Display page load time
Add the following code at the top of the page:
StrstartTime = Timer 'starts%>
The end of the page (the same page) Add:
<% 'Loaded at STRENDTIME = Timer
Response.write ("page load time:")
Response.Write FormatNumber (StrendTime - StrstartTime, 4) Response.write ("Second.")%>
The top 20 characters before displaying the string and add "..." at the end.
<% DIM CUTSHORTSHORT = rsYourRecordSet.fields.item ("Yourfield"). ValueResponse.write Left (Cutshort, 20) & "........"%>
If the dynamic picture is empty, use the default picture instead
<% DIM PICSHOWPICSHOW = rsShowHide.fields.Item ("shmainpix"). Valueif PicShow <> "" "> > < % ELSE%>
<% end if%>