Reprinted: Install apache2 + php5 + mysql at DEBIAN Source Code

xiaoxiao2021-03-06  116

In Debian source installation apache2 PHP5 MySQL Author: Diudiu Add Time: 2004-06-18 Keywords: php5

Debian is really great, but some updates make people feel very slow, such as LAMP's set of updates is very slow. No way, then the source code is installed. (In fact, Apache and MySQL are safe to use Debian package installed APT-GET Install Apache2-Common Apache2-MPM-Perforfork MySQL-COMMON MySQL-Server MySQL-COMMON MYSQL-Server MySQL-Client, I'm tick, I have compiled. For mysql mainly The Debian package is installed in the time of doing database mirroring.). 1. Install MySQL: Compile Mysql is the least trouble what is the matter, because its document install-source has been said in a very detailed. First download> GroupAdd MySqlshell> Useradd -g mysql mysqlshell> TAR ZXVF mysql-4.0.20.tar.gzshell> cd mysql-4.0.20shell> ./ Configure --PREFIX = / USR / local / mysql (I will install / usr / local as an independent partition "Southall> Make && Make Installshell> Support-files / my-medium.cnf / Etc / my.cnfshell> Support-files / mysql.server /etc/init.d/mysqlshell system.dmod x /etc/init.d/mysql # Then select MySQL to be used as a service every time through Rcconf. Shell> cd / usr / local / mysql shell> / bin / mysql_install_db --user = mysqlshell> chown -r root .shell> chown -r mysql varshell> chgrp -r mysql .shell> bin / mysqld_safe --user = mysql & Or shell> /etc/init.d/mysql startok, complete! 2, install apache2: Download HTTPD-2.0.49.tar.gz. Shell> TAR ZXVF httpd-2.0.49.tar.gzshell> ./ Configure --prefix = / usr / local / apache2 --enable-so --enable-rEWRITE --NABLE-MODS-Shared --Nable-SSL - SSL - -ENABLE-TRACK-VARSSHELL> Make & Make Install installation is complete. The configuration file httpd.conf should be modified here, but because it is needed after installing the PHP, so I will wait until he is. 3, install php5: Download PHP-5.0.0rc3.tar.gz.


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