1. You can create a very complex page, using methods containing JS files, join the document.write () method in the JS file can be added to all pages, advertising, etc.
2. Static HTML file Use the MS Windows2000 INDEX Server to establish a full-text search engine, using ASP.NET to get search results in a DataTable method. The Win2000's INDEX service cannot find the content of the XML file. This search feature will be very powerful if the database search is included with the INDEX index.
3. Save
The server's load requests a static HTML file to save a lot than an ASPX file server resource.
Idea 2: If you use hard-coded way, the workload is very large, you need a lot of HTML code. Difficulties in debugging. Moreover, the HTML style generated by hardcod cannot be modified. If the site is replaced, then you must re-encode, bringing huge effort to the later period.
So this is the first idea
Library code
1. Define (Template.htm) HTML Template Page
{ String line; While (line = sr.readline ())! = null) { HtmlText.Append (line); } sr.close (); } } Catch { |