.asm / motion / x86_asm / sad_xmm.asm / motion / x86_asm / sad_sse2.asm / motion / x86_asm / sad_mmx. ASM / MOTION / X86_ASM / SAD_3DNE.ASM / MOTION / X86_ASM / SAD_3DN.ASM / Quant / X86_ASM / Quantize_H263_MMX.ASM / --- For Intel and AMD Optimization H263 Quantization parameters quant / x86_asm / quantize_h263_3dne.asm / quant / x86_a sm / quantize_mpeg_xmm.asm / quant / x86_asm / quantize_mpeg_mmx.asm / utils / x86_asm / mem_transfer_mmx.asm / --- for Intel and AMD optimized memory conversion utils / x86_asm / mem_transfer_3dne.asm / utils / x86_asm / interlacing_mmx.asm / utils / X86_ASM / CPUID.ASM only lists some of the code tree, the code above this part is important. At this time, you can open the libxvidcore project to read.


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