Movie, English name is The Terminator. The Chinese name of "Happiness Term Station", I don't know if I should understand the end of happiness or the other side of happiness, just as the end of the film. The protagonist comes from a Russian small country. For the father's favorite jazz group to New York, I hope to request a signature of only a orchestra member. Destiny is natural, on the plane, his country has a coup, when he enters the airport building, he is already "citizen of nowhere". He may stay at the airport in the rest of the day. Language is unlocked, personalized, honesty, this all made him abandon the opportunity of the airport supervisor, and it seems to experience an alternative life in the international machine that did not do without him. He is hungry, poor, labor, love, he may be stupid, stupid, but he won the airport worker, the guidance and friendship of the guard, won a flight attendant love. Everything is used for 9 months, but happiness can't always last long, or you should say happiness always come too fast. The country is peaceful. His lover has exchanged an emergency visa for him with his own feelings. He can enter New York a day, you can return to China, you can end wait. Love is gone, workers and guards are helpless, motivate him out of the airport, go to New York, the signature is smooth, waiting for him, or what should he wait?
Waiting, it is the theme of this movie, people think of "waiting for Goto", just, he knows what is waiting, but I don't know what will be waiting. What are we waiting for? He used nine months, we might, to be a lifetime ...
Yeah, Every One is Waiting for Something, or SomeOne ...